
阿甘妈妈说, 生活就如一盒巧克力.打开了, 才知道里面是什么

Growing Up is A Process

(2008-02-26 11:47:43) 下一个

老大小时候, 有无数的照片, 还现学了Dream Waver, 給她做了个网页, 里面纪录了她的各种Mile Stone, 美丽瞬间.

老二生出来, 这些就少了很多. 前天填表, 要填她的各种Mile Stone, 发现好多都不记得了. 觉得自己真是个失职的妈妈. 在这里赶紧开始补课.


DD: mom, I have to learn how to speak spanish.
Me: Oh?
DD: because, after I grow up, if I visit 中国, everyone speaks spanish, but I don't know how to speak, then what am I going to do?

我给她读书, 叫 pigs great escape.
读了题目, 她问, what does escape mean?
我说, 就是跑跑了.

DD: em, I have to learn how to escape.



mom: 大宝二宝快睡觉.
dd: 妈妈, I like whatever you call me. but, please just don't call me 大宝or二宝. 叫宝贝儿就好了. 姐姐是大宝and二宝.

一天先接dd, 然后才去学校接cc.
dd: mommy, you should have picked cc first.
me: why? she wanted to go daycare.
dd: because, you know, i wouldn't say hi to her teachers. if you pick up her first, then pick up me, then i don't need to say hi to her teachers.

傍晚她有点累了. 跟我说: mommy, i am just slightly sleepy.

Lisa跟我说, DD跟她说:
I had a lovely lovely birthday cake. it got dark chocolate, light chocolate, white chocolate, cream, coco nuts, ( it was accutally macadamia nuts)everything! it was just lovely!
I really didn't know she liked it that much!

昨天早上, 我告诉她, 下午要去看医生, 做4岁的well baby check up. 所以, 她从早上就开始担忧, 一再告诉我不想去看医生. 我使用各种能想到的伎俩, 终于, 跟我上了车.
护士来叫名字了. 她又开始害怕, 还一边大哭起来. 拉着我的手使劲往后拖, 不肯进门.

当医生进来的时候, 她虽然很安静, 但是, 脸上挂着大眼泪, 紧锁着眉毛, 小嘴嘟得能挂个瓶子. 医生看着她, 忍不住笑. 问她几岁了, 她硬硬的说: " 4!" 后来, 又要医生告诉她手上的小孢上粘个小贴就好了, 她大声说: "NO!" 呛得医生双手抱着头, 不知所措.
一切检察结束后, 医生要走了, 说护士会进来打疫苗针. 我猜想她要哭了.
可是, 意想不到的是, 医生走了, 她跟我说, : " I don't want to have shots."
me: " you know, you have too. "
She: " okay. I want Leddy to do it on my leg then. you know why? shoulders are hard. legs are soft. I am not going to cry."
and, thats exactly what she did. for each shot, she let out a soft " ouch". 2 shots on each leg. 从一边换到另一边的时候, 她先拿小手盖了一下腿, 然后, 慢慢将手移开. 让护士打了. 4 针结束, 她立刻高兴的跳下来, 说: " I am going to get a prize! I didn't cry!" 



DD说话很高笑, 因为她喜欢将听来的词藻用在她平日的话里. 这里纪录两个:

这几天姐姐在练习唱歌剧幽灵里的歌. 里面有一句:" let daylight dry your tears"
今天DD叫我过去, 指着她眼角一滴眼泪说: " I want you to dry my tears."

DD从Halloween要来的糖里, 选了一个绿色虫子状的软糖. 打开咬了一口后, 被爸爸告知, 要吃饭了, 不可以吃糖. 然后, 将她剩下的部分放在一个纸盘子里, 说吃完饭可以接着吃.

吃完饭, 她立刻找爸爸问:

" Daddy, where is my bowl full of worm?"



我和DD开车在去PT的路上. DD说, : Mommy, Turn on your wiper. clean the rain.

So I did.

然后, DD看着她旁边的窗子说: " But my window is still full of rain. I wish there is a rain bug, that does not bite me, but will clean all the rain."


我在车后视镜里看见DD 在挖鼻孔.

Me: " DD, 你的小手在干什么呀?"

DD (笑): " 我的小手在扣扣ing 我的nose."

Me,(看来这中文加ing 是自然学会的. 这中英文混得, 不过先改容易的吧) : " Nose的中文怎么说呀?"  (呵呵, 忘了最初问话的主题."

DD: " I know, 就是, No (发2 声)子!"

Me: 没办法, 忍不住笑, 把挖鼻孔和中文混说两个主题全忘了!


This is a little conversation Alexia and I had in bed before she fell
asleep last night.

She: " Mommy, when I grew as big as you, I will go buy a baby."
Me: " Oh. you know, babies are not for sale. You can't buy a baby."
She: " Why?"
Me: " Because no mommies would want to sell their babies."
She: " Why?"
Me: " see, if someone want to pay me some money and take you away, do you
think I should sell you?"
She:" No."
Me: " That's right. All mommies would not trade their babies for anything in
the world."
She: " Then how I am going to have a baby?"
Me: " You will have your own baby."
She: "But How am I going to have my own baby?"
Me: " You will grow your baby in  your tummy."
She: " But I don't want to have a baby in my tummy."
Me: " Why?"
She: " because then I have to go see a doctor. I don't want to see a

She was about to cry now...



早餐桌上, 只剩我和DD.

DD: " can you move if you die?"
Me: " I don't really know. because I never died."
DD: " why did you never die?"
Me: " I guess because I am not that old yet, besides, I want to here with you."
DD: " what if I died? what if I always died?"
Me: " I will not let that happen. because you are so healthy, and so young. "
DD: " you think our house will not fall?"
Me: " It will not."
DD: " Because it is strong? so strong? like this strong? " ( 将胳膊伸到最开以表示很大)
Me: " Yes! it is that strong!"

pause... DD 做思索状.

DD: " Will  you become an angel when you die?"
Me: " I hope so."
DD: " But I want to be an angel."
Me: " You ARE my angel. but I want you to be right here with me, at home."
DD: " How about, What if we both died?"..

it is getting a little too gloomy. I needed to change topic.

Me: " DD, 你知不知道你的中文名字是什么呀?"
DD, 立刻转换了表情, 高兴的说: " I know, 我是 金枪盒!"


Me: " DD, 我什么时候给你起得这么土的名字? 你叫...."
DD 虚心的笑了. " 哦, ..." ( 重复自己的中文名字)
我看着她, 实在忍不住笑:" DD, 你怎么这么好笑呢! you always make me laugh!"
DD 看着我, 说: " Mommy, I love you!"
Me: I love you too!" (心里剧感动)


DD: " but I also love, Daddy, 姐姐, 姥姥..."
Me: " I know.."
我心想, 原来我也没有那么特别, 这时, DD接着说:

" and the neighbors too!"

阿! 可怜我神情凝望了她这么久, 原来就和名字都不怎么知道的邻居差不多! 虚荣心被彻底打翻!


DD说话, 喜欢用"大"词, 从她的小嘴说出来, 就有喜剧效果. 不过常常笑过就忘了. 这个赶紧记下来.
比如昨天她不说 " I found out that..." , 而是说: " I discovered that..."


今天大家讲起说中文, 于是, DD马上开始展示她会的字:

"还有", 她说,


原来她说的是: 鼻子! or Nose!


我做饭的时候, DD跟我说话我没有听见, 结果她提高了声音:

"Mommy, To Tell You The Truth, You need to look at my Board!"

词不达意还一本正经, 她太好笑了..

早晨DD有点耍赖, 说不要去上学. 劝说了一阵子, 她说, " Mommy, I want to go to school, but my bear doesn't want to go to school. My bear is a "born" little baby ( she acctually meant "poor little baby"), if I go to school, and she stays home, then how can I take care of her?"


DD 问,
Why sometimes there is earthquake? ( 从地震过去到现在已经很久了, 她还在想?
Why do we need to wear socks?
Why if we wear sun screen, then we are not afraid of the sun burn?
is our house going to fall?


CC: " I like dogs. we should have a dog."
DD:" I like cats. We should have a cat."
CC:" Maybe we can have one dog and one cat!"
DD:" Yeah! then I can play with my cat, and you can play with your dog!"
然后DD做沉思装, 然后说,
" Maybe we should only have a dog or a cat. because is we have a dog and a cat, the dog will bite the cat!"

I wonder how she learned this concept?


爸爸给DD读书, 里面有一个小熊, 名字有点拗口.

爸爸念的有点不对, DD就给爸爸纠正.

纠正了3,4次以后, DD决定放弃, 建议到:

"How about you can just call him Bear?"

July 30, 2008

DD: Mama, You want to hear a secret?
Me: " Okay" - 把头伸过去凑近点.
DD: 只见动嘴, 不见声音.
Me: " I can't hear you."
DD: " Because it is a secret!"

July 23, 2008

早晨, DD赖在床上不肯起来. 看我走进房间, 她大声宣布: " 我不要刷牙!"
我: " 哦? 为什么呀?"
她:" 因为我不想"
我拿起她手里搂着的大熊, 对着她假装闻闻: " 还没刷牙?大熊觉得臭臭哦!"
她愣一下, 然后看着我:" 妈妈, 你有没有刷牙?"
她慢慢地说:" 那为什么大熊还说臭臭呢?"
然后快速钻到被子里去, 嘻嘻地笑了!

July 14, 2008

今天是在Disneyland的第二天.  在排队的时候, DD说: " I think Cinderella is really lucky." I asked :" oh? Why?"
DD: " Because she gets to take pictures with so many kids!"

June 25, 2008

去接CC放学的路上, DD将两块学校给的Oreo 饼干都吃了. 姐姐上了车, 看到妹妹嘴边黑色的饼干渣, 便问" : What did you just eat?"
DD: " Cookies"
CC:" What kind? Oreo?"
DD:" Yeah, Oreo"
CC:" " Can I have one?"
DD:" I ate all. All gone." ( 表情严肃, 好像有点大义凛然的样子... 她一般都留点给姐姐分享的, 今天却没有.."
CC:" Really? Really?" ( 难以置信, 她最喜欢Oreo"
DD:" Yeah! Look at my Tummy" ( Pointing to her big tummy) - " It is full of Cookies!"

June 19, 2008

吃晚饭的时候, 叫DD来吃饭, 但是, 怎莫叫也不出声. 我换了她的各种小名, 都没有反应. 不知怎么, 我出口说, Humpty Dumpty!

这下DD 回答了: " What?"
Me: " 过来吃饭"

DD: " No, I am sitting on the wall!"

June 15, 2008:
who is the boss?

在街上走路的时候, DD和CC 走在前面. DD 嫌我走的慢了, 就喊道: " Mommy, Mommy, follow me!"

喊了几声, 看到我还是不够快, 有点着急, 停下来:

" Mommy, Follow Your Daughter!"

June 14, 2008

吃绶故? DD忙着给她的熊做饭. 迟迟不肯过来吃自己的饭.
后来终于来了, 自觉理亏, 开口解释到:

"  I decided to make that first. then I come to eat".
大家都说: " Okay."
看大家反应不太强烈, 她有点不满:
" I have made a Good Decision!"

May 26th, 2008

回来的路上, DD说: " I don't like boating. because I have to wear a pillow!"



在车里, DD 坐在Car Seat 里面, CC 坐在中间靠着妹妹.
CC 不停地转着她的帽子. 结果碰到姐姐的眼睛.
我让DD不要再转帽子, 结果她看着姐姐说: " May be you can cover your eyes?"

I was speechless!


周末去了海边. 又去了湖里划船.回来, DD在白板上画画. 她点呀点呀, 画了很多的点点. 然后说, 这是 Ocean.

Wow, 我觉得很象呀...


April 30th, 2008

DD : " Mommy, I want to sit here today" ( pointing to the seat between to the two car seatss)
Me: " Sorry, You are not old enough to sit in a grown up seat yet"
DD: " Why CC can sit here?"
Me: "She is old enough."
DD: " She is not old. She is not married."

April 19, 2008

DD: " Daddy, milk!"
Daddy: " Okay. But next time can you say " Daddy, May I have some milk please?"
DD: " Okay"
one minute later...
DD: " Dadday, do you want a beer?"
Daddy: " Okay"
DD: " Next time, can you say: " may i have a beer please?"

April 9th, 2008

爷爷奶奶今天从中国回来, DD 说:

DD: " Can CC speak Chinese with them?"
Me: " Sure. and you can speak Chinese with them too."
DD:" No, let them practice 英文."
DD: " Let them practice English."

March 6, 2008


今天我带DD和CC去公园玩的时候, DD 说什么也不肯戴帽子. 所以路上有点不愉快. 回家后, 老公听说了, 就找她谈话.

爸爸: " DD, 你刚才表现好不好啊?"
DD: " 好!"
爸爸: " 是吗? 你有没有听妈妈的话呢?"
DD: " 有!"
爸爸:" 那你有没有不肯带帽子呢?"
DD: " Look! Daddy!" - 声音极为惊讶的, 眼睛瞪得极为的大的:
爸爸:" What?"
DD: " they are same color!" ( 指着自己的衣服和裤子)
爸爸笑了, 关于帽子的谈话也就就此终断, 不再追究


DD 指着地上一堆玩具对我说: " Mommy, Look, all over the place!"
Me: "真是的, 这是谁干的呀"
DD: " 姐姐"
Me: " 是吗? 还是别人 呢? " ( 我其实看见是她在玩的, 只是想怎么告诉她我知道, 又不伤她的自尊心" " 也许是.... 大熊?"( 这是我的计划 - "大熊" 的default 是指她的贴身玩具熊. 这么好的台阶, 我想她一定会Take的. 然后, 我准备再进一步问她, 是她的大熊还是我的大熊 - (因为有时候我说DD是我的大熊)问道这一步,她就会不得不承认了. 然后就得自己去清理了)
可是, DD人小鬼大,看穿了我的预谋. 

她稍微停了一下, 然后直接得出了结论: " IT was MY Big Bear"

She made it clear. 我的计划泡汤. 所以, 我只好跟她一起, 清理了她的大熊作制造的Mess.

她好像常常能预见我要说的话. 记得大概半年多以前的一天, 她把一张椅子推到厨房的台面前面, 然后,手扶着椅子, 对正在厨房里面忙的我说: " MOMMY, I am not going to fall, okay?" 在我还没来得及回答的时候, 她就理直气壮地爬到椅子上站着了.

还有姥姥在的时候, 一年前了. 她总是喜欢脱袜子, 姥姥就总不让. 所以, 她常常会先把姥姥支开, (比如说, 姥姥, 你去厨房吧!" ) 等姥姥走了, 她就立刻脱掉袜子" 

March 3, 2008


DD: " 妈妈, 这样好不好. 我是tomato. 你是Strawberry. 姐姐是grape. 爸爸是fruite punch. 然后我问你话, 你回答, okay?"

妈妈: " Okay."

DD: " Hi, Strawberry."

妈妈: " Hi, Tomato."

DD: " Where is Grape, Strawberry?"

妈妈: " Grape is at school, Tomato."

DD: " Where is Fruite Punch, Strawberry?"

妈妈: " Fruite Punch is at work, Tomato."

March 2, 2008

今天的晚餐是 Meatball Pasta. CC很喜欢, 开吃.

DD: "我不要吃这个. 我不要西红柿. 我就要面条."

爸爸: " 这个好吃. 很好吃的. 尝尝就知道了"

DD: " 不要. 就要面条."

妈妈: " 这样吧.  妈妈給你盛点光面条, 你比较一下哪个好吃, 然后, 再决定,  好不好?"

DD: " Okay!"

妈妈用一个小小的盘子盛了一点光光的pasta, DD 立刻吃了一口. 吃完后, 接着吃了一口带Sauce的面.

妈妈: " 你觉得哪个好吃些呀?"

DD: " 这个 ( 指着光面条)和这个( 指着有sauce 的面). Both of them. 都好吃"

妈妈: " Okay. 那就两个轮着吃吧"

DD: " Okay!"


DD微簇眉头,看着CC,  柔声地说: " 姐姐. 你要不要吃这个? ( 指着光面条) 我想跟你Share 这个面条."

爸爸和妈妈互相对望, 心照不宣, 忍不住笑了.

CC: " Okay. I want more noodle" - 然后将妹妹的光面条倒进自己盘里的Sauce 里面.

皆大欢喜 ~

March 1, 2008

今天开车的路上, DD说 " I have 3 choices. ...." 然后她详细的解释了她的3个选择. 可惜我忘了我们讨论的是什么了 :-( 想起来再补上吧.

另外, 今天发现DD会倒着从10数到1. 正着数的话会数到59, 中间不露数的. 过了59, 就又从30开始了.

Feb 26, 2008

数数: 数到29, 中间有时候会少16 或17. 偶尔会继续到30. 然后, 从21开始.
数东西: 如果被数的东西排列整齐的话, 能数到大概12,3个. 如果排列秩序不是很清楚的话, 东西又多的话, 有时候会数重.
加法: 能做简单的加法, 如果被加的两个数都小于5的话.(因为要借用手指头:-)
最近不太画人和花了, 但仍喜欢画跟种线条和曲线组合的几何形状.
自己的名字能写个80%正确 (因为有时候E的位置随心情而变, L 有时候是倒的:-)
认识字母, 颜色,形状
8 块的拼图

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阅读 ()评论 (2)
VeryBerry101 回复 悄悄话 谢谢! 还有很多故事, 就是等有时间...
火车头 回复 悄悄话 好可爱的DD和CC!