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用rivet tool修理护脸面罩

(2025-03-27 16:14:09) 下一个

用rivet tool修理护脸面罩


原来修理过的护脸面罩又坏了。就用rtvet tool修了一下。

1. rivet tool和rivets:


Pop-rivet gun

A typical pop-rivet (a.k.a. blind rivet)

A pop rivet gun is made to apply pop rivets to a workpiece, and was invented in 1916 by Hamilton Wylie.[2] This type of rivet gun is unique in its operation, because it does not hammer the rivet into place. Rather, a pop rivet gun will form a rivet in-place.

The gun is fed over the rivet's mandrel (a shaft protruding from the rivet head) and the rivet tail is inserted into the workpiece. When the gun is actuated (typically by squeezing the handle), a ball on the rivet's tail is drawn towards the head, compressing a metal sleeve between the ball and the head. This forms another "head" on the opposing side to the workpiece, drawing the work together and holding it securely in place. The mandrel has a weak point that breaks, or "pops" when the riveting process is complete. This style of rivet does not require the use of a bucking bar, because the force applied is away from the work. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rivet_gun

2. 修好的护脸面罩(灰塑料上的蓝塑料):

3. 当时蓝片底下裂了,决定钻眼,用rivet钉上:

4. 钻眼:

5. rivet只有一面有垫圈,

6. rivet的另一面如果没有一个垫圈,这样rivet被挤压成形后会把塑料挤压到rivet原来的垫圈上,因而失去rivet的作用。因此塑料的另一面因为没有金属垫圈就需要再做一个垫圈。要做垫圈,就先剪断一个接线头:

7. 把圆孔扩大,然后放到台虎钳上:

8.  把尖的部分锉圆:

9. 这样将来不会伤手:

10. 把rivet放进去:



13. 把rivet 插进rivet tool里:

14. 拉紧rivet tool的两个把手,rivet tool最后就把rivet拉紧并切断:

15. 把断了的rivet从rivet tool 取出:

16. 完工:



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