

Truly forgiveness

(2010-06-10 18:27:57) 下一个
  1. We must forgive our enemies for our own goodness
  2. We cannot truly forgive without the help of Holy Spirit
  3. We not only forgive them but also bless them.The truth is that we are not praying for them to make more money or have more possessions, we are praying for them to be blessed spiritually. What we are doing is asking God to bring truth and revelation to them about their attitude and behavior so they will be willing to repent and be set free from their sins.
  4. Forgiveness does not mean restoration.If the relationship can be restored, and it is within God's will for it to be restored, then restoration is the best plan. But God never intends to let you suffer from the same person. Forgiveness just means letting the hurt go.
  5. Forgiving somebody does not mean your feeling towards the person changed immediately. I believe the greatest deception in the area of forgivenss Satan has perpetuated in the church is the idea that if a person's feelings have not changed, he has not forgiven. This is not true because forgiveness is like cleansing the wound but only God can heal the wound and turn our scars into stars. And healing takes time.
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