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\'Publish or perish\'

(2018-04-18 10:40:27) 下一个

Publish or perish - Wikipedia

"Publish or perish" is a phrase coined to describe the pressure in academia to rapidly and continually publish academic work to sustain or further one's career. Frequent publication is one of the few methods at scholars' disposal to demonstrate academic talent.

Publish Or Perish Culture Encourages Scientists To Cut Corners ...

Last week there was another very public case of a journal article being retracted as a result of academic misconduct. This time it was in the Journal of th.

Publish or perish: Where are we heading? - NCBI - NIH

by S Rawat - ‎2014 - ‎Cited by 37 - ‎Related articles
Frequent publication is one of the few powerful methods at scholar's disposal to demonstrate academic talent to peers. Successful publication of research brings attention to scholars and their institutions. This in turn may bring in more funding for the institute and also ensure an individual's progress through their field.

Publish-or-Perish Culture Promotes Scientific Narcissism - The ...

May 7, 2012 - Hendrik van Dalen and Kène Henkens, researchers at Tilburg University in the Netherlands, report their findings in “Intended and unintended consequences of a publish-or-perish culture: A worldwide survey“ which appeared online in the Journal of the American Society for Information Science and ...

Dr. Hyungsun Kim: Don't become a victim of the publish-or-perish culture

Feb 10, 2017 - Dr. Hyungsun Kim, Professor at the School of Materials Engineering, Inha University, Korea, has 20 years of experience teaching academic writing and best publication practices to Asian researchers and journal editors. Following a PhD from Imperial College London (1989), Dr. Kim worked as a Research ...

Publish or perish. Part I - Scientific results | Coursera

Jan 1, 2018
Video created by Universiteit Leiden for the course "On Being a Scientist". This module discusses the ...

Publish or Perish? Yes. Embrace It. - The Chronicle of Higher Education

Feb 15, 2016 - In graduate school, when I first heard the saying "publish or perish," I remember it uttered as a dire warning: If you want to make it as a professor, you have to publish, publish, publish — and never stop, no matter what. It made publishing sound awful (at best, a miserable fate to be endured) and necessary.

Publish-or-perish: Peer review and the corruption of science | David ...

Sep 5, 2011 - The blame for this sad situation lies with the people who have imposed a publish-or-perish culture, namely research funders and senior people in universities. To have "written" 800 papers is regarded as something to boast about rather than being rather shameful. University PR departments encourage ...

'Publish or perish' culture distorting research results | Times Higher ...

Apr 22, 2010 - A "publish or perish" culture in which scientific careers rely on the volume of citations is distorting the results of research, a new study suggests. An analysis by Daniele Fanelli, of the University of Edinburgh, finds that researchers report more "positive" results for their experiments in US states where ...

A culture of publish or perish - ANU Reporter

In September, there was another very public case of a journal article being retracted as a result of academic misconduct. Dr Anna Ahimastos, lead author at Melbourne's Baker IDI, reportedly admitted she fabricated data in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Sadly, the story is all too familiar. Science is not ...
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