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The tragic Centipede

(2024-07-06 16:21:56) 下一个

The tragic Centipede [1]

Franz Hohler [2]

Translated by xia23


The old centipede sat in front of his hole and finally wanted to count his feet. He had planted this in his whole life, but something had always gotten in the way. Now he had a little bit of time at last and began to count his feet. But the centipede’s life is rough.  When he counted his 218th foot, he had to face a crested tit and escaped with a jump into his hole. That was though not necessary, because everyone knows, the crested tit is vegetarian-minded. The old centipede had to angrily renew his counting and counted to 432, then he itched so terribly at the 810th foot that he scratched himself with the following dozen, his feet tangled up, he was confused and had to begin counting again. This time when he counted to 511, his wife brought the shoe maker’s bill. He furiously threw the paper to the ground, stepped on it with his feet and went then to the front of the hole, determined, not let anything disturb himself. As the crested tit ate him (erroneously, that is a tragedy), he was only at 203, and so he never found out how many feet he actually had.

Let us pray.


[1]. p. 1, Der tragische Tausendfüssler. Weg Werf Geschichten. Franz Hohler. Zytglogge Verlag. 2017.

[2]. Franz Hohler. 3/1/1943 -  . A Swiss author. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franz_Hohler


Note: Centipede (100 feet) is German equivalence of Tausendfüssler (1000 feet).

Google “蜈蚣有多少条腿”:



澳大利亚博物馆阐述:蜈蚣不是昆虫,因为它们有超过六条腿,但蜈蚣有100 条腿说法,有点误导。 蜈蚣腿的对数总是奇数,已知的范围在15 到191 对之间。






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