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It was about Texas fought for independent from Mexico, becoming the 28 state of the USA. The Alamo was an 18th century Franciscan Mission in San Antonio, Texas, which was the location of an important battle for Texans fighting for independence from Mexico. In December 1835,
1) above (The Mexican forces were led by General Santa Anna. He led a large force of around 1,800 troops. The Texans were led by the frontiersman James Bowie and Lieutenant Colonel William Travis. There were around 200 Texans defending the Alamo which included the famous folk hero Davy Crockett.)
2) "Gone To Texas"
3) "The Alamo: Thirteen Days to Glory" complete 1987 TV-Movie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3iEyMREsy0Y (Alec Baldwin: "freedom to make his choices about his life - where he live, how he live, and how he raises his family)
situations: 181 defenders died, 154 Mexicans soldiers died. of 3000-6000 of Mexicans military
4) The Alamo by Director John Lee Hancock (2004) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtzXNyiINQY Sam Houston also left some 250 soldiers, most of whom were ill in the camp near the Batterson House. After crossing the bayou, Houston led and defeated the Mexicans under General Santa Anna in the battle of San Jacinto in 18 minutes and won independence for Texas
"I had the honor of seeing the Alamo in 1992, and just loved walking on that ground. It seemed a sacred place. Hope to visit again one day, before I die."
"The most remarkable movie I nearly never seen. How I have missed this movie up till now. I can not explain especially since Sam Elliott is one of the all time favorite actors. My many thanks and deepest gratitude to you for sharing this remarkable story. In my 62 years of life I don't recall ever seeing a more powerful movie concerning the great state of Texas that I'm proud to say is my birth place and home ."
================ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtzXNyiINQY
Joel Osteen
None of us like difficulties, but when you understand that without the winter seasons you can’t see greater growth, greater fruit, then you won’t complain. You realize God’s getting you prepared to handle greater weight, greater favor, greater influence.