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Gene Hackman, Liv Ullmann & Eileen Heckart 1974

(2018-02-27 22:19:15) 下一个

Western Movies Zandy's Bride Western 1974 Gene Hackman, Liv Ullmann & Eileen Heckart  



How to pronounce Liv Ullmann - PronounceItRight

Liv Ullmann: learn how to pronounce Liv Ullmann in Norwegian with the correct pronunciation approved by native linguists. Read about Liv Ullmann.

[UHI - m uh n]  -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_5vlJkfdTw ((
Published on Sep 3, 2013

Audio and video pronunciation of Ullmann brought to you by Pronounce Names (http://www.PronounceNames.com), a website dedicated to helping people pronounce names correctly. For more information about this name, such as gender, origin, etc., go to http://www.PronounceNames.com/Ullmann))

women care of their hair - elegant, lovely (45:53'')

49:00'' fight bear and killed it !

Liv Ullmann, naïve looking, innocent, 

1:18:14 "I's out for three months - wife made a garden - his cattle destroy her garden. 

1:20:45'' , care of horse

1:22:03 China Town

1:29:00   He admitted to her: "give me time - when to do. You gotta right to get me out of that door" 

1:34:20 twins - a boy, a girl

Self-reliance women feel independent, stronger, surviving alone without men.


It was a bit hard to watch at times, but in the end they showed us exactly how it's done! Come together, sort out the stupid problems standing in the way, and make the marriage work! My wife and I have been married 36 years and if you don not think that making a marriage work is tough, then you haven't been married as long as I have! But no woman should endure abuse of any sort. Good movie, thanks for the upload.

What a lovely movie. I've seen it before and still enjoyed watching it again. The facial expressions on this ignorant man (Hackman) as he is gradually shown how love can be expressed. Liv Ullmann and Gene Hackman both did a great job. I'm only sorry some of people who commented below couldn't see the beauty in this film.

People need to keep in mind their a difference between acted and reality in how a man treats either sex . It's film with a violet western story script period .

Marriage doesn't come with a handbook but for those mail order bride husbands back then they should have written one. WOW, just WOW at how some men are so clueless. It's not hard to know when your spouse is unhappy. So when they do try to make the home nicer (the garden) it's a really good idea not to destroy what they've done to make life more livable for themselves.

This was a fairly accurate depiction of how things were on the frontier.  I presume that the time was about 1880 perhaps earlier.   The Big Sur country had been settled by first the Spanish, then the Mexicans, and later Caucasians.  It was well into the 20th century that access to this area was available, travel on what roads there were was sketchy at best, and most goods of any consequence were landed as depicted by fairly small trading vessels on the beaches at low tide, or in one of the few sheltered coves along the coast..  Much of the tack, the weapons and clothing was not as shown, but these were fairly accurate and often plausible if not possible, the saddles and bridles and bits were quite different.  I have hiked, and ridden over much this area and have met some of the older families..Marriage was as it was shown rather difficult, the gene pool was limited as there were often marriages as close as cousins especially second cousins, many families were of mixed blood as there often were no eligible members of the opposite sex that were separated far enough genetically to choose from, the solution often was for the ethnic groups including indians to intermarry rather closely.  As time went by and there  was better communication with the outside world many men seeking a wife advertised or read advertisements of women seeking a husband . Sometimes a man or woman looking for a mate would choose a partner from another ethnic group, and avoid genetic problems.  Back then people viewed marriage differently, there was a practical sense about the institution, the concept of romantic love while it did exist was overshadowed by the need to find a wife to help with the work, make a home, and to provide children that would not be too closely bred.  I am sure Zandy's marriage while extreme example with Zandy;s and Hannah's differences, were not often so difficult to launch, but that there were lots of differences to be ironed out.  Romantic love existed, but most often occurred after a rather lengthy time of adjustment.  This was a good movie, I enjoyed it a lot, and was pleasantly reminded of the hours I spent in the saddle during my younger days that I spent on horseback exploring the barrancas, hunting or fishing the surf just below the cliffs.  This is a wonderful movie.

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