  • 博客访问:


(2011-02-05 22:52:52) 下一个

“workforirs” 晒了一下她家去年的收入和开支,引发了热烈的讨论。


”R&D” 回帖晒了他(她?)家的退休金。 我在惊闻在政府工作的人可以有其他人三倍的免税额后,被实实地震撼了一把,发表了一些看法。这是我的发言:“靠!比共产党还恶!政府员工有其他人三倍的免税额?美国人民比中国人民还老实。他们手里不是都有枪吗?会不会成为下一个埃及?”


言论有点激烈。我当然没有针对他(她?)的意思,只是惊奇这么“不合理”的政策怎么可能在美国出笼? 若有冒犯, 请原谅。码下面这些个蚊子,也没有别的意思(酸葡萄等),只是说说意见,供您参考,供大家讨论。


Well, first of all, I still feel it is totally unfair that people who work for the government可以有其他人三倍的免税额! How can one justify that? After all, governments (state or federal) being too big is part of the current problem in this country (US of A). The federal government and any of the state governments are insolvent because they have too many employees and pay them too high salary and too much benefits! Not to mention the three times tax deductible saving, look at the underlined additional benefits that R&D listed below:

“one person:
 401k 1.65w employee contribution +
1.45w from employer (match+ guarenteed)
the other person(work in university):
 403b 1.65w;
 457 1.65w,
1.5w contribution + match.”

我敢说大多数在公司打工的人没有这些。Self-employed 就更不用说了。从”R&D” “workforirs” 的回贴可以看出,”R&D” 大概认为所有在公司工作的人都有公司的 401k matching 我们在公司打工的人都知道,越来越多的公司没有matching了。就算有,你那401k 1.45w from employer (match+ guarenteed) 对在公司的大多数人来说,简直是个天文数字。

To make me feel better, ”R&D”  said  他(她?)的 “salary in 2010 was less than 2002 salary” and said “this is ridiculous …”.

Well, 如果“R&D” 看到了 The Economist去年十一月的一篇文章就会感觉不同了。文章在这:http://www.economist.com/node/17525707

没时间看的话, 这是要点:美国的平均家庭收入从2000年到2009 年下降了 7%

The first decade of the 21st century was not kind to America’s middle class—real median household income was 7% lower in 2009 than it was in 2000.  See table:

“R&D” 又说:“Now giving up the tenure is already discussed seriously on the table, although not easy decision.”






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