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The Return of the Native (1994) Catherine Zeta Jones (young)

(2020-12-17 14:56:34) 下一个

Thomas Hardy wrote about beautiful, spirited, ambitious women who lived in times that offered no outlet for that except through a man (who was often insubstantial.) Although his stories often ended in tragedy, I've always valued the appreciation he had for the lives and spirit of these women.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twe1_LIWgwA?  

The scriptwriting and dialogue is over the top and grammar-schoolish, and the acting IS over the top and surprisingly poor. Sucked overall.
A woman with ambition but has no means to reach it, thank's to the ignorant husband. She'd rather die than to face any more shame. Poor soul.
Despite strong performances this is a much too streamlined film adaptation of the amazing classic novel by Thomas Hardy that nullifies its emotional impact. It's unbelievable that while there are about a zillion screen adaptations of every Jane Austin novel, there is not one decent movie or series of this book. Hello BBC? Hello Masterpiece Theater
Jacques Vandermeer
Catherine Zeta-Jones, Clive Owen


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