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The Founding Of A Republic2

(2018-01-16 22:35:46) 下一个
The Founding Of A Republic2 


15:05 umbrella - 下雨打伞,预士 打仗而散-老蒋的命

1:22:22 - for those ordinary people - for a peaceful life. 此时中共顺应民意


1:35:05 阎锦文 (保密局上海副大队长)地下党救出张澜

红28团长王尔琢, 卢德铭师长, 朱毛会师后,原南昌起义部队加部分湘南起义部队改编为十师,朱德兼师长,(28团是南昌起义部队。)其他湘南农军改编为十二师,陈毅兼师长,秋收起义部队及井冈山袁王部改编为 ...

任公: 李济深(1885年-1959年10月9日),广西苍梧人,字任潮 :3319。原籍江苏。中华民国国民党军人,政治家。中华民国陆军二级上将。曾于黄埔军校任教,北伐期间支持蒋中正的四一二事件,之后又多次反蒋,曾于福建事变时成立中华共和国人民革命政府任政府主席。中國抗日戰爭爆發後,響應中國共產黨一致抗日之號召,反對國民政府 ...

孔令侃 had no children

"Soon afterwards, the KMT went against the Double Tenth Agreement and an all out war resumed." -- This is basically the exact moment where majority of Chinese people turned their backs on KMT and started to really sympathize with CPP. It showed KMT's greediness in power. Bad move, Chiang Kai-shek. History just keeps repeating itself. Few decades ago, KMT was in CCP's position (One party system). If only KMT officials didn't g

et greedy and honored the Double Tenth Agreement (1945), China would've had a 2 party system today, just like in the United States.
Taiwanese people will never accept being under the PRC so it would probably be status quo even for the next 1000 years. There's only 1 solution that I can think of: Reunite with the mainland, form a democratic parliamentary government in the mainland (2 party system - CCP vs KMT) and conduct regular national elections. Basically, revive the Double Tenth Agreement. If CCP will agree to that, there you go, that's the only real permanent solution. But I doubt, because I know they're also greedy in power. If China becomes a democracy, I doubt these Taiwanese separatists would still have any sympathizers. Go to Taiwan and speak to the natives. They really hate the CCP and the communist system so much. That's the only thing they hate about China. Same thing with Hong Kong.

My family was caught in the middle of the Civil War and faced a tough decision whether to join the Communists or Nationalists. My great-grandfather served as a two-star general for the KMT and tried to withdraw after WWII. The government said no and was forced to serve in the Civil War. When he was ordered to crackdown on protestors, he disobeyed his superiors and spared them. When Chiang ordered the retreat, his family did not want to but was forced to relocate to Taiwan. My great-grandfather tried to withdraw from the forces but could not since the KMT was technically holding my family hostage. The communists later captured him and sentenced him to house arrest. Meanwhile, his sister joined the Communists and able to negotiate his release. He then went to Hong Kong and caught a ship bound for Taiwan and eventually was relieved from his services.?
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