
一天只有24个小时, 开心烦恼任你选


(2020-12-03 03:00:13) 下一个


  1. Australians don't have sex, Australians mate. (澳洲人打招呼都是: hey, mate; 顺便笑话澳洲人没文化)
  2. What is the difference between yoghurt and Australia? Yoghurt has some culture. (俺没文化)
  3. What do you call an Aussie that scores well on an IQ test? A cheater. (俺还笨)
  4. Did you hear about the Aussie that had a brain transplant?  The brain rejected him a week later (笨到医生也木有办法)
  5. A British man is visiting Australia. The customs agent asks him, “Do you have a criminal record?” The British man replies, “I didn’t think you needed one to get into Australia anymore”(为不了解澳洲历史的同学解释一下笑点: 澳洲最开始是英国囚犯的流放地: 英国监狱关不下的,就送澳洲)
  6. How many Aussies does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
    Three. One to hold the bulb and two to turn the ladder. (败事有余的Aussie哈,screw 的意思你懂的)
  7. Q: What’s the difference between Cinderella and the Melbourne football team?

A: Cinderella wanted to get to the ball. (这个和国足有一比啊)

  1. You know you’re in Australia when you’re surprised the train arrives on time. (懒散的Aussie啊)
  2. Why is Australia such a dry country?

We don’t have a king or queen to reign on it.(气候不好怪国王)

10. If it takes an IQ of 60 to tie shoelaces, why do so many Australians wear thongs? (出门有风险,穿鞋要谨慎)


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