
宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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natural look Lauren Bacall (autobiograph talk)

(2019-02-25 22:00:54) 下一个

Lauren Bacall: Intimate Portrait (1993) chain of events from that moment - to the movie capital of the world.

Bogie and Bacall gotta chemistry on screen


Instinct move: iconic figures growing up for imitating Betty Davis, Vivian Leigh, Katherine Hupburn -

Boggie (45 YO), married man, three-time, but never had family life, never had children.

Lauren (19 YO). got two children, 32 YO upon death of Boggie. posed "holding chin low, looking up angle - facious portrait - the beginning of the famous look.

To Have and Have Not - you do know how to whistle - 12-22-08 8 41 AM    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9Ay727EYzw

lauren bacall: to have and have not "how little we know"



How deep her voice! 614,080 views

To Have and Have Not (1944) -Slap and Kiss - Humphrey Bogart - Lauren Bacall

To Have And Have Not - Bogart and Bacall



Comment: Bogart's "straight arrow" attitude about marital fidelity? Sounds like studio version to me. Sperber & Lax dispute claim in bio., "Bogart." In early '40's, Bogart, married to Mayo, was seeing former wife, H. Menken, NYC, and in Hollywood, involved with Verita Peterson, [later, Thompson.] Was referred to as "quiet gossip", but she was referred to by one, as "Bogie's gal." Peterson claimed affair lasted from '42 to '54; most during the Bacall years, "Bogie and Me," her book, 1982. To my knowledge, this has not been corroborated. Some writers have said that Bacall knew of this affair.

Everything you need to know is within you - Master Jodie Foster "actors focus on the moment - director look beyond that?
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