
宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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Lybia 1931 Italia occupy

(2018-09-03 17:56:18) 下一个

Lion of the Desert is a 1981 Libyan historical action film. starring Anthony Quinn as Libyan tribal leader Omar Mukhtar, a Bedouin leader fighting the Italian army in the years leading up to World War II and Oliver Reed as Italian General Rodolfo Graziani, who attempted to defeat Mukhtar. It was directed by Moustapha Akkad and funded by the government under Muammar Gaddafi.[1] Released in May 1981, the film was liked by critics and audiences


The only valid description of a muslim is "a Moron in the Desert".?
Bill Huber
1:46:01 the young lieutenant is a true soldier .he has a conscience about murdering defenseless civilians .?
Rachel Thomas
Horrible massacre of Libyans by the Italians merely for the greed to have expansion, like Hitler, indeed Mussolini and Hitler were partners and of the same inhuman nature. Its horrible to watch the Italians do this slaughter its like America did to the American Indian except in this case the modern weapons of the Italians were even greater.... against the Bedouins "bows and arrows" because the Italians had airplanes and tanks, to slaughter from the air and on the ground. But, indeed every Bedouin fighting against such over powering modern weapons and even truly outnumbered by the Italians who brought THOUSANDS of soldiers in their determination to own another Country....really incredible the inhuman nature of the Italians. Similar to all these Europeans and American wars against countries peopled by persons "of color". It seems totally no recognition of their humanity...JUST SLAUGHTER THEM....?
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