

Handling conditionings

(2022-03-16 18:54:14) 下一个
  1. we shouldn't allow the conditionings from the past to determine our present behavior without our conscious consent.
  2. we shouldn't allow the present surroundings and hte thoughtlessness of others to determine our present state of being. Are we helplessly conditioned by our surroundings? When someone says something nasty out of thoughtlessness or ignorance, are we enwarpped with resentment that ruins the rest of our day? or do we determine our own state of being-our own responses to what people say or do?
  3. we should undertake a program that will change our conditionings so that they will be consistent with our highest goals and values. 
    • daily reading the classic and great literature
    • deliberate choice of like-minded companions
    • consciously undertaking reconditioning programs

there is such a thing as destiny. Like a river, the course of the flow may be predetermined, but it can be changed. When we do nothing, then the pattern of the past takes over and our destiny is fixed. Within us are levels of consciousness that can interact with such preset patterns and hence cause a modification of these grooves.

there comes a time in our lives when we realize that the factors that determine our life can come within our control. But we need to make a conscious choice to take control.

we have the power to go beyond suffering in our lives. we have the power to change ourselves, our attitudes, our habiits, our relationships. The sooner we undertake the change in these causes, the sooner we can reap the change in the effects. Life is governed by the law of auce and effect, of sowing and reaping, of the law of karma.

In controlling our destiny, let's consider 3 factors:

  1. what kind of life or future we wishe to weave for ourselves? [freedom to choose things I enjoy doing with people I trust and like]
  2. we must be familiar with the principles that govern the law of cause and effect. [what are the underlying roots of our feelings and thoughts and behaviors]
  3. we need to develop self-mastery- that capacity to control our personality [character flaws]

Karma operates on all levels of consciousness. The source of karma are not only from actions in this life but also from previous lives.  There are three types of karma in everyday life:

  1. unripe karma: we can't do anything about it
  2. ripe karma: we have a choice to resolve or intensify the enmity
  3. present karma: reap and sow
Cause Effect
Benevolent deeds Good environment
Bad deeds Difficult environment
Aspirations Ideal
Aspirations/Desires Capacities
Sustained thoughts Character
Successes Enthusiasm
Experience Wisdom
Painful expereinces Conscience
Will to serve Spirituality

Benevolent deeds, due to their kind intent and helpful effects, generate goodwill in the hearts and minds of otehr people. They create an environment that is similarly benevolent to the ones who have been benevolent.  

Hurtful deeds create consicous or unconscious malevolence in other people towards the doer. New acquintances seem to exhibit unjust attitudes and behaviors towards us even if we have not done anything to offend them.

People are unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered,

Love them anyway.

If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives,

Do good anyway.

If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies,

Succeed anyway.

The good you do will be forgotten tomorrow,

Do good anyway.

Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable,

Be honest and frank anyway.

What you spent years building may be destroyed overnight,

Build anyway.

Poeple really need help but may attack you if you help them,

Help them anyway.

Give the world the best you've got anyway.

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