Homemade dumplings

过节了,儿子回来放假几天,我们全家一起包了饺子, 很享受!
It’s the holidays and our son’s back home. What better way to celebrate than making dumplings together in the kitchen!
We tried to measure all the ingredients precisely so that he will be able to reproduce it easily when he goes back to his city and makes dumplings with his friends :-).
网上也有很多包饺子的好方子,我很喜欢的是翠花姐的饺子,方子见这里 (是中 文 的)。
There are many good recipes for dumplings. My favourite one is from Cui Hua Jie。 Her recipe website is shown above, which is written in Chinese.
毛毛妈也有一些烫面煎饺的好方子 (英文的),见下面的网址:
There are also good recipes written in English from Mao Mao Mum for Pan-fried dumplings。 Her website is as following:
The recipe for our homemade dumplings is below. This is the same recipe that my parents used to make dumplings for me and my brother when I was young.
饺子皮(dumpling wrappers):普通面粉(plain flour 2 cups )2 杯, 冷水0.75 杯加一茶匙 (water 0.75 cup and 1 tea spoon) , 这个量够包 约50个饺子 ( for around 50 dumplings)。
饺子馅 ( dumpling filling):猪肉馅250克(pork mince 250 gm),圆白菜叶子7大片(cabbage leaves 7 pieces ),生抽3汤匙 (soy sauce 3 table spoons),料酒1汤匙 (cooking wine 1 table spoon),盐1/4 茶匙 (salt ¼ tea spoon),姜沫0.5汤匙 (finely chopped ginger 0.5 table spoon) ,葱沫1汤匙 (finely chopped spring onion 1 table spoon) ,橄榄油3 汤匙(olive oil 3 table spoons),香油1汤匙 (sesame oil 1 table spoon)。
饺子皮的制作过程:(Making the dumpling wrappers: )
Add the flour to a big mixing bowl. Then slowly stir in the water.
Using your clean hands, mix the flour and water into a dough. If there is leftover flour, add a teaspoon of water and mix the remaining flour into the dough. At this step the surface of the dough may be quite rough.
Cover the mixing bowl and leave the dough for 20 minutes. During these 20 minutes, you can make the dumpling filling.
After 20 minutes come back and knead the dough. After kneading, the surface of the dough should be smooth.
Using your hands, make a hole in the middle of the dough. Slowly expand the hole; grab the sides of the hole with both hands and pull and squeeze at the same time. Form the dough into a large ring. Stop when the ring is about as thick as a small rolling pin (as shown below).
将面环切断,然后沿一头切成小剂子, 每切一刀转90度见图。
Cut the ring, then cut small pieces off the ring from one end. Roll the end ninety degrees after each cut.
Using the palm of your hand flatten each piece into a small round disc.
To roll out the wrappers, hold the rolling pin with one hand and a disc with the other. After each push of the rolling pin, rotate the disc. Continue for one revolution of the disc or until the disc has uniform thickness (if the wrapper is too thick you can roll it out more).
饺子馅的制作 (Making the dumpling filling):
Add ginger, soy sauce,cooking wine and salt into pork mince, mix well;
Add olive oil and sesame oil, mix well;
Boil the cabbage leaves for 5 minutes. Then put the leaves into cold water to cool down, finely chop the leaves and strain the water from the cabbage leaves. Add them into the pork mince and mix well.
包饺子 (Making the dumplings):
Holding a wrapper in your hand, put a small amount of filling onto the middle of the wrapper. Fold the lower part of the wrapper up to cover the filling completely. Use your fingers to press the edge of the wrapper so that the edge and both ends of the wrapper are completely sealed.
The dumplings can be placed on top of baking paper or kitchen towel in a large tray.
煮饺子 (Cooking the dumplings):
取一个大一点深一点的锅,放满水,盖上盖子。等水开了以后,放入20个饺子,沿锅边用筷子轻轻转动锅里的水,让饺子不沾锅底。然后盖上锅盖。等锅里的水滚开了,加入半碗冷水,盖上锅盖。等水再开了,再加入半碗冷水,盖上锅盖。 等第三次水又滚开了,见饺子都漂浮到水面上了,再煮约三分钟,就熟了。可以用一个笊篱(大漏勺)把饺子捞出来,盛入盘中。
Fill a medium-sized pot with water and bring the water to the boil;
Add dumplings to the pot (normally around 20 dumplings for a medium-sized pot). To avoid the dumplings sticking, stir the water once along the edge of the pot, then cover the pot with a lid. Cook till the water boils then add half a cup of cold water and cover the pot again. Wait till the water boils again, and add another half cup of cold water. Cover the pot until the water boils again. This time, when all the dumplings are floating, let them keep boiling for 3 minutes, then, they are ready :-)。
Take the dumplings out of the pot. If you would like, you can avoid the dumplings sticking together by briefly dunking them into a large bowl of cold water before serving.
Now it is time to enjoy your homemade dumplings !
如果饺子包的很多,可以把多余的生饺子放入冰箱冷冻室存起来. 在冷冻室铺一张烤盘纸或厨用纸巾,上面摆放饺子,之间留一点空隙,等两个小时后饺子冻得硬一些了,放入食品袋中密封,食品袋要放在冰箱冷冻室,可以存放1~2 周。想吃的时候,直接从冷冻室拿出来下锅煮就可以。注意,冻饺子要多煮三分钟,才能保证熟了。
If there are extra raw dumplings, you can store them in the freezer. Place them on baking paper or kitchen towels with small gaps between the dumplings. After two hours, when the dumplings become hard, put them into a zip-locked food bag. In this way you can store them for one or two weeks. Cook the frozen dumplings as you would the fresh dumplings,and add 3 more minutes for boiling, and make sure they are well cooked before eating.
I hope that everyone who loves dumplings, no matter where they live, will be able to make their own favourite dumplings !.
Happy festive season !
谢谢! 别客气,很高兴能和您交流:-)。
谢谢 rainfy ! 你的这些都是好方法,包出的饺子一定很香。我会下次试一试。祝你新年快乐!
谢谢来访! 我们都喜欢饺子,有同感!能自己包了,就可以经常吃到饺子了。如果饺子皮擀起来太麻烦,可以用买来的饺子皮,先吃到饺子再说。只是那种皮比自己擀的要口感差很多。愿你的妈妈能常来看你。祝新年快乐!
谢谢rancho2008来访! 我以前也是告诉孩子放一点这些调料,对孩子来说不太容易掌握。现在把各种食材都量化了,对孩子们会容易一些。 如果这个帖子能对大家有用,那就好了。
抱抱婉妮姐! 真是这样,我也很爱包饺子,吃饺子!问好你和家人,祝你们新的一年心想事成!
谢谢红石榴花来访! 有同感,也爱吃饺子!
抱抱亮亮妈妈! 每次看到你的美食帖子和给亮亮送去的好吃的,都让我感动。做母亲的心都是一样的,也是一个很大的乐趣:-)。
如果是用中国大白菜包饺子,通常不用煮白菜叶,因为它的叶子和菜帮都不是很硬,可以剁碎或切碎。为防止白菜拌入馅中出水,可以在擀好饺子皮准备包之前才将切碎的菜拌入肉馅中, 或是事先将菜碎的水汁挤出来拌入肉馅中(一定是在肉馅放油之前拌入肉馅中),这样可以保证白菜的营养不会丢掉。
一看您就是常做饺子的人,可以和您互相交流, 也祝您节日快乐!