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Trump: One stone, four birds!

(2016-11-30 10:11:50) 下一个

Trump: One stone, four birds!

Having shown his mastery of the art of the deal, Trump's brilliantly appointed Elaine Chao

One stone:

- Trump Picks Elaine Chao for Transportation Secretary - Donald Trump to pick Elaine Chao, a well-connected establishment figure, as Transportation secretary. Elaine Chao, the 24th U. S. Secretary of Labor, is the first American woman of Asian decent.

Elaine Lan Chao (趙小蘭) (born March 26, 1953) is an American politician who served as the 24th United States Secretary of Labor under President George W. Bush.

four birds:

1) Woman respresentitive

2) Asian respresentitive

3) hold up to elites as she is a well-connected establishment figure (married to senate majority leader - Mitch McConnell, #4 power-house in the nation.

4) As a former - the 24th United States Secretary of Labor under President George W. Bush, Elaine will handle the labor relations to better the infrastructure construction related to transportation.

Spouse: Mitch McConnell (m. 1993)


Briefing|Donald Trump, Colombia, Fidel Castro: Your Wednesday Briefing

New York Times  - ‎10 hours ago‎
The Transportation Department, the focus of President-elect Donald J. Trump's pledge to spend billions on infrastructure, will be led by Elaine Chao.
Image result for Elaine Chao.
Image result for Elaine Chao.
Former United States Secretary of Labor
Elaine Lan Chao is an American politician who served as the 24th United States Secretary of Labor under President George W. Bush from 2001 to 2009, and Deputy Secretary of Transportation under President George H. W. Bush. Wikipedia
Born: March 26, 1953 (age 63), Taipei, Taiwan
Nationality: American
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