
宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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"智慧之屋”中的七大支柱: 智慧七柱

已有 14 次阅读 2017-3-4 15:38 |个人分类:英语写作(群组群主)|系统分类:观点评述    推荐到群组

Whatever human beings got their hands on, it's so confusious. Here is a list of the seven pillars of "House of Wisdom" - Which one do you like? (1)“智慧之屋”中的七大支柱:纯洁,平和,温柔,合理,乐于助人,谦卑,诚意the seven great pillars in the"house of wisdom": purity, peaceableness, gentleness, reasonableness, helpfulness, humility, sincerity.Chinese interpretation: (2) 智慧的七柱




Knowledge and discretion


Fear of God




Sound Wisdom













Isaiah 以赛亚书 54:10


Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed," says the LORD, who has compassion on you.


智慧的七柱》(英语:Seven Pillars of Wisdom)是托马斯·爱德华·劳伦斯根据自己在1916-1918作为联络官参与了阿拉伯起義的经历所著的自传。書名源自《舊約聖經》的箴言(9:1):「智慧建造房屋、鑿成七根柱子」。



  • "All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes, to make it possible."


Invitations of Wisdom and Folly
1                                        Wisdom has built her house; she has set upa its seven pillars.                                    
2                                        She has prepared her meat and mixed her wine; she has also set her table.                                    
3                                        She has sent out her servants, and she calls from the highest point of the city,                                    
4“Let all who are simple come to my house!” To those who have no sense she says,                                    
5“Come, eat my food and drink the wine I have mixed.                                    
6                                        Leave your simple ways and you will live; walk in the way of insight.”                                    
7                                        Whoever corrects a mocker invites insults; whoever rebukes the wicked incurs abuse.                                    
8                                        Do not rebuke mockers or they will hate you; rebuke the wise and they will love you.                                    

9                                        Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still; teach the righteous and they will add to their learning.


Robostic translation:



Question: "What are the seven pillars of wisdom in Proverbs 9:1?"

Proverbs 9:1 states, “Wisdom has built her house; / she has set up its seven pillars.” This is obviously a symbolic description, since wisdom is personified. What are these “seven pillars” that wisdom has erected?

Many explanations exist regarding the seven pillars of wisdom in this passage. One idea is that, since the number seven often expresses completeness in Scripture, the passage communicates that the application of wisdom results in a complete, orderly, well-furnished house, one that lacks nothing.

Some commentators see the seven pillars as describing a traditional banquet pavilion. Understood this way, Wisdom’s call in Proverbs 9:5 is perfectly fitting: “Come, eat my food / and drink the wine I have mixed.”

Some ancient writings described the world as resting on seven pillars. If this was the author’s meaning, it is possible that “her house” in Proverbs 9:1 is parallel in some way with the world. However, this is an unlikely understanding of this particular proverb.

Some have theorized that the seven pillars of wisdom may refer to seven sections of Proverbs in the content previous to chapter 9.

In considering these interpretive options, it is most likely that “her house” and “seven pillars” both refer to a home that is in proper order, with the use of “seven” emphasizing its completeness and all-sufficiency. The following verses continue to describe other aspects of wisdom personified as a woman. She prepares a meal and invites people to attend to gain wisdom: “Leave your simple ways and you will live; / walk in the way of insight” (Proverbs 9:6). Wisdom has much to offer, and she invites everyone to come share her satisfying feast.

In contrast, verses 13–18 describe the way of folly, also personified as a woman. Folly is loud, seductive, and unwise (Proverbs 9:13). She seeks to deceive the simple-minded into stopping at her home to drink stolen water and secret bread (verses 16–17). Those who do find death instead of life (verse 18).

Proverbs chapter 9 is presented in a chiastic structure, meaning the first and last portions are parallel ideas with the main point in the center passage (verses 7–12). These verses emphasize a central truth: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, / and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding” (Proverbs 9:10). The entire chapter is devoted to the emphasis of seeking wisdom, avoiding folly, and finding this wisdom in the Lord.

Recommended Resource: Proverbs NIV Application Commentary by Paul Koptak



Robotic translation:


答:箴言9:1说:“智慧建造了她的房子; /她已经建立了它的七个支柱。“这显然是一个象征性的描述,因为智慧是人格化的。智慧建立的这七个“支柱”是什么?





在考虑这些解释选择时,很可能“她的房子”和“七个支柱”都指的是一个正确的顺序的房子,使用“七”强调其完整性和充分性。以下经文继续描述作为一个女人被人化的智慧的其他方面。她准备一顿饭,邀请人们参加以获得智慧:“离开你简单的方式,你会生活; /走在洞察的方式“(箴言9:6)。智慧有很多提供,她邀请每个人来分享她满意的节日。



推荐资源:箴言NIV应用评论由Paul Koptak



The Seven Pillars of Wisdom      

by        Henry M. Morris, Ph.D.            

"Wisdom hath builded her house, she hath hewn out her seven pillars." (Proverbs 9:1)

The foundation of the house of wisdom is "the fear of the Lord . . . the beginning of wisdom" (Proverbs 9:10). One does not finally reach the Lord through much study and the acquisition of much wisdom. The fear of the Lord is the very "beginning of wisdom." Without a reverent trust in the God of creation and redemption, there can be no true wisdom. "For other foundation can no man lay than . . . Jesus Christ" (1 Corinthians 3:11).

Then, erected upon this foundation and supporting all the superstructure of the "house of wisdom" are seven mighty pillars, or columns. But what are these? The answer seems to be found in that New Testament book of wisdom, the Book of James, where it is said that, "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God" (James 1:5). Then, "a wise man and endued with knowledge . . . |will| show out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom" (James 3:13).

Finally, the seven great pillars seem to be listed in James 3:17: "But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy." The first in the list or central column, carrying more weight than any of the other columns in the structure, is purity. Then there are six outside pillars. One is peaceableness; the next is gentleness; then comes reasonableness ("easy to be entreated"). The next phrase, "full of mercy and good fruits," connotes helpfulness. The term for "without partiality" actually means humility, and then the final pillar is sincerity.


the seven great pillars in the"house of wisdom": purity, peaceableness, gentleness, reasonableness, helpfulness, humility, sincerity


Thus a life of genuine wisdom is a life founded upon the fear of the Lord and supported by genuine purity, peaceableness, gentleness, reasonableness, helpfulness, humility, and sincerity. Such a house will never fall! HMM

-- Robotic translation:


作者:Henry M. Morris,Ph.D.


“智慧建造了她的房子,她已经把她的七根柱子打了出来。 (箴言9:1)

智慧之殿的基础是“对耶和华的敬畏......智慧的开始”(箴言9:10)。人不是通过许多学习和获得许多智慧终于到达主。对主的恐惧是“智慧的开始”。没有对创造和救赎的神的虔诚信任,就没有真正的智慧。 “对于其他基础,没有人比......耶稣基督”(哥林多前书3:11)。

然后,竖立在这个基础上并支持“智慧之家”的所有上层建筑是七个强大的支柱或柱。但是这些是什么?答案似乎出现在新约智慧书中的雅各书中,在那里有人说:“如果你们中任何人缺乏智慧,就让他问上帝”(雅各书1:5)。然后,“一个聪明的人,用知识灌输... |将|显示出一个好的谈话他的智慧温柔的工作”(雅各书3:13)。

最后,七个伟大的支柱似乎列在雅各书3:17中:“但是,从上面的智慧是纯洁的,然后是和平,温柔,容易被咒诅,充满怜悯和好果子,没有偏见和没有虚伪“。列表或中心列中的第一个,比结构中的任何其他列承载更多的重量,是纯度。然后有六个外柱。一个是和平;接下来是温柔;然后是合理的(“容易被处理”)。下一句话“充满慈悲和好果子”意味着乐于助人。 “不偏袒”一词实际上是指谦卑,最后一个支柱是诚意。

因此,真正的智慧的生活是建立在对主的恐惧的基础上,并以真正的纯洁,和平,温柔,合理,乐于助人,谦卑和诚实为支撑的生命。这样的房子永远不会落下! HMM


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chinese interpretation~~~~~~~~`





  箴言 第九章1节


  箴言 第二十四章27节













































  这里的劝勉从二十二章7节一直到二十四章的末了。二十五章到二十七章可分成两段,二十五章到二十六章是一段,二十七章和二十八章又是一段,二十五章和二十七章这一段大都没有对比。二十八章和二十九章又开始对比,若把希西家名字的数值加起来,刚好是一百三十。这一 段也刚好是一百三十行。









  由于柱子有“稳定”的意思,在寻找七柱的时候一定要兼顾这一点。举一个例子来说明:如果一个人是偶尔谦卑的话,你不会说他是个谦卑的人。如果他在任何的境遇下都是谦卑的,你就要承认这个人是谦卑的人。这一段经文中常提到“义人”,所谓“义人”并不是偶尔行义,乃是在任何一个时候都是行义的,所以在他身上有个性格叫做公义。再读下去就会发现有正直的人,有懒惰的人。这懒惰的人不是偶尔偷懒,而是懒惰成性,整天懒懒散散的。所以这一段经文所讲的都是性格。我们就要去找,像“义人”就是其中的一根柱子。“正直”也是其中的一柱。“殷勤”也是。如果不懂得什么叫做殷勤?跟懒惰一比就清楚了。这样从第十章读到二十一章就可以找出七根柱子,因为在这二十一章里圣灵的结构不是对比,就是对应;不是同义,就是反义,这就可以彼此解释了,也很自然地从中找到七根柱子。到底是哪七根柱子?比如说“正直”一词,就可以藉圣经汇编或电脑的帮助把所有有关“正直”的词都找出来,你就知道从第十章至二十一章翻来覆去,翻来覆去,所以它的小标题是“善恶互论垂为箴言”。善恶互论就表示是反义的。这就是从第十章至二十一章的笔法和题材。它根本是反义来形容的。一会儿是“义人”一会儿是“恶人”;一会儿是“正直”, 一会是“弯曲”,只有这样才可以彼此解释。你就知道在这里所讲的正直是什么意思。原来“正直”是和清洁,圣洁连在一起的。怎么知道正直和清洁是建立一起,只要把所有的“正直”都读过就会明白了。




  “义人的记念被称赞,恶人的名字必朽烂。心中智慧的必受命令。口里愚妄的,必致倾倒。”(箴言第十章7至8节)这是一般性的,因为讲到智慧和愚昧。“行正直路的,步步安稳,走弯曲道的,必致败露。”(箴言第十章9节)“正直”这根柱子是和弯曲相对的,目前为止“正直”还没有和清洁连在一起,再读下去就会很清楚。“以眼传神的,使人忧患。口里愚妄的,必致倾倒。”(箴言第十章10至11节)义人的口是生命的泉源,强暴蒙蔽恶人的口。这里 “义人”和“强暴”又是相对而言的。“恨,能挑启争端,爱,能遮掩一切过错。”这里又找到一根很重要的柱子“爱”,就是“仁慈”。



  “义人的嘴能令人喜悦,恶人的口〔说〕乖谬的话。”(箴言第十章32节)然后箴言第十一章1节:“诡诈的天平为耶和华所憎恶,公平的法码为祂所喜悦 。”一个诚实的人是个公平的人。前面诡诈的天平为耶和华所厌恶。“骄傲来,羞耻也来,谦逊人却有智慧。”(箴言第十一章2节)这就是谦卑人。所以读到这里,七根柱子都包括在里面。你确定就是这七根柱子吗?接着就是翻来覆去,看你有没有耐性,你要一直读到二十一章。希望大家做个笔记,一面读,一面把它归类,这样就能很清楚地找到七跟柱子,是用诗歌的题材给我们看见它是交互解释的。这就是从第十章一直到二十一章。









7 Pillars of Wisdom



The List

The seven pillars of wisdom are...




Knowledge and discretion


Fear of God




Sound Wisdom














































































































Detailed commentary on the List

Introduction                                     Return to Bible Lists main menu

You may have heard of the seven pillars of wisdom. They are seven ways we can become wiser in the way we deal with things in our lives.

What is the origin of the seven pillars of wisdom? The origin is in the Bible at Proverbs chapter 9, verse 1.  

Wisdom has built her house; she has hewn out its seven pillars.

Here we see a woman called wisdom building a house and for that house she has cut out seven stone pillars. Pillars ofcourse have been used from the earliest times to support the roofs of large rooms and they had through time been made of wood, stone or mud-brick. A lot of architects back then had a particular favourite design when designing a more expensive house and that was to build the house around a courtyard. The structure would be supported by three pillars on each side of the courtyard and one in the centre on the third side facing the open space which was the entrance. So perhaps the woman called wisdom had built her house with the pillars laid out like that.

Now if we were able to go back in time to when this proverb was written and ask if we could talk to this woman called Wisdom, I think we would discover that we are going to have a bit of hard time finding her. The reason we won’t find her is because she doesn’t exist. What is happening in this proverb is that the characteristic of wisdom has been personified. Wisdom has been symbolised as a woman who has built a permanent house for herself.

We should note that this is not a tent she has built which can be moved at a couple of days notice, this is a permanent solid house with seven pillars in place to support it’s stone roof. In other words, this is telling us of the importance and the permanency of wisdom. Wisdom is permanent and must be housed for the long term.

But we will also note that there are seven pillars. In the Hebrew, seven is Shevah. Which comes from the root word savah, which means to be full or satisfied. And because it means full and satisfied, it is, therefore, the number of spiritual perfection, and you can clearly see that is the case in various places in the Bible.

So, in summary, what we have is wisdom having a permanent place to live, where the house will be supported by the perfect number of pillars.

If we look at verse one of chapter nine it tells us that the seven pillars had already been hewn or cut from the rock. So we must go back in time to see where they came from, we must find out what their source is. We can find the answer in the previous chapter. In chapter 8 Wisdom is again personified but this time as a lodger staying in a house. It tells us in verses 12 to 14 that wisdom dwells with or has seven attributes.

I, wisdom, dwell together with prudence; I possess knowledge and discretion. To fear the LORD is to hate evil; I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech. Counsel and sound judgment are mine; I have understanding and power.

Let’s now look at each pillar of wisdom:

1   Prudence

From these verses we can see that the first pillar of wisdom is prudence. In these verses, wisdom is being portrayed as a lodger who lives in the same house as a woman called Prudence. The meaning here for us is that men and women who are wise are prudent also - wiseness and prudence dwell together. They are wise in handling practical matters and they exercise good judgment or common sense.

And probably the best way that they can show good judgment is in their own behaviour.  For when they think about their own behaviour they have the ability to judge in advance the probable results of their own actions. They know what will happen if they behave in a particular way. For example, they know that if they do a particular thing it may lead to others sinning. So as a result they will show restraint.

So people with prudence have self-restraint and sound judgment as part of their character.

The true wise and prudent are those described in Hosea chapter 14 and verse nine.

Who is wise? He will realise these things. Who is discerning? He will understand them. The ways of the LORD are right; the righteous walk in them, but the rebellious stumble in them.

So those who know the righteousness of God will be called truly wise and prudent. Prudence means shrewdness and sound judgment. It is the ability to keep oneself from being misled.

An example of this are the disciples of Christ. The disciples were instructed by Christ to be “wise as serpents and harmless as doves” and this gives us the idea of the meaning of prudence.

To explain further what it means to be as wise as serpents, it says elsewhere in Proverbs, we cannot afford to be naive. As we go through life we gain knowledge and we do this so that we can avoid the pitfalls in the path of life. And this is main reason why we need prudence, so that we can discriminate between truth and error. We need to be as wise as serpents and harmless as doves. We cannot afford to be naive.

So prudence is the first pillar of wisdom.

2   Knowledge and discretion

Let us return to Proverbs chapter 8 to see what the second pillar is. We can see the second pillar in the second part of verse 12.

I, wisdom dwell with prudence, and I find knowledge and discretion.

So, wisdom finds knowledge and discretion. Now the Hebrew word for discretion is mezimmah (mez-im-maw). This word mezimmah means the power of forming plans. In other words, it is using wiseness to devise, imagine, plot or think up something. Sometimes this word is used to talk about people with evil purposes. That is men who use their wiseness to plot or devise a wicked plan. And we call this wicked type of plotting, “machination”. But this same Hebrew word of mezimmah (mez-im-maw) can also be used to talking about someone planning something good. When someone plans something good we use the word “sagacious”. Sagacious means possessing or showing sound judgment and keen perception. Someone who can reason and plan the best direction to head in.

Throughout the book of Proverbs it shows that the godly man is a man who takes an interest in all those things going on about him, he takes the trouble to know his way about, he plans his course of actions realistically. Put simply it is someone who looks ahead and then plans his action. As an example of this have a look at Proverbs chapter 22 and verse 3.

A prudent man sees danger and takes refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it.

What this verse is telling us is that there is a great deal of difference between faith and blind optimism. In fact, those with blind optimism are seen as fools. God does not want us to put ourselves in dangerous situations and then expect Him to rescue us. An example of this might be driving our cars at high speeds well over the speed limit. That is exactly what this proverb is about. Part of wisdom involves knowing how to avoid danger.

This is further confirmed in Proverbs chapter 14 and verses 15 and 16.  

A simple man believes anything, but a prudent man gives thought to his steps. A wise man fears the LORD and shuns evil, but a fool is hotheaded and reckless.

Again a similar message. A wise man plans for the future and knows how to avoid danger and evil. And there are many examples of men being sagacious or showing wiseness in their planning for the future.

  • Noah, moved with fear, prepared an ark for the saving of his family.

  • David was directed by wisdom to hide himself from Saul.

  • The disciples were taught to flee from the impending evil of the Roman army (Matt.10:23, 24:15-18)

  • Paul repeatedly hid himself from threatened destruction (Acts 9:23-25, 17:14, 23:17).

  • Even Jesus himself acted on this rule (Luke 4:29,30).

So the second pillar of wiseness is having knowledge of Sagacious things. Knowing what is going on about you so that you can wisely plan for the future and avoid any potential dangers or evils.

3   Fear of God

Returning to Proverbs chapter 8 and verse 13 we can see the third pillar of wiseness.

To fear the LORD is to hate evil; I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech.

True wisdom is firmly grounded in a fear of God and is free of the faults of worldly wisdom. Proverbs chapter 1 and verse 7 says this:

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.

What does fear mean ? It means reverence - but it means more than that. The apostle Paul said in Hebrews that “it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God”. It means a right attitude to God and the practical expression of this attitude in a person’s day to day life. We must be committed to God’s purpose. This means serving, worshipping, obeying and loving him.

It also means turning from evil and hating evil. And that last point is made very clear in the verse we read before in Proverbs chapter 8 where it says “The fear of the Lord is to hate evil”. And it says elsewhere in the scriptures that as a reward to those who fear God, that:

no good thing will the Lord withhold from them that fear him (Psalm 84:11)

So this is the third pillar of wisdom, to fear the Lord.

4   Counsel

Returning to Proverbs chapter 8 and verse 14 we can see the fourth pillar of wisdom.

Counsel and sound judgment are mine; I have understanding and power.

So counsel is the fourth pillar. Counsel means to give good advice, to give wise guidance. It also means to listen to counsel. To depend on one’s own judgment, even in private matters, is the height of foolishness. Even the wisest and godliest have made errors in discerning things. We must seek counsel instead. And we can do this by weighing up a matter in the presence of God through prayer and also through inviting counsel from other experienced believers.

David and Solomon were both specially endowed with wisdom. Yet despite having their own wisdom they still seeked the advice of wise counselors when it came to governing the kingdom. In David’s case, Ahithophel and Hushai were his counselors. For Solomon, 1 Kings chapter 12 speaks of the “old men that stood before Solomon”.

So we should have no fear going to others for advice and counsel. Ofcourse the Bible is also for guidance and edification. Recorded in these scriptures there is an abundance of counselors who testify as to how a man or woman should walk before his or her God.

Perhaps the best advice on counsel is found in Proverbs chapter 19 and verses 20

Listen to advice and accept instruction, and in the end you will be wise.

Another version of the Bible puts it perhaps a bit more clearly when it say::

Listen to counsel and accept discipline, that you may be wise the rest of your days”.

Counseling, then is a another pillar of wisdom, and involves giving good advice to others. But it is also wise to listen to counsel and learn, so that you also may be wise.

5   Sound Wisdom

The fifth pillar of wisdom is found in verse 14 of Proverbs chapter 8 which we read before and it is sound wisdom.

Sound wisdom goes back to the Hebrew word of tushiyah (too-shee-yaw) which means in a general sense, wise behaviour. In other words, it is talking about practical wisdom. How we put wisdom into use in our day to day behaviour. It is very practical.

Consider Proverbs chapter 1 and verse 3. We’ll read from verse 1 for context.

The proverbs of Solomon son of David, king of Israel: for attaining wisdom and discipline; for understanding words of insight; for acquiring a disciplined and prudent life, doing what is right and just and fair;

An alternate version of this verse 3 it says:

To receive instruction in wise behaviour, righteousness, justice and equity.

So this type of wisdom is talking about the way we use wisdom in our day to day behaviour.

Some people may ask how can we be wise in our day to day behaviour? What must we do to be wise in our daily behaviour? Well, wise behaviour is more clearly defined in the words which are contained in the last part of verse 3:  “Righteousness, justice and equity”. These are the ways that we can be wise in our daily behaviour. These are the great prophetic themes. The emphasis here is on action rather than on casual armchair religion:

  • Righteousness means in the Hebrew to be right or straight. It is to act or live in an upright manner.

  • Justice is the ability to come to a proper understanding of things through observation.

  • Equity means a way of thought and conduct that is honest. It means fairness and impartiality.

So sound wisdom means behaving each day with these three great themes being the basis of your behaviour. It goes hand in hand with the fourth pillar of wisdom, counsel. For people will only seek counsel where they know they can find sound wisdom. In other words, if a man or woman shows righteousness, justice and equity in their life, then others will come to them in confidence to seek wise counsel.

6   Understanding

The sixth pillar of wisdom listed in Proverbs chapter 8 and verse 14 is understanding. To understand we must do three things:

a.   To understand we need to firstly know the source of all wisdom. We must understand that all wisdom comes from only one source and that ofcourse is our Heavenly Father.

b.   To understand we must secondly receive instruction from that source we call the Bible. It requires not casual detached study but disciplined study and learning. Knowledge and learning are the keys to being wise in the truth.

c.   And lastly, to understand, we must discern wisely. Like Solomon we need to be able to discern between good and evil.

This is the sixth great pillar of wisdom, understanding.

7   Power

The last pillar listed in chapter 8 and verse 14 of Proverbs is Strength or Power. There is no point in understanding a problem, if there is no power to implement the solution.  

You may be reading this article and thinking that through hard work and diligence that it is possible to attain the first six pillars of wisdom as you progress through life. And indeed some of us may already have attained those pillars. But what about attaining the seventh pillar of power and strength? If you don’t think you have the power to implement solutions that you have thought through then the answer to attaining strength can be found in Ecclesiastes. Ecclesiastes chapter 7 and verse 19 says this:

Wisdom makes one wise man more powerful than ten rulers in a city.

The solution is simple the seventh pillar of strength comes from attaining the previous six pillars. If you have attained the first six pillars then the seventh pillar of strength comes naturally to you.

The man with godly wisdom is truly strong and fortified. Put in another way, if a man or woman has attained prudence,knowledge of sagacious things, fears God, gives and receives counsel, has sound wisdom in his or her behaviour, and has attained understanding then that person truly has power and strength. He or she is truly fortified against the evils of this world and is a true servant of God.


Jesus Christ had become strong through attaining those pillars of wisdom.

And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon him. (Luke 2:40)

Jesus attained his strength through being filled with wisdom. And this same wisdom is available to us, for as James says, God gives wisdom generously to all who ask. If we truly aspire to be like the man Jesus Christ then we must live in that house built by wisdom, dwelling amongst the seven pillars that she has hewn out.

Isaiah chapter 11 and verses 1 to 5 tells of the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and how the great pillars of wisdom will rest on him.

A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit.

The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him— the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of power, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD - and he will delight in the fear of the LORD.  

He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes, or decide by what he hears with his ears; but with righteousness he will judge the needy, with justice he will give decisions for the poor of the earth. He will strike the earth with the rod of his mouth; with the breath of his lips he will slay the wicked. Righteousness will be his belt and faithfulness the sash around his waist.


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