熊猫媳妇 (热门博主)
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(2013-01-09 18:14:24) 下一个

这个烤羊腿我是要大力推荐。为什么呢?我和熊猫的全家其实都是对羊肉不太感冒的。2011年去新西兰,点了不同的羊肉,但都不太感兴趣。特别是点的羊腿,硬是没吃完。 我们家的餐桌上除了吃火锅的时候,见过吃喝团的姐妹带来的羊肉片外,还从来没见过其他的羊肉。 就是像我们这样不爱吃羊肉的人,对这烤羊腿都是吃了第一口就爱上了!

It turns out that this dish is so popular among our American friends that I have to make an English cope of this recipe. Whoever is checking out the English copy of recipe, I bet you have tasted it at your lovely friend's home. Now you can impress your guests! It is seariously easy, basically, just seasoning, browning meat, and baking.

这方子是我们吃喝团的团员Do.Ri.Me自创的,我只是借花献佛啦。所以呢我管这叫 123烤羊腿, 大家要念Do.Ri.Me烤羊腿哈,不是yi.er.san 烤羊腿 ! 但这么好吃的菜其实特好做,总结起来,就只有1,2,3,三步,1 - 腌,2 - 煎,3 - 烤。 如果买对原材料,我包大家一试成功! 熊猫爸妈吃我第一次做的,就赞口不绝。熊猫爸妈也是平时不吃羊肉的哦。大家都喜欢。这菜绝对的冬天请客的好菜!


一是好的羊腿。 我买的羊腿是在 Aurora, CO,H-Mart 旁边的一中东店买的,这家的羊肉比较好。

二是用对香料。 这个料可以自己配摩洛哥或地中海地方的香料,通常包括大蒜,rosemary,sage,和thyme),但买的当然更好啦。在 Fort Collins, Colorado, 的downtown 有家香料专卖店, Savory。 这家店在其他州也有,是个规模不太大的连锁店。 如果你们住的地方没有这店,可以网购。 烤羊腿用这下面两种香料都不错。

这次我用的是 Bohemian Forest European Style Seasoning (Salt-Free) 这种也很好 Mt. Olympus Greek Style Seasoning 我们还在这家买了其他香料,用来煎猪排和牛排什么的都好吃。

The secret of success is using right ingredients: FRESH lamb shanks and GOOD seasonings.

1. Fresh Lamb Shanks: We normally buy them from the Arash International Market. They always have fresh lamb meat.

2. This is the seasoning we use, Bohemian Forest European Style Seasoning (Salt-Free) or Mt. Olympus Greek Style Seasoning. There are several local spicy stores you can find in Colorado. We like to go to the Savory Spice Shop in downtown Fort Collins, CO.



1. 羊腿四只(lamb shanks)共約5 lbs
2. 洋葱一个, 切成细长条
3. 橄榄油 1/4 杯
4. 盐 1.5 - 2 小匙 (吃得淡的,或者后面用的鸡汤本身已有盐的,盐用少点)
5. 黑胡椒适量
6. 混合香料 1.5 大匙
7. 水或鸡汤1 杯


1. 4 Lamb shanks around 5 lbs
2. One medium onion,julienned
3. 1/4 cup of good olive oil
4. 1.5-2 tsps salt
5. Black pepper to season
6. 1.5 Tbsp Greek seasoning (as mentioned above)
7. 1 cup of water or Low sodium chicken stock


1. 羊腿用水沖洗干净后用纸巾拍干,将羊腿排放在一长方型烤盘上,用针扎些小孔,方便入味。
2. 均勻撒一层盐,黑胡椒,然後再撒上混合香料在羊腿上。
3. 橄榄油均勻抹在羊腿上后,按摩一下羊肉,烤盘用保鲜膜封好,放在冰箱腌24小時。
4. 烤箱预热至 285 F 度
5. 平底锅中火加熱,將羊腿放入煎至表面微微焦黃,約6-8分钟,將表面煎黃的羊腿放入另一亇干净烤盘。煎羊腿时千万不要用不粘锅,上色太慢。有铸铁锅用铸铁锅,或者用不锈钢锅也成。
6. 将洋葱放入煎过羊腿的平底锅中,之前腌羊腿剩下的油和香料也一起放入洋葱翻炒,待洋葱稍软之后加入鸡汤或水,汤汁煮沸后连洋葱倒在羊腿上。
7. 用锡箔紙將烤盘密封,不要有开口让蒸汽外散。(这步就如烤翠花排骨一样,密封要特别好,千万不能漏气!!! 用低温,长时间来慢慢烤。下次我要用我的Staub锅来烤着试试看。)
8. 放入烤箱285F烤至少三小時(我烤了4小时),或者直到烤好的羊腿用筷子輕輕一拨就骨肉分开。配上pita饼或是couscous 都很合适,冬天时请客可以在烤箱里保温到晩餐开始時才端上桌。


1. Rinse the lamb shanks and pat try with paper towels. Use a needle or fork to punch holes to help the flavor get into meat.
2. Evenly rub salt and black pepper on all sides of lamb shanks, and then the Greek seasoning. Last drizzle olive oil over shanks.
3. Cover the lamb shanks and refrigerate for at least 24 hours. Yes, 24 hours is better than overnight based on multiple feedbacks.
4. Preheat oven to 285 F.
5. Heat cast iron or stainless steel pot (absolutely no non-stick pot, won’t brown the meat) on high heat until pot gets really hot, brown all sides of shanks.
6. Lay a piece of heavy duty foil wrap on the bottom of a baking pan, make sure it doesn’t break. Put shanks in the baking pan.
7. Turn down the heat to medium, add onion, use the grease from the shanks to cook the onion until it is translucent. Add water or chicken stock, cook for 1 minute. Pour the onion mix over shanks.
8. Seal the pan with foil wrap by pitching all sides down. The main point is making sure no steam escapes while cooking.If the pan isn't sealed well, shank will be dry.
9. Bake the shank for 4 hours or until meat comes off bone easily.  

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