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Sigma50-500毫米镜头在500毫米焦段f/14, f/13 and f/11是能拍出清晰照片的最好的光圈

(2024-11-05 17:04:02) 下一个

Sigma50-500毫米镜头在500毫米焦段f/14, f/13 and f/11是能拍出清晰照片的最好的光圈


The sharpest aperture for a prime lens depends on the lens itself and is best determined by testing it. However, the sharpest aperture is usually a few f-stops smaller than the lens's largest aperture. For example, if a lens's largest aperture is f/2.8, its sharpest aperture might be around f/4 or f/5.6. 
Many lenses have a "sweet spot" where they perform at their sharpest. For most lenses, this is typically around f/5.6 to f/8. At these apertures, diffraction (which softens the image) is minimized, and the lens is resolving details at its best.

一个变焦镜头在每个焦段都会有一个最佳的光圈能拍出最清晰的照片,我几天前写了一帖关于光圈和清晰度的帖子(https://blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/40376/202411/1644.html ),但不是用图(ISO2233)中中心的位置。位酷哥建议查一下图的中心。我重新拍了31张照片。


相机:Nikon D300s

镜头: Sigma 50-500 mm 1:4-6.3  APO DG HSM D

ISO 800

+ 5EV



1. 原图,下图(#1402, f/11, 1/15 s, ISO 800)只是31张照片的一个例子, 注意图的中心的形状:


2. 下面是原片放大到100%的图, 查看 f/14, f/13 和 f/11,用黄背景写的字和图:

#1397, f/6.3, 1/50 s

#1398, f/7.1, 1/40 s


#1399, f/8, 1/30 s

#1400, f/9, 1/25 s

#1401, f/10, 1/20 s

#1402, f/11, 1/15 s

#1403, f/13, 1/13 s

#1420, f/13, 1/8 s

#1419, f/13, 1/10 s

#1418, f/13, 1/13 s

#1417, f/13, 1/15 s

#1416, f/13, 1/20 s

#1415, f/13, 1/25 s

#1414, f/13, 1/30 s

#1404, f/14, 1/10 s

#1405, f/16, 1/8 s

#1406, f/18, 1/6 s

#1407, f/20, 1/5 s

#1408, f/22, 1/4 s

#1409, f/25, 1/3 s

#1410, f/29, 1/2.5 s

#1411, f/32, 1/2 s

3. 下面是原图放大到100%, 然后割出带有中心的部分:


f/14, #1404, 1/10 s 

f/13, #1414, 1/30 s 

f/11, #1402, 1/15 s 

4. 结论:

f/14, f/13和 f/11是Sigma 50-500 mm 镜头在500 mm焦段最好的光圈,用这三个光圈在500 mm焦段能拍出比用其它光圈拍出更清晰的照片。     



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