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Children\'s 10 commandments for mom & Dad

(2009-03-31 23:26:52) 下一个
1. Pay attention to me.

2. Don't substitute toys for LOVE.

3. Be happy.

4. Treat me fairly.

5. Give me responsibilities that fit my age.

6. Let me solve my own problems.

7. Remember you're not me and I 'm not you.

8. Don't compare me.

9. Drop your fantasies.

Love me unconditionally.
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mousa 回复 悄悄话 谢谢光临! I don't think that you should drop your 'fantasy' for your daughter. Your 'fantasy' is also my dream for my son.

Actually, Fantasy here means an unrealistic hope.
大多数家长希望孩子圆自己未能圆的梦, 这是不健康的. 我们不应该将自己未能圆的梦强加在孩子身上. Indeed, we drop our fantasies...
acme 回复 悄悄话 谢谢分享! 一点我以前没意识到的是 "drop your fantacies". 我时常fantacize我女儿长大后, 能找到一个为她倾倒,爱她的男人,幸福的生活. 我应该drop that fantacy. :-)