
宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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(2017-02-20 12:41:51) 下一个



平庸的人们谈论自己的成就;超级智慧问其他人的问题,以获得洞察其他人的观点 - 不直接回答问题,但反弹问题回询问人“你为什么不问这个问题?你必须有思想,得到答案,对吗?


Mediocre people talk about themselves on their achievements; super wisdom ask others questions to gain insights into other's perspective - ofter don't directly answer questions but bounce the questions back to inquirer "Why don't you ask this question? You must have thought and got answer, right? "


I've never learned from my own statement - only spend what I've learned by saying. Only way to learn is to ask questions and to wait for their answers.

我从来没有从我自己的声明中学到 - 提出问题和等待他们的答案我学到的东西。Why is it?


Legendary TV host Larry King is well known for his skills of asking questions - only way to bring out the best from others !


Larry King (born Lawrence Harvey Zeiger; November 19, 1933) is an American television and radio host, whose work has been recognized with awards including two Peabodys and 10 Cable ACE Awards.

He began as a local Florida journalist and radio interviewer in the 1950s and 1960s and became prominent as an all-night national radio broadcaster starting in 1978.[2] From 1985 to 2010, he hosted the nightly interview television program Larry King Live on CNN. He currently hosts Larry King Now on Hulu and RT America during the week, and on Thursdays he hosts Politicking with Larry King, a weekly political talk show which airs in the evening on the same two channels.[3]

When asked what he'd like his legacy to be, King, referring to himself, said "His life led to more people having information that they didn't have before, and he taught us a lot and we learned a lot and enjoyed it at the same time. He brought a great deal of pride to his business."[109]


Do you see the side view of a head on the up-right corner in the following picture? PhotoCT THE GREAT NEVER FUCC'D WITH NO SNAKES: SO MUCH OF THE TRUTH JUST IN THIS ONE VERSE; AMEN?


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