I asked a few to translate "中国油条" to English. Here is the list of answers:
- Chinese Fritters
- (fried noodles)
- Chinese cruller,
- Chinese fried churro,
- Chinese oil stick
- Fried Chinese Breadstick
- fried dough stick
- photo 1

My perspective:
None of above captures the puff-up, loose, crispy physique of 中国油条口感松脆有韧劲. HML said, French croissant (法国羊角面包)! That's the best to describe (photo 1, compared to photo 2)
photo 2)
Youtiao, also known as Chinese cruller, Chinese fried churro, Chinese oil stick, Chinese ... Youtiao wrapped in a rice noodle roll is known as zháliǎng. .... Chinese Doughnut Recipe (Crisp Fried Fritters/Breadstick) | 油條 Yóutiáo - Angel Wong's ...Missing: 中国 | Must include:
中国 油条,是一种古老的汉族面食,长条形中空的油炸食品,口感松脆有韧劲,中国传统的早点之一。那么你想知道 ... 的相关英语表达:. 中式油条Chinese fried twisted dough-rolls ... 马铃薯油条potato fritter. 油条的英语 ... 乌龙面Seafood noodles. 4. 汤类.