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闺蜜说你下次做视频不要说很容易,我看都复杂得很。 我说你从来不做饭,最多煮碗泡面,那当然复杂啦。 另外个会做饭的跳出来说:“我一看夫妻肺片就吓着了,我们还是等着你做我们吃好了。你能不能真正容易做的,做起来快,最好做一次吃两三顿。”听了晕是晕点,还真想起这道我们全家喜欢的日本咖喱。每次做这,大熊猫都要吃得差点嗝食。而且可以一次做一大锅,第二天中午都不用做饭,电饭锅煮锅新鲜米饭,剩的咖喱加点水热一下,和头天的味道差不多。
肉1磅/450克左右。鸡肉,猪肉,牛肉都可以。 而且肉多肉少点也没关系。
混合蔬菜2磅/900g (土豆,胡萝卜,半个洋葱, 日本南瓜)
咖喱块 220克
1个鸡蛋清 (可省)
1. 肉切薄点的片,加一个蛋清,拌匀。 这样肉会嫩点。
2. 蔬菜切大块
3. 咖喱块切碎
4. 锅烧热下油,油热下肉片,炒到差不多熟时加入蔬菜,翻炒一分钟。把火转到中小火,加盖,烧4-5分钟。(洋葱可以先炒到透明,再下其他菜。不过这种最后煮成汤的菜,先炒洋葱或者不先炒,我吃不出什么差别,所有怎么简单怎么来。)
5. 菜和肉转到一个汤锅里,加6杯开水。 大火烧开后,转中小火煮15分钟。
6. 最后把火转到最小,加入咖喱碎,搅拌直到所有咖喱都化了。 这时候如果觉得太稀,你可以再继续一点一点地加咖喱碎,直到汤成你喜欢的浓度。 我一般按一杯水35克咖喱来加。
7. 当所有咖喱都化了时关火。咖喱配白米饭最香。吃不完的咖喱,第二天加一点点水,微波炉加热又是一碗香喷喷的下饭菜。
How to Make Japanese Curry
6 servings
Beef/Pork/Chicken 1lb/453g
1 pack of Golden Curry sauce mix 7.8 oz/220g
2lbs/900g mixed vegetable (potato, half onion, carrots, Japanese pumpkin)
2 tbsp vegetable oil
1 egg white (optional)
1. Slice meat into thin pieces. If you want the meat to be tender, you can add one egg white and mix well.
2. Cut vegetables into large pieces.
3. Chop curry sauce mix into small pieces for easy melting.
4. In a large skillet add 1 tablespoon vegetable oil over high heat. When oil is hot, add meat and sauté until the meat is almost cooked. Add vegetables, sauté for 1 minute, cover the skillet, turn heat to medium-low, and cook for another 4-5 minutes.
5. Transfer meat and vegetables to a large pot. Add 6 cups of boiling water. When the water starts to boil again, reduce the heat, cover and simmer for 15 minutes.
6. Turn the heat to low and add curry sauce mix, stir until the sauce mix is completely melted. If the sauce is not thick enough for you, add a little more sauce mix until to your satisfaction.
7. Serve hot over rice.