

Exercises for Hormone Balance

(2020-11-13 14:22:09) 下一个
  1. Downward-Facing Dog: take three deep and long Ujjayi Breaths in this position
     How to Do Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
  2. Right Lunge: in this position, take seven to fifteen Bhastrika breaths in this position and then direct your energy to your right ovary. Finally move your two feet together and take three deep Ujjayi breaths in downward-facing dog.
    High Lunge - Yoga Journal
  3. Left Lunge:  take seven to fifteen Bhastrika breaths in this position and then direct your energy to your left ovary. Finally move your two feet together and take three deep Ujjayi breaths in downward-facing dog.
  4. Pigeon Pose on your right side: take seven to fifteen Bhastrika breaths in this position and then direct your energy to your right ovary. Repeat the exercise two more times.
    How To Do Sleeping Pigeon Pose
  5. Pigeon Pose on your left side:  take seven to fifteen Bhastrika breaths in this position and then direct your energy to your left ovary. Repeat the exercise two more times.
  6. Reclining Hero Pose: take seven to fifteen Bhastrika breaths in this position and then direct your energy to your both ovaries at the same time. Repeat the sequence three more times.
    Supta Virasana / Reclined Hero Pose – Fix Your Abdomen! – Yoga365Days
  7. The First Beauty Waves: lie flat on your back. Bend both knees and draw your thighs in towards your belly; clasp your thighs with your arms. Next take seven Bhastrika breaths in this position and then direct your energy to your face and hair.
    Yoga Poses You Can Do in Bed | POPSUGAR Fitness
  8. The Second Beauty Wave: lie on your back with your hands and wrists under your hips, palms facing down. Your thumbs should be touching. Reach your legs straight up to the ceiling and alternately kick your right and left heels against your buttocks while doing Bhastrika breathing (exhale as you kick with your right foot and inhale as you kick with your left foot). After fifteen kicks, you can direct your energy to your face and hair.
  9. The Third Beauty Wave: repeat the sequence, this time Bhastrika breathing out as you kick with your left feet and breathing in as you kick with your right foot.
  10. Bridge Pose: using Ujjayi breath do bridge pose seven times. Finish in the elevated position and support your pelvis with your hands or with a block. Stay in this position and take seven to fifteen Bhastrika breaths. Then lower your rib cage and pelvis back to the floor and direct your energy to your thyroid gland.
    How to Do Bridge Pose in Yoga –
  11. Reclined Mountain Pose: take three to five deep breaths using the Ujjayi technique, then direct your energy to your thyroid gland. (put your hands under your buttocks instead of behind your head)
    Core Concept: Soften Your Middle for a Stronger Core | Yoga, Corpse pose,  Yoga routine
  12. Fish pose: take three to five deep breaths using the Ujjayi technique, then direct your energy to your thyroid gland.
    Pin on yoga
  13. Head to Knee pose on your left side: Inhale, extend your upper body and arms; exhale. bend forward and hold onto your left foot. Exhale pushing your foot forward and inhale pull it back. Take seven Bhastrika breaths. Next breathe in, keep your foot flexted, and directed your energy to your left ovary.
    Head-to-Knee Forward Bend (Janu Sirsasana) - Yoga Journal
  14. Head to Knee pose on your right side: Inhale, extend your upper body and arms; exhale. bend forward and hold onto your right foot. Exhale pushing your foot forward and inhale pull it back. Take seven Bhastrika breaths. Next breathe in, keep your foot flexted, and directed your energy to your right ovary.
  15. Half Spinal Twist: bend your left knee and place your left foot next to your right knee. Hold onto the bent knee with both hands and pull your back upward until you are sitting up tall and straight. Take seven Bhastrika breaths and then direct your energy to your left ovary. Next place your left foot on the outside of the extended right leg. Twist your rib cage to the left, holding onto the bent leg with your right arm. Draw your left shoulder up toward your ear and then pull your shoulder blades togther on your back. Place the fingertips of your left hand on the floor behind your buttocks. As you breathe in, lengthen your upper body; as you breath out, twist your spine and rib cage. Take seven Bhastrika breaths and then direct your energy to your RIGHT ovary. Twist your upper body even further to the left, holding onto your extended right leg with your right hand. Your right elbow should be on the outside of your left knee.  Take seven Bhastrika breaths and then direct your energy to your left ovary.
    Twist Your Spine | Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of the Fishes Pose) -  Yoga Journal
  16. Repeat all three steps of this exercise on the left side.
  17. shoulder stand:  take fifteen Bhastrika breaths and direct your energy to the thyroid and pituitary glands.
    How to Do Supported Shoulderstand Pose | DOYOU
  18. V Shape shoulder stand: take fifteen Bhastrika breaths in this position and pay attention to the movement of the perineum. Finally direct your energy to the thyroid and pituitary glands.
    Yoga Stable - A sequence of shoulderstand variations...
  19. backward shoulder stand: start with shoulder stand, take turns moving each extended leg toward your head and then backward, as if you were walking. Practice Bhastrika breathing-inhale as you move the right leg downward and exhale as you move the left leg downward.
    Yoga Poses Around the World: Shoulderstand taken in Nosara, Costa Rica by  Kristel V. | Yoga poses, Yoga fitness, How to do yoga
  20. windshield wiper: repeat several times and breate normally
    Supine Windshield Wiper Pose Variation Yoga (Supta Sucirandhrasana  Variation) | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit  Pronunciation | Tummee.comSeated Windshield Wiper Pose Yoga | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations,  and Sanskrit Pronunciation |
  21. Corpse pose:  direct your awareness to your inward center and observe your own breath for five minutes.
    Corpse Pose - Yoga With Adriene - YouTube

Ujjayi breathing

Bhastrika Breathing

Techniques for directing energy within the body

  1. breathe in and then pause. close your eyes.
  2. with your eyes closed, focus on the tip of your nose.
  3. roll the tip of your tongue inward and place it against the roof of your month to hold the upward moving energy inside your head.
  4. then practice Mula Bandha to hold the downward energy inside your pelvis
  5. life energy will then rise up alone your spine to the tip of your nose
  6. direct your concentration toward the endocrine gland that you want to activate in the exercise and calmly breathe out

Practicing Mula Bandha

There are three Bandhas. In Mula Bandha, gently contract the muscles of the perineum while simultaneously moving your tailbone down and forward in a shoveling motion by tipping your pelvis.

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