鹿苑(DEER PARK 丹麦语“DYREHAVE”)曾经是丹麦哥本哈根郊外的一座皇家涉猎的公园,现在成为一个开放的以野生鹿雷为主题的公园。公园有着1600年代巴洛克风格的建筑。位于哥本哈根的北部郊外, 距离哥本哈根市中心需要20分钟火车的路途。
开阔的田园之中有很多自由行走的小鹿,开阔的田园, 此处是一个气候温暖时节一所全家娱乐的好地方。它在2015年被联合国教科文组织列入世界遗产名录。
The history of The Deer Park goes all the way back to 1669, where the Danish King decided to fence some part of the forest and let deer live freely. His intention was to use the park for hunting purposes. Today, the park is covering approximately 1000 hectares which is about 11 square kilometers (4.2 sq. miles). The park is mostly cultivated woodland and grassland, and is by far the most visited nature reserve in Denmark. Annually, the park has about 7.5 million visitors.
The biggest attraction is the large amount of wild deer living in the park. More than 2000 deer are living freely within the park and can be seen all over the park. 1600 of the 2000 deer are Fallow deer, 300 are the larger Red deer and about 100 of them are Sika deer. Because of all the deer the entire park is fenced. The wild deer are habituated to people, so it is possible see them at a very short distance, which gives a very unique opportunity to take great photos and in general get a nice experience. Besides the deer the forest is home for a large number of different bird species. So it can easily be said that the park offers a super wildlife experience.