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(2020-03-13 20:40:52) 下一个

pov: Neither "flamboyant French style," nor "The purest and the most human interpretion" gives out any sensational expression/description of music played by her.


ANNE-SOPHIE MUTTER ~ Mozart Violin Concerto # 3 in G major - Camerata Salzburg  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KX4cYb3fw1Y






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Published on Jul 10, 2014

K.216 was Mozart's "break out" concerto for violin and orchestra with its flamboyant French style in its opening movement. Anne-Sophie Mutter plays and conducts the Camerata Salzburg Orchestra in another outstanding performance by the virtuoso violinist.
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Comments • 331

Young A Kim
I listen to this every morning, and it just tells me that there are still happy moments in life. Thank you Mutter! You really are amazing!
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Scrubby Scrubby
I am playing this song for the Juilliard audition. Wish me luck!
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Nurullah Izmiroglu
Mutter plays wonderfully and with a very good control of volume. Her violin flows like a river...
Paul Doron
This ist a revelation!!! The purest and the most human interpretion of this masterpiece of Mozart. Every note is a surprize of an unimaginable musical expressivness. This Interpretation surpasses everything heared until now. This is not the experience with Karajan which made Anne-Sophie Mutter to reach such a pure musical performance, but this is only she hersself who could eliberate herself from everything which was in the way of her own personal musical performance. The orchestra plays much more differentiated and much more musically articulated as Karajan could make an orchestra play.
C'mon enough of the haters' vitriol. This was a tour de force performance, a rare gem in a sky of superstar performances. Mozart was a virtuoso violinist and pianist. Nobody infuses passion into a violin concerto than Anne Sophie Mutter.
If Mozart were present in this performance, he would have been in tears at the end and would have been the first to jump up in a standing ovation.Mozart was passion personified in a controlled manner, not the artificial Romantic era passion seemingly designed to break violin strings.
Mutter is that rare beautifully stunning performer and musical interpreter that perhaps comes along once in a century. She has a unique and exceptional talent of achieving the impossible, ie, literally and absurdly elevating the works of immortal masters like Bach, Vivaldi, and Beethoven.
I have seen her perform live over the decades at Carnegie Hall and Avery Fisher Hall and she oftentimes seemed like a virtuoso apparition or mirage that left me shaking my head in wonder and was simply incomparable! There is absolutely no one like her.
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josenico A
Violin Concerto No. 3 in G, K. 216: III. Rondo Violín: Anne-Sophie Mutter 1) Allegro (00:00) 2) Adagio (10:18) 3) Rondeau. Allegro (20:02)
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Terrible filming. Too many invasive unnecessary excessively zoomed seasickness-inducing closeups.
Laurel Thomsen
I love how she makes this her own. Each note considered and given life.
Derek Belbin
Anne-Sophie Mutter's interpretation of this incredible work is spellbinding,her treatment of the Adagio is one of the most beautiful and soulful passages of Mozart's music ever recorded-it really tears at the heartstrings.
Doug P
wow....i'm completely blown away by this incredibly beautiful & powerful interpretation!!...many fiddlers play mozart beautifully, but for me, nowhere nearly as fantastic as this!....maybe her vibrato is a a bit wide, but it works very well for this piece....i simply don't understand all the negative comments..
.why play all these fantastic composers music as they perceived it was played in their era's?!!...after all this is 2015!!....i admire any musician that gives his/her OWN interpretation & not play like a copying machine!!..
.wonder what on earth they think of nigel kennedy's 4 seasons?!....the only thing i would complain about [& it has nothing to do with the performers or uploader] is the "fotography / editing"??!!!...how utterly amateurish & pathetic!!...& to think that they were PAID for such "work"!!...anyway, many thanx for sharing !!!
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