Alexander Borodin的俄国歌剧《Prince Igor》中一段 Polovetsian Dances,无论是音乐,还是歌词都打动我全家的心。这也是我朋友Olga的所爱。含着眼泪将这一段音乐献给因飞行综合征不幸于本周三猝死的Olga(
《生命的隐敌:飞行综合征》)。愿音乐和歌声带着她的灵魂飞回她理想中的天国。 So fly away there!
Polovetsian Dances from Alexander Borodin’s opera “Prince Igor”
Polovetsian Dances 歌词的英文
Fly away on the wings of wind
To the homeland, my dear song,
To the land where we can sing you freely,
Where it was so carefree for you and me.
There the air is full of delight under the sultry sky,
There mountains dream in the clouds listening to the sea.
There the sun shines so bright,
And dear mountains are luminous with its light,
Roses flourish in valleys,
And nightingales sing in green forests...
Sing in forests...
There the sun is so bright...
There a rose blooms...
And sweet grapes grow...
There it is more carefree for you, song...
So fly away there!