简介pic microcontroller
pic microcontroller是microchip这个公司产的microcontroller,国内也管它叫pic单片机。microchip公司有很多自己的microchip,像下面的5个pic32mx795f512l, pic24hj32gp, pc10f202t, pic12f629 (2个),最小的是pic10f202t:
每个chip里都有输入输出pin(管脚),你可以让一些管脚当输入,另一些管脚当输出,做一些你想做的事情。例如你可以把一个管脚用做开关做为输入,当开关按下时,让另一个管脚上联着的红外发光二极管发出红外线,让你的相机接到红外线信号后按下快门,拍出相片。下图里透明盒子里的是Nikon DSLR D70相机的红外遥控器,下图里黑的东西是可以插在汽车的点烟器插口上可以测出电池电压和发电机电压的小装置:
每个chip里都有flash memory, 从几个byte到mega byte (gemini 说有 2MB的chip)。你可以自己编程,然后把高等语言用软件转化成chip能懂的机器语言。 下图是microchip的软件,你可以选C或assembly language编程,下图是assembly language:
再用programmer把机器语言烧到chip的flash memory里,这样这个chip就可以按你的要求做事了。flash memory能够反复消除反复使用1万到10万次。下面是programmers,也叫chip flash memory burner:
下面是我以前用英语写的,介绍microcontroller和microprocessor的·区别以及pic microcontroller. 基本没改,贴在这里。给感兴趣的人看的。
In every one’s home, there are computers. The heart of the microcomputer is a CPU (central process unit) or a microprocessor.
Central Processing Unit
The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the primary component of a computer that acts as its “control center.” The CPU, also referred to as the “central” or “main” processor, is a complex set of electronic circuits that runs the machine's operating system and apps.
But in your home, there is another kind of “computer”. You may or may not notice. They are called microcontroller. In fact, in your house, the amount of microcontroller could be much higher than that of CPU. In remote controls for TV, microwave oven, smart door bell, electric pressure cooker …, where there must be one or several microcontrollers, in your car, there might be at least one hundred of them.
What is the difference between a CPU and a microcontroller?
A microcontroller (MC, UC, or μC) or microcontroller unit (MCU) is a small computer on a single integrated circuit. From Wikipedia.
A microcontroller is like a miniaturized computer on a single chip. All the elements of a computer, such as CPU, memory, timers, and registers, are tightly integrated with each other. A microprocessor, on the other hand, is just the computing element (the CPU) in a computer.
In the US, who are the maker of microcontrollers?
What is PIC microcontroller?
PIC microcontroller is the name from its maker, microchip.
PIC stands for“Programmable Interface Controller”
It is generally thought that PIC stands for Peripheral Interface Controller, although General Instruments' original acronym for the initial PIC1640 and PIC1650 devices was "Programmable Interface Controller". The acronym was quickly replaced with "Programmable Intelligent Computer".