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A historic letter

(2024-02-13 15:50:34) 下一个

A historic letter [1]

Nice, March 27, 1796

Soldiers, you are naked, poorly fed; the government owes you so much, but it could not give you anything. Your patience, your courage you show in the middle of rocks are admirable, but they bring you no glory, no splendor splashed on you. I want to lead you in these most fertile plains of the world. Rich provinces, great cities will be in your power; there you will find honor, glory and wealth. Italian soldiers, did you miss this courage or this consistency?


Napoléon [2]




[1]. Translated by me from p. 41. Lettres historiques. Better Reading French. Annie Heminway. McGraw Hill. New York … Toronto. 2003.


This letter is to his wife Josephine by Napoléon.

His wife Joséphine de Beauharnais (6/23/1763-5/29/1814) in Wikipedia:


In amazon, there is a book: Napoléon’s letter to Josephine: Correspondence of War, Politics, Family and Love 1796-1814 (Military Commanders)



[2]. Napoléon Bonaparte (8/15/1769-5/5/1821) in Wikipedia:





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