
宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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"歌德, 维特, 孤独-少年的烦恼,  年轻恋人意识到了自己的爱情, 个人和情感冲击力。" - 所有这些轰击一个少年的心,我难忘的记忆。据歌德本人说,他在四周的时间内写出了这部书信体小说,以抵消爱情的痛苦并使自己从自杀的念头中摆脱出来。针对这部小说对自杀的赞美的批评在很大程度上也来自于教会和一些同时代的作家,因为,据说许多青年模仿了自杀行为。实际上的确有模仿性的自杀行为,但其数量远远低于教会宣称的数量。在一些地方(如:莱比锡哥本哈根米兰)这本小说甚至受到了封禁。歌德的反驳大意如下:他以自己的生还给出了最好的例子:人们必须写出内心的痛苦。歌德最初出版的小说匿名,他年老后悔他的名声-使他的青春爱情公共知识。

少年维特的烦恼》(德語Die Leiden des jungen Werther)是第一部让歌德德国几乎一夜成名的小说。本书于1774年秋天在莱比锡书籍展览会上面世,并在那里成了畅销书。它是歌德作品中被他的同时代人阅读得最多的一本。由此而来的成功给歌德的一生带来了名誉和财富。《少年维特的烦恼》的初版属于狂飙突进运动的风格,而修订版是魏玛的古典主义时期的代表作品。小说中的主人公——他的行为仅仅取决于他的感觉——是感伤主义的代表性人物。









小说的情节在极大程度上是自传性的:当歌德在韦茨拉尔(Wetzlar)的帝国最高法院实习期间,他结识了年轻的夏绿蒂·布夫,并爱上了她。但夏绿蒂已经和一位名叫约翰·克里斯蒂安·凯斯特纳(Johann Christian Kestner)的法律工作者订了婚。在夏绿蒂的父亲看来,凯斯特纳显然比年轻、有着艺术方面抱负的歌德更加稳重可靠;歌德在那时就已经更想成为一名艺术家而不是律师。歌德仓促地离开了夏绿蒂。后来,他又认识了一位枢密顾问的女儿马克西米利安娜·冯·拉·罗歇。歌德把两个女子给他留下的印象融合到了绿蒂的形象中。据歌德本人说,他在四周的时间内写出了这部书信体小说,以抵消爱情的痛苦并使自己从自杀的念头中摆脱出来。


小说中的一部分情节,特别是结尾的部分,不同于歌德的经历。维特自尽了,歌德却沉浸在痛苦与写作中。小说中自杀的情节是受到了一位年轻的同事耶路撒冷的激发而产生的。耶路撒冷确实因为巨大的爱情上的不幸而自杀,他在韦茨拉尔的墓地成了不幸的年轻恋人的朝拜圣地。卡尔·威廉·耶路撒冷(Karl Wilhelm Jerusalem)是歌德的泛泛之交,他于1772年10月自杀。此事是凯斯特纳告诉歌德的。具有悲剧性的是,耶路撒冷用来自杀的手枪是凯斯特纳借给他的。这使歌德把他自己在1772年夏天的经历和耶路撒冷的命运混合起来,而在小说的第二部分,耶路撒冷的命运越来越多地成为叙述的主要对象。歌德将耶路撒冷的许多性格特点和其他特征转移到他的维特形象上。为了更近地了解耶路撒冷自杀的情况,歌德于1772年11月初再次短暂地来到韦茨拉尔。他以与熟悉耶路撒冷的人的谈话,以及他自己对耶路撒冷的记忆构成了小说的基础。他甚至原文引用了凯斯特纳对耶路撒冷之死的报告的一些段落。



针对这部小说对自杀的赞美的批评在很大程度上也来自于教会和一些同时代的作家,因为,据说许多青年模仿了自杀行为。实际上的确有模仿性的自杀行为,但其数量远远低于教会宣称的数量。在一些地方(如:莱比锡哥本哈根米兰)这本小说甚至受到了封禁。歌德的反驳大意如下:他以自己的生还给出了最好的例子:人们必须写出内心的痛苦。歌德对指责自己诱惑他人自杀的冯·戴尔比(von Derby)主教和布里斯托(Bristol)爵士做出了辛辣、讽刺的回应:









First print 1774
  • 第一版出版于1774年。

  • 1774年出现了一部法语译本,此译本拿破仑读了七遍。

  • 1775年德语本重印了七次。

  • 此后出现了荷兰语译本(1776年),英语译本(1779年),意大利语译本(1781年)和俄语译本(1788年)。




  • 《少年维特的烦恼》,胡其鼎/译,商周出版社,2006,ISBN 986-124-651-7

  • 《少年维特的烦恼》,杨武能/译,人民文学出版社,1999,ISBN 7-02-000605-1

  • 《少年维特的烦恼》,韩耀成/译,译林出版社,1998,ISBN 7-80567-486-8

  • 《少年维特的烦恼》,侯浚吉/译,上海译文出版社,1996,ISBN 7-5327-1924-3

  • 《少年維特的煩惱》,周學普/譯, 志文出版社, 1975, ISBN 9575451139

*** 剧情梗概


维特已经意识到,即使这一事件在此之前,他们的爱情三角中的一员 - 乐天,阿尔伯特或维特自己 - 不得不为了解决这种情况就不行了。无法伤害任何人或认真考虑杀人,维特认为没有别的选择,只能拿自己的生命。撰写一封告别信他的自杀后,被发现后,他写信给阿尔贝请求他的两支手枪,下一个借口,他是在旅途中去。乐天接收请求以极大的情感和发送手枪。维特然后射击自己的头部,但不会过期,直到12小时后,他开枪自杀。他被埋葬在一个椴树,他谈到经常在他的信一棵树,葬礼并非由神职人员,阿尔贝还是他心爱的乐天出席了会议。




少年维特的烦恼是歌德的第一次重大成功,把他从一个默默无闻到著名的作者几乎在一夜之间。拿破仑·波拿巴认为欧洲文学的伟大作品其中的一个。他认为这么高呢,他写了独白在歌德的风格在他的青年和他的竞选埃及进行维特和他在一起。它也开始了这种现象称为维特-Fieber(“维特热”)造成的年轻人在整个欧洲在小说中描述的维特的服装风格来装扮。[5] [6]据说这也导致了一些第一个已知的例子模仿自杀。


歌德的最后的爱西奥多·乌尔里克·索菲·冯·Levetzow,被称为男爵夫人乌尔里克·冯·Levetzow(1804年2月4日 - 1899年11月13日)--约翰·沃尔夫冈·冯·歌德的最后的爱。

她在Löbnitz(今日Groitzsch的一部分)出生于萨克森公爵梅克伦堡 - 什未林管家的女儿,后来Hofmarschall约阿希姆·奥托·乌尔里希·冯·Levetzow。十七岁的女孩第一次见到72岁歌德于1821年在马伦巴并再次在卡尔斯巴德在1822年和1823年,她的智慧和美丽使诗人歌德忘乎所以,,他想与她结婚。拒绝,他离开图林根州和写给她的,他后来被称为Trilogie德Leidenschaft的诗。这些诗作包括著名的马伦巴悲歌。
The Sorrows of Young Werther
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Sorrows of Young Werther[1]
Goethe 1774.JPG
First print 1774
Author Johann Wolfgang von Goethe[1]
Original title Die Leiden des jungen Werthers[1]
Country Germany
Language German
Genre Epistolary novel[1]
Publisher Weygand'sche Buchhandlung, Leipzig
Publication date
29 September 1774, revised ed. 1787[2]
Published in English

The Sorrows of Young Werther (German: Die Leiden des jungen Werthers) is an epistolary and loosely autobiographicalnovel by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, first published in 1774; a revised edition of the novel was published in 1787. Werther was an important novel of the Sturm und Drang period in German literature, and influenced the later Romantic literary movement.

Finished in six weeks of intensive writing during January–March 1774,[1] its publication instantly made the 24-year-old Goethe one of the first international literary celebrities. Of all his works, this book was the most known to the general public.[1][2] Towards the end of Goethe's life, a personal visit to Weimar became crucial to any young man's tour of Europe.



Plot summary[edit]

The majority of The Sorrows of Young Werther is presented as a collection of letters written by Werther, a young artist of highly sensitive and passionate temperament, and sent to his friend Wilhelm.

In these letters, Werther gives a very intimate account of his stay in the fictional village of Wahlheim (based on the town of Garbenheim, near Wetzlar).[citation needed] He is enchanted by the simple ways of the peasants there. He meets Lotte, a beautiful young girl who is taking care of her siblings following the death of their mother. Despite knowing beforehand that Lotte is already engaged to a man named Albert who is 11 years her senior, Werther falls in love with her.[3]

Although this causes Werther great pain, he spends the next few months cultivating a close friendship with both of them. His pain eventually becomes so great that he is forced to leave and go to Weimar. While he is away, he makes the acquaintance of Fräulein von B. He suffers a great embarrassment when he forgetfully visits a friend and has to face the normal weekly gathering of the entire aristocratic set. He returns to Wahlheim after this, where he suffers more than he did before, partially because Lotte and Albert are now married. Every day serves as a torturous reminder that Lotte will never be able to requite his love. Out of pity for her friend and respect for her husband, Lotte comes to the decision that Werther must not visit her so frequently. He visits her one final time, and they are both overcome with emotion after Werther's recitation of a portion of "Ossian".

Lotte at Werther's grave

Werther had realized even before this incident that one member of their love triangle — Lotte, Albert or Werther himself — had to die in order to resolve the situation. Unable to hurt anyone else or seriously consider committing murder, Werther sees no other choice but to take his own life. After composing a farewell letter to be found after his suicide, he writes to Albert asking for his two pistols, under a pretence that he is going "on a journey". Lotte receives the request with great emotion and sends the pistols. Werther then shoots himself in the head, but does not expire until 12 hours after he has shot himself. He is buried under a linden tree, a tree he talks about frequently in his letters, and the funeral is not attended by clergymen, Albert or his beloved Lotte.

Effect on Goethe[edit]

Werther was one of Goethe's few works in the Sturm und Drang movement, before he, with Friedrich von Schiller, began the Weimar Classicism movement.

Goethe initially published the novel anonymously and also distanced himself from The Sorrows of Young Werther in his later years.[2] He regretted his fame and making his youthful love of Charlotte Buff public knowledge. He wrote Werther at the age of twenty-four, and yet some of his visitors in his old age knew him mainly from this work, despite his many others. He even denounced the Romantic movement by calling it "everything that is sick."[4]

Goethe described his distaste for the book, writing that even if Werther had been a brother he had killed, he could not have been more haunted by the vengeful ghost. Nevertheless, Goethe substantially reworked the book for the 1787 edition,[2] and acknowledged the great personal and emotional impact that The Sorrows of Young Werther could exert on those forlorn young lovers who discovered it. In 1821, he commented to his secretary, "It must be bad, if not everybody was to have a time in his life, when he felt as though Werther had been written exclusively for him."

Cultural impact[edit]
See also: Werther effect

The Sorrows of Young Werther was Goethe's first major success, turning him from an unknown into a celebrated author practically overnight. Napoleon Bonaparte considered it one of the great works of European literature. He thought so highly of it that he wrote a soliloquy in Goethe's style in his youth and carried Werther with him on his campaigning to Egypt. It also started the phenomenon known as the Werther-Fieber ("Werther Fever") which caused young men throughout Europe to dress in the clothing style described for Werther in the novel.[5][6] It reputedly also led to some of the first known examples of copycat suicide.

As a result of this tremendous effect, the "Werther Fever" was watched with concern by the authorities and fellow authors. One of the latter, Friedrich Nicolai, decided to create a satiric—and happier—ending called Die Freuden des jungen Werthers ("The Joys of Young Werther"), in which Albert, having realized what Werther is up to, had loaded chicken blood into the pistol, thereby foiling Werther's suicide, and happily concedes Lotte to him. After some initial difficulties, Werther sheds his passionate youthful side and reintegrates himself into society as a respectable citizen.[7]

Goethe, however, was not pleased with the Freuden and started a literary war with Nicolai (which lasted all his life) by writing a poem titled "Nicolai auf Werthers Grabe" in which Nicolai (here a passing nameless pedestrian) defecates on Werther's grave,[8] thus desecrating the memory of Werther from which Goethe had distanced himself in the meantime (as he had from the Sturm und Drang). This argument was continued in his collection of short and critical poems, the Xenien, and his play Faust.

Alternative versions and other appearances[edit]Translations[edit]

Ulrike von Levetzow
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1821 portrait

Theodore Ulrike Sophie von Levetzow, known as BaronessUlrike von Levetzow (4 February 1804 – 13 November 1899) was a friend and the last love of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

She was born at Löbnitz (today a part of Groitzsch) in Saxony, the daughter of the ducal Mecklenburg-Schwerin chamberlain and later Hofmarschall Joachim Otto Ulrich von Levetzow. The seventeen-year old girl first met Goethe in 1821 at Marienbad and again at Carlsbad in 1822 and 1823. The poet, then 72, was so carried away with her wit and beauty that he thought for a time of marrying her and urged Grand Duke Karl August of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach to ask for her hand in his name. Rejected, he left for Thuringia and addressed to her the poems which he afterward called Trilogie der Leidenschaft. These poems include the famous Marienbad Elegy.

Ulrike later confessed she was not prepared to marry and annoyedly denied a liaison with Goethe.

She remained a bachelorette for all her life and died at the age of 95 at Trziblitz Castle in Bohemia.

  • Suphan, Goethe Jahrbuch, volume xxi (Frankfort, 1900)

  • Kirschoer, Erinnerungen an Goethes Ulrike und an die Familie von Levetzow-Rauch (Aussig, 1904)


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