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My lawyer got a fat check from my unsuccessful evictions. He was happy to offer me a lunch. He is Italian and considers Italian woman the most beautiful (damn, how many Chinese guys consider black haired, black eyed Chinese girls the most beautiful?), and naturally we went to an Italian restaurant with some Italian servers.
"You know we have this problem when at the time of Governor X, a bunch of idiot Democratics thought because of the slavery we have to compensate them, so they created this welfare thing. Now all the poor xxx began to come here. I say hell, what does have to do with me? My grand parents weren't even here. I think what should do is to have what's before the WWII, the work programs that put these people to work. Looks at the bridges and parks that werre built then, they're still here and beautiful."
I then countered that these folks are different. The people in the 30's wanted work and were used to work. Today's idiots don't want to work and are not fit to work.
"Look at that bitch you have, that's why she has 5 kids with who knows what guys. The more kids she has the more money she gets from welfare. At my time men got to work to feed the family. I started working at 12, at my parent's shop. I made one dollar a day. Then you know I had all icecream and candies I wanted. That did last very long... My father came back from war and went to work the next day. Same as me. I returned from service to work for my dad. That time you got a check you didn't keep. You gave it to your parent. They would give you some pocket money."
I said that's the way too when my older siblings started working in China because they still lived with parents.
"The first time I got the check to myself was the day before I got married. I remember I went to my father's office and asked for the check. He gave it to me then in a little while forgot what it was for and asked it back. I said: ' Dad, I am getting married tomorrow!' He was a man with great brain, never got more than the 5th grade, that's what poor people's education went that time. But he was able to do all the math in his mind, trigonomentry etc."
He likes to talk to me because I am his children's age and willing to listen his stories. As talks between man to man goes, he always tries to put into me that wives'd better follow what husbands say: "Before I married, my grandma asked, 'Is this girl Italian?' I said ' Y~e~s.' (She is Polish, just don't tell anybody). Long after we were married, I learned what grandma meant. Being an Italian wife means you got be ready to help the whole family, even if someone called me at 2am for something, I got to go."
I laughed and said that's hard to come by these days. And he would return to this question that he always asked, whether when Chinese women marry they change their names, and became bemoaned when I said no.