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Marital Dissolution Among Interracial Couples

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Marital Dissolution Among Interracial Couples - Zhang - 2009 ...

by Y Zhang - ‎2009 - ‎Cited by 129 - ‎Related articles
Journal of Marriage and Family. Explore this journal > ... Marital Dissolution Among Interracial Couples. Authors. Yuanting Zhang,. Close author notes ... Jennifer Van Hook ... First published: 27 January 2009 Full publication history; DOI: ...

Marital Dissolution Among Interracial Couples - NCBI - NIH

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › NCBI › Literature › PubMed Central (PMC)
by Y Zhang - ‎2009 - ‎Cited by 130 - ‎Related articles
2009 Feb 1; 71(1): 95–107. Published online 2009 Jan 27. doi: 10.1111/j.1741-3737.2008.00582.x ... Yuanting Zhang and Jennifer Van Hook ... Keywords: Culture/Race/Ethnicity, Dissolution, Interracial, Marriage, Stability ... and has received a great deal of attention in the family research literature (Fu, 2006; Kalmijn, 1991; ...

[DOC]Jennifer Van Hook - Department of Sociology and Criminology - Penn ...

Apr 2, 2016 - Journal of Marriage and the Family 73(5): 1149–1164. ... Zhang*, Yuanting and Jennifer Van Hook. 2009. “Marital Dissolution among ... and Marriage in the U.S." Population Research and Policy Review 27(5): 531-550.
Missing: january

Содержание журнала "Journal of Marriage and Family" - Демоскоп

Journal of Marriage and Family ... Yuanting Zhang, Jennifer Van Hook. Family Formation Contexts and Processes ... Published Online: Jan 27 2009 2:32PM.

[PDF]Interracial Marriage and Mortality - PAA 2012

Interracial Marriage and Mortality: Evidence from the United States, ... undergone higher social strains, and received less social support from friends and family ... to have unstable marriages (Bratter & King 2008; Zhang & Hook 2009), and ..... Zhang, Yuanting & Jennifer Van Hook. 2009. “Marital Dissolution Among Interracial.
Missing: january27

Mixed Parents, Mixed Results - Dec 22, 2014 - SAGE Journals

by V Emonds - ‎2015 - ‎Cited by 2 - ‎Related articles
2009. “Cross-nativity Marriages and Human Capital Levels of Children. ... Journal of Marriage and Family 59(3):758–72. , Google Scholar ... Lee Jennifer, Bean Frank. ... of Sciences of the United States of America 101:11920–27. , Google Scholar .... Zhang Yuanting, Hook Jenniger van. 2009. “Marital Dissolution among ...
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PMCID: PMC4183451

Marital Dissolution Among Interracial Couples



Increases in interracial marriage have been interpreted as reflecting reduced social distance among racial and ethnic groups, but little is known about the stability of interracial marriages. Using six panels of Survey of Income and Program Participation (N = 23,139 married couples), we found that interracial marriages are less stable than endogamous marriages, but these findings did not hold up consistently. After controlling for couple characteristics, the risk of divorce or separation among interracial couples was similar to the more-divorce-prone origin group. Although marital dissolution was found to be strongly associated with race/ethnicity, the results failed to provide evidence that interracial marriage is associated with an elevated risk of marital dissolution.

Keywords: Culture/Race/Ethnicity, Dissolution, Interracial, Marriage, Stability

Interracial marriage has long been a topic of interest and controversy in American history and has received a great deal of attention in the family research literature (; ; ; ). The antimiscegenation laws in the United States, enacted mainly to prevent Black-White interracial marriages, were struck down in a 1967 Supreme Court decision (). Since then interracial marriage has increased dramatically from less than 1% in 1970 among all married couples to more than 5% in 2000. Children living in such families have quadrupled to more than 3 million between 1970 and 2000 (). Such changes have been interpreted as signifying the fading of racial boundaries in U.S. society () and as indicating immigrant structural assimilation (; ).

Enthusiasm about increases in the prevalence of interracial marriages, however, may be dampened if such marriages are highly likely to break up. Partially because interracial marriage remains a relatively new phenomenon, few studies have assessed the stability of interracial marriages or offered theoretical guidance on this issue. Existing work tends to be dated and focused primarily on Black-White marriages. As a result, little is known about relative stability of such marriages in contemporary American society (). As the U.S. population has grown increasingly diverse, it is important to update prior research to include interracial marriages involving Asians and Hispanics, especially given that they are more likely to intermarry (with non-Hispanic Whites) than are Blacks (). Also, interracial marriages involving America’s newest minority groups may operate differently than those involving Blacks because of the high levels of racism in the United States directed specifically toward Blacks, which is likely to stress Black-White marriages. In the present study, we analyze the stability of interracial marriages involving Blacks, Asians, and Hispanics over the period 1990 to 2001 by analyzing data from the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP).
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我看到一份材料,其中的一个数据,引自 Journal of Marriage and Family(January 27, 2009,Yuanting Zhang and Jennifer Van Hook) 发表的论文,亚男白女的婚姻,是美国所有异族同族婚姻中,离婚率最低的。Wikipedia 也提到了这个论文,并说这个论文的发表日期更新、样本更多。
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