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用改进人际技巧来对付 Bullying

(2013-10-30 12:20:14) 下一个

人都有恶的一面,Bullying就是孩子恶性的发作。作恶者都嗅觉视觉灵敏,专找落单和软弱的那一个下口,就像趟入斑马群的狮子那样,所以孤立无援的孩子最容易成为bullies作恶的对象。也正好是这样的孩子受伤害最深,因为他们孤立、软弱。教育资源网站bullyingproject.com 上说: “…limited popularity and social networks can be a precursor for victimization in an adolescent social setting. Limited support from peers and adults could show a child that bullying is not only right, but also admirable. The adolescents who are bullied feel as though the whole world is against them.”

所以对付bullying, 除了在学校里到处贴标语和展开群众运动,还有更根本的办法,那就是改进孩子的人际技巧。当然,根本性的办法都要下长时间的工夫才有效果,不能临时当创可贴来用。孔夫子说:人无远虑,必有近忧。用到这里可以解释成:如果不花长期工夫培养孩子的人际技巧,孩子就可能会遇到没法用创可贴解决的问题,比如bullying

况且,Bullying 只是孩子之间关系的极端情形。即使孩子没有被bully,也不说明他(她)与别的孩子之间的关系就完全健康。

孩子之间的社交不是件简单的事,因为孩子没有大人那么多的客气和忍让。孩子的心理也没有成熟到能独自抗衡群体压力 (peer pressure) 的程度。说得不好听点,孩子的世界是很残酷的。这可能也是为什么有些家长怕把孩子放到这热火炉里去历练。《纽约时报》专栏作家David Brooks写的“虎妈读后感”就说学校的餐厅是比图书馆更挑战孩子智力的地方。文后摘出这篇文章中几段精彩的话。加下划线处是作者提到的人际技巧的一些方面。




我觉得孔子的话抓住了看起来错综复杂的人际关系的本质。如果能在孩子身上培养出两个素质:信(包含了谨)和爱(包含了孝、弟、仁),剩下的就都是技术细节了。这正好也是Scott Peck 在其名著The Road Less Traveled 中说到的人灵性成长的两个方面:discipline (信)和love(爱)。

From “Amy Chua is a Wimp”  (by David Brooks):

…I have the opposite problem with Chua. I believe she’s coddling her children. She’s protecting them from the most intellectually demanding activities because she doesn’t understand what’s cognitively difficult and what isn’t.

Practicing a piece of music for four hours requires focused attention, but it is nowhere near as cognitively demanding as a sleepover with 14-year-old girls. Managing status rivalries, negotiating group dynamics, understanding social norms, navigating the distinction between self and group — these and other social tests impose cognitive demands that blow away any intense tutoring session or a class at Yale.

Yet mastering these arduous skills is at the very essence of achievement. Most people work in groups… Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Carnegie Mellon have found that groups have a high collective intelligence when members of a group are good at reading each others’ emotions — when they take turns speaking, when the inputs from each member are managed fluidly, when they detect each others’ inclinations and strengths.

Participating in a well-functioning group is really hard. It requires the ability to trust people outside your kinship circle, read intonations and moods, understand how the psychological pieces each person brings to the room can and cannot fit together.

This skill set is not taught formally, but it is imparted through arduous experiences. These are exactly the kinds of difficult experiences Chua shelters her children from by making them rush home to hit the homework table.

Chua would do better to see the classroom as a cognitive break from the truly arduous tests of childhood. Where do they learn how to manage people? Where do they learn to construct and manipulate metaphors? Where do they learn to perceive details of a scene the way a hunter reads a landscape? Where do they learn how to detect their own shortcomings? Where do they learn how to put themselves in others’ minds and anticipate others’ reactions?

These and a million other skills are imparted by the informal maturity process and are not developed if formal learning monopolizes a child’s time.

So I’m not against the way Chua pushes her daughters. And I loved her book as a courageous and thought-provoking read. It’s also more supple than her critics let on. I just wish she wasn’t so soft and indulgent. I wish she recognized that in some important ways the school cafeteria is more intellectually demanding than the library. And I hope her daughters grow up to write their own books, and maybe learn the skills to better anticipate how theirs will be received.

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胡涣 回复 悄悄话 回复 '7grizzly' 的评论 : got it. thanks!

Of course "original thinking" is a tall order. It is only possessed by a very small fraction in any society ("pattern setters" in William James' language).
7grizzly 回复 悄悄话 回复 '胡涣' 的评论 :
> I guess good speakers are all good metaphor makers?
Sure, Jesus came to mind. Churchil was a master of twisting something well-known to impress when he said of someone ``a sheep in sheep's clothing'' and another ``has a lust for peace.''

> did not understand the first sentence. do not completely agree with the second one
As far as I can understand,``early lessons'' means street-smartness, people skill, etc., since math, music, and design involve almost nothing that exercises that part of the brain.

As for the second sentence, I think the author meant good verbal skills do not replace original thinking.
胡涣 回复 悄悄话 回复 '7grizzly' 的评论 :
> construct and manipulate metaphors
I missed this last time reading the same Brooks's article. Interesting. So this is a recognized art in the West? Very interesting.
-- I guess good speakers are all good metaphor makers?

In addition, what Brooks said reminds me of a quote of WSJ from ``The Millionaire Mind''
``Children who are better at mathematics, design, or music than reading and writing might tune out early lessons ... Children whose verbal skills earn them diplomas from prestigious schools sometimes turn into adults who speak beautifully but has nothing to say.''
-- did not understand the first sentence. do not completely agree with the second one: if something is spoken beautifully then there must be something in there. Of course this "something" might not be what the audience wants to hear.
7grizzly 回复 悄悄话 > construct and manipulate metaphors
I missed this last time reading the same Brooks's article. Interesting. So this is a recognized art in the West? Very interesting.

In addition, what Brooks said reminds me of a quote of WSJ from ``The Millionaire Mind''
``Children who are better at mathematics, design, or music than reading and writing might tune out early lessons ... Children whose verbal skills earn them diplomas from prestigious schools sometimes turn into adults who speak beautifully but has nothing to say.''
随意001 回复 悄悄话 哎,博主啊,我看你是基督徒,没错吧?你这个思维方式被宗教毒害的不浅啊。圣经不是宗教,是生活。上帝是真实的上帝,不是宗教中的影子或者偶像。基督是刚正不阿的基督,不是被教会女性化的那个怪物!上帝是我的力量,我的山寨,我的高台,这不是一个软绵绵的人喊出来的,是一个出生入死的战士的心声,因为他在一切的苦难和挑战中看见了上帝的荣光,能力,慈爱和智慧。一个随意放弃自卫权利的人,不是一个有正义感的人。耶稣绝没有放弃自卫,而是因为祂敢于承担自己的责任,敢于面对挑战,坚持正确的东西,而被钉上了十字架。圣经中哪一个上帝的仆人不是铮铮铁骨,不是侠胆柔肠?如果我有了从基督而来的恩典,我就不再畏惧恶势力。这个即使不能总是做到,有意识的尝试总是应该的。

吉衣 回复 悄悄话 回复 '随意001' 的评论 :
virus88 回复 悄悄话 这一套理论适合君子国,也适合教孩子们如何避免纷争.但是如果你不招惹人,偏偏别人欺负你,在现今日益堕落的世界这一套理论行不通,别说小学生,就是PhD program, Postdoc,受到学霸们隐形bully的大有人在,很多人permanent head damaged and depressed.只有fight back才有出路.树挪死人挪活,美国最大的好处就是可以换学校, 换工作, 换老板, 换社交圈,换名字,搬家.我鼓励我的孩子,只要人冒犯你,bully你,你告诉我, 我帮你straight up.
Show your support, and tell kids what we can do to avoid such bully, if by any ways we can not avoid, just fight back. The biggest consequence is we move and change school.
诗词欣赏 回复 悄悄话 有些bullying,尤其是女孩子之间的,不是在肢体上,,,再一个与孩子个性也有关,有些孩子个性温柔,不喜欢硬碰硬,,,只要用心帮孩子,解决的方案多得是。

我女儿是搞体育的,论拳头好多男孩子都不是对手,社交上也很容易交朋友,但有一阵就是被她的所谓best friend所累,高兴时好得不行,过几天不高兴了就象天塌了似的,,,后来我支持她坚决离开那个女孩子和几个跟班,进到新的朋友圈就好了。
随意001 回复 悄悄话 您这是在为自己的孩子找如何患忧郁症的药方吧?多大个事情啊,还技巧呢。看见别人的拳头没?那玩意可不是来给你玩技巧的!恰好又在美国,人崇尚的就是先摆体力,再讲其他。幼儿园一个白人孩子老是挑衅我的孩子,他的父母可没说半句。我的孩子将这个混小子推入一滩泥巴水中,当晚对方父母的道歉就来了,保证以后好好管教自己的孩子。

讲技巧许多时候是为自己的虚弱打掩护,没有信心的表现。我的大女儿在高中品学兼优,而且特别善于摆平刺儿头,黑的白的都不敢在她面前屁话,全是敢于对抗的结果。别说,人家还特想和她交朋友!我的老二以前也是懦弱,后来我保证,他若打了那些欺负他的孩子,从校长办公室出来,我就带他下馆子。结果五年级轰了一个白人小子一拳头,两年过去了,没人敢欺负他,自己的自信也涨起来了,照样品学兼优。我还要求他为朋友也要敢于出拳。看看那些 bully 上来试试。技巧有个球用,要的是骨气,要的是敢于捍卫尊严的勇气。
诗词欣赏 回复 悄悄话 对付Bullying的关健在家长,
无知无为 回复 悄悄话 抬高你的脑袋,看看美国人的外交政策,你就懂这种bullying从何时学会的了?这是一个不知道德为何物的人种。
无知无为 回复 悄悄话 你的思维牛头不对马嘴。bullying是持强凌弱,你幻想弱者学习如何managing强者?!中国学校少有bullying因为对付坏孩子的方法只有一个——学校或家长的严惩。美国学校多有因为这个文化崇拜强者鄙视弱者,以强者为荣弱者为耻。