

100 hard questions for an authentic life

(2020-11-11 13:54:57) 下一个

Those are questions I often think of. I either have no answer or change my answer from time to time.  May I ask you go through the list with me together and give some insights in the comments area?

  1. what kind of activities make me feel good? - reading, drinking tea, writing journals, gardening, practicing yoga, taichi, sleeping, eating good meals and snacks, day dreaming, meditating, praying
  2. what can bring the best quality out of me? - love, understanding, acceptance and appreciation
  3. what can trigger the evil inside of me?  - intense fear 
  4. am I able to face my own darkness?  - yes
  5. what is wrong with me? -  I have made many mistakes but I am not a mistake. Nothing is wrong with me.
  6. what kind of transferences always give me trouble? -defensive, lack of trust, fear of failure, prejudices, pride
  7. How can I done with these schemas? -self-awareness and self-mastery through mindfulness and prayer for divine guidance
  8. what is my nature? how can I live a wonderful life according to my own nature?- I don't know. I'm searching for my own path of righteousness
  9. what do I expect from a true friend? respect, honesty, understanding, support, insights, wisdom, good looking, decent taste in art, music and philosophy
  10. am I a good friend? what am I willing to do for my friends in time of needs?- I don't know. I will listen with full attention and only give opinions or offer help when my friends ask for and I am capable to do so.
  11. what are my real needs and true desires?  Feel good, look good and be good. Learn something new everyday and only do things I choose to do and do my best .
  12. why I hate to be average and mad at below average and strive to be above average? The spirit of competitiveness
  13. what does an ordinary person mean? why I hate to be an ordinary woman? The comformity to the society rules. I have a rebelling soul.
  14. what do I need to do to stay in the sense of well-being? SPACE- Sleep well, Proactively flow with life, Active mental and physical exercising, Creative self-expression, and Eating healthy food
  15. How can I practice the art of sellf-mastery? know myself first; find the path of righteousness and follow through with perservance, courage, gratitude and open mindedness
  16. How can I understand my own body sensations and messages with compassion, patience and accuracy?practice, practice and practice
  17. how can I aware my own feelings and the triggers behind these feelings?-pay attention to daily routine; pause dozen times in the middle of activities and ask "how do I feel by doing this?"
  18. how can I improve my emotional intelligence? learning from books and life experience; practice with family memebers
  19. what kind of social connections or supports do I really need?  mutual benefits and respect
  20. what is a good habit? enhance the well-being
  21. how to form a new good habit? motivation+ability+prompt+reward
  22. how to get rid of a bad habit?make it inconvenient to do and remove all triggers to do it
  23. how can I gain insights from my own dreams?write it down and pray about it; read books on this topic 
  24. what kind of books do I need to read? why? ask and listen before reading
  25. what kind of skills I want to learn and why? self-mastery in health, wealth, relationship and fulfillment because they are the most important pillars of a good life
  26. what are my deepest fears? -death, suffering, disability, useless, poverty, isolation, ugly, repetition with no growth
  27. what kind of lessons have I learned from life through the most painful experiences?-you reap what you sow
  28. what are repeated problems? How can I learn the lessons? -Focus too much on external factors and ignore the inner voice; spend more time in self-reflection and remember to make others feel good when it is possible
  29. If I have enough money to do anything, what would be the first thing I do? buy an organic farm and build a retreat resort
  30. who are my role models? what kind of characters do I admire and desire to have? Jesus, Budda, Bill Gates, Andrew Stanley, WuZeTian, Aristotole, Plato, Laozs. They make the world a better place to live and make impossible possible
  31. if God has a life review with me, how can I present my case with confidence? Practice the presence of God everyday
  32. what are the natures of human being? 
  33. what is creativity?
  34. why letting go is hard?
  35. am I willing to forgive people?
  36. do I love prestige?
  37. do I make excuses?
  38. am I honest with myself?
  39. what matters to me?
  40. is it too late to ask important questions?
  41. how often do I catch myself schadenfreuid?
  42. am I a good student of life?
  43. do I love myself?
  44. what is the purpose of life?
  45. who am I?
  46. is there a life after death?
  47. what kind of God do I want to believe? 
  48. what kind of relationship do I want to have with God?
  49. what kind of relationship do I want to have with my children?
  50. what is the scripts of an ideal spouse?
  51. what is my own ideal for life?
  52. where do I want to live?
  53. what kind of work can bring me fulfillment and joy?
  54. how can I know myself?
  55. If God grants one prayer be answered, what would I ask for?
  56. do I resist changes in life?
  57. do I fear the unknown and uncertainty of life?
  58. what is death?
  59. how to face our own death?
  60. how to deal with sufferings?
  61. what do I fear of at the present moment?
  62. what kind of things make me excited?
  63. what are my core values and how do I rank them?
  64. what is the purpose of life?
  65. what is love?
  66. what is truth?
  67. what is spirit?
  68. what is the most important thing for me now?
  69. am I ready to die now?
  70. what kind of uncompleted businesses do I have now?
  71. am I loved?
  72. Why do I stay stuck in a situation when I should step out of it and observe it from a distance?

  73. what would I want to be written in my obituary or sid about me in a eulogy?
  74. do I celebrate or mourn any spiritual events? which holigay or events do I feel it is important to mark, either through celebration or remembrance/mournin? do I have appropriate rituals and community to join or support me during these times?
  75. When someone is born or dies in my family or community, do I have a satisfactory way to mark these events? what rituals help me to commenmorate these major transitions?
  76. what do i do to be of service to others? do I offer the fruits of my spiritual beliefs and practices to others? do I give back to the world? Or am I simply not able to at this time? If I do express generosity, how do I do it? how might I increase the role of generosity in my life?
  77. for what and to whom am i most grateful in my life? what has been done for me or given to me that I am most appreciative of? what is currently being done for me or given to me that I'm most appreciative of ? am I able to express gratitude either through word or deed for what I've received and am receiving? How do I express gratitutde?
  78. does the work I do support or reflect my spiritual beliefs and values? is there congruity between how I believe we should treat others and my relationships at work? do I feel good about the product, service, or aim of my workplace? if not, how might I bring my work life into closer alliance with my vlaues? is there some way I can come from my spirutal core while at work?
  79. do I think of myself as a creative person? everyone has special gifts of intelligence, compassion, insight, ingenuity, style, etc: what are mine?
  80. are there any people in my life whom I consider to be particularly creative? in what ways does their creativity manifest itself?can seeing how they approach life help me to awaken my own creative gifts, even if they are very different?
  81. do I posses any particular creative gifts that I'm too shy or embarrassed to admit, maybe even to myself? am I able to own my gifts, do I feel comfortable admitting them, even to myself? if I were to allow these gifts to manifest in my life, how would my life change?
  82. how and where do I express my creative gifts? In writing, painting, cooking, childcare, the way I dress, gardening, conversation, praying? any or all of these can be outlets for creativity? what are mine? are they adequate for my self-expression? if not, what changes can I make to provide myself with greater opportunities for creative expression?
  83. with whom do I feel most comfortable being my most powerful, gifted self? what do these people do to make me feel this way? with whom do I feel the least comfortable? what do these people do to make me feel this way?
  84. what situations do I continually and habitually respond to in ways that cause my own or others' unhappiness? how might I employ my creativity to respond differently the next time I encounter this situation? what would my new more creative response look and feel like to me? to others?
  85. are there people or groups whose support would nourish and help me to enhance my creativity? if so, how do I locate them and verify my assumption that their support would indeed be nourishing?
  86. what places or circumstances seem to connect me with my creativity? Museums, books, nature, meditation, and intimate relationships are a few examples of places, activities, or situations that might evoke creativity. Do I spend enough time and energy exploring these areas? When I do find myself in one of these situations, am I able to slow down and really notice what goes on for me or do I speed right through it?
  87. what tools support my creativity: journaling, meditation, walk, taking classes, doing creative projects with friends, taking time for contemplation, others? do I allow enough time in my life for these pursuits?
  88. when I have a creative idea, am I able to see it thought? How good am I at completion? how does it feel to complete a creative task? what seems to block me from completion? do I run into mental or emotional stumbling blocks when exercising my creativity? if so, what are they? what can I do to mitigate their effects?
  89. how do I nurture the creativity of those around me: spouse, child, coworkers, friends, etc.? do I recognize their creative gifts? am I good at supporting the creativity of others? If so, how do I offer my support? if not, how might I become more supportive?
  90. creativity and pleasure are related synergistically. do I MAKE ROOM IN MY LIFE FOR PLEASURE? WHAT DO i DO THAT IS PURELY FOR FUN or pleasure? where and when do I have the most fun or experience the most pleasure?
  91. with whom or where do I feel the most pleasure? what is pleaurable to me that no one else would consider to be so? what do most people consider pleaurable that is not so for me?
  92. what place do spirituality and spirutal practice play in my life? do I have a spiritual life? do I have spiritual beliefs? are they the beliefs or a specific religion or are they self-created? a combination of the two? am I albe to express them clearly? to myself? to others?
  93. do I believe in God or any form of deity? if so, what makes me feel most connected to this divinity? what is the nature of my relationship with this divinity? what is the nature of my relationship with this divinity? when do I feel it most strongly? daily? in church? in nature? with my family? others? what can I do make this relationship stronger?
  94. do I follow a particular spiritual practice or practices, such as meditation, prayer, charitable service? how strong is my commitment to these practices? am I satisfied with the amount of time, energy, and resources I devote to them? if not what changes might I make to deepen my practice?
  95. do I share my spirutal practice with others? if so, do I feel supported and am I able to offer support? if not, would I benefit from finding people to share my practice? how would I go about finding them?
  96. does my family participate in my relationship with divinity? if so, am I content with the way we express and work with spirutality as a family? if not, would I like to try to strengthen the connection between my family life and my spiritual life?
  97. what are the three qualities I value most? How deeply are these values expressed in my relationships with family, with an intimate partner, and in my work? would my friends, family, partner, and colleagues  be albe to see my values expressed in my actions and interactions with them? how can I better express my core values in each important area of my life?
  98. if I had to rank the areas of my life to reflect my deepest values and core inclinations, how would I order the following: family, friendships, intimacy, work, money, creativity, and spirituality? to which areas do I devote the most time, energy, resources, and thought? am I content with this ranking? Would I prefer to reorder some of these priorities? if so, how might I go about doing that? are internal and or extenal shifts required? who might be able to help me make those changes? are there any books, groups, organizations, or friends I could call on for support? If my priorities were ordered correctly, how would my life be different from what it is now?
  99. which of my relationships are most supportative of my spiritual beliefs and values? with whom do I feel closest to God or divinity? who is my best spirutal friend? with whom can I most comfortalby discuss my beliefs and values? which relationship best support me in my progress along my personal spiritual path? which support me the least?
  100. how, where and with whom do I most clearly express the spiritual qualities of love, compassion, patience, tolerance, forgiveness, contentment, and happiness? which of these am I most lacking in? in which areas of my life and in which relationships? how can i CULTIVATE AND deepen these qualities in myself and in my everyday dealings with others?
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