

Developmental Report

(2009-04-08 18:23:24) 下一个
Developmental Report
Preschool 4
Mrs. Baker

Skills-Concept checklist for four-year-olds(developmental characteristics)
A child who is 48 to 60 months of age typically demonstrates a large increase in vocabulary and physical abilities. The following abilities will emerge as the child approaches age five. Your child's progress in developing these abilities have been evaluated as indicated below:
1-Well developed
2-Good progress
3-Working on skill
4-Not yet demonstrated

SKILL/CONCEPT                                             Mid-Year     End of Year

Attentive when read to                                      2
Pays attention in large group                               2
Concentrates on a task in small group                       3
Recalls information previously taught                       2
Interprets the main idea of a story                         2
Orders pictures by time sequence to tell a story(visual)    1
Predicts what will happen next in a story or situation(orally)1
Expresses thoughts in pictures                                1
Can draw a human figure with major body parts                 1
Transitions easily from one activity to another               2

Speaks in complete sentences                                   2
Makes relevant verbal contributions in small group discussion  3
Verbalizes songs and finger plays                              2
Dictates own experience stories                                3
listens to and follows directions for games and activities     1
Name recognition                                               1
Identifies many letters of alphabet                            1
Speaks clearly                                                 2
English as a Second language: Comprehension                    2
English as a Second Language: Communication                    ?

Verbalizes full name                                           1
Verbalizes age                                                 1
Accepts limiting setting and redirection                       1
Feels good about self and abilities                            3
Takes care of personal belongings                              1
Demonstrates self-help skills(zip, coat, etc.)                 2
Respects property of others                                    1

Willing to try new things                                      2
Works and plays cooperatively with other children              1
Shows self-control                                             1
Participates in group play                                     1
Chooses activities without direction                           1
Waits for their turn                                           1

Count from:   [x] 1 to 20 by Jan
Recognizes numbers 1-10                                        1
Ability to sequence numbers 1-10                               1
Classifies objects by color, size, shape, and texture          1
Orders and compares size difference(big,bigger,biggest;        1
lightest, heaviest;short,shorter,shortest;long,longer,longest)

Uses crayon or pencil with control within a defined area        1
Names and reproduces shapes(circle,square,triangle,and rectangle) 1
Cuts along lines with control                                   1
Writes first name (upper and lower)                             1
Proper grip on pencil and crayon                                1
Dominant hand: right (x)

GROSS MOTOR (x=can do)
Runs smoothly                                                 x
Gallops                                                       x
Hops four times on each foot                                  x
Walks heel-to-toe                                             x
Skips                                                         x
Walks up and down stairs with alternating feet                x
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