咱就钱进吧 。。。
米大的 ( 置顶: 新的经济周期要来临了 -miat42- ), 不知道除了quote 那位Shilling以外,能否给点进一步的信息。我实在想不出有什么新的东西可以像汽车,像计算机,像手机,像网络。。。。那样推动新一轮经济大跃进。 我不相信印钱可以印出大繁荣。
"When the economy resumes normal growth after the Age of Deleveraging is over, these excess reserves will spawn huge loans and money expansion, propelling the economy past full employment and into serious inflation. So the Fed's major job is to get rid of these excess reserves by selling securities. Tapering — i.e., adding more to this hoard — is just the start.”