
阿甘妈妈说, 生活就如一盒巧克力.打开了, 才知道里面是什么


(2008-01-18 15:48:32) 下一个

Jan 18, 2008 -

上学路上在车里的收音机里听到 san francisco symphony 的广告。

DD: " 妈妈,这是什莫?“
DD: " 什莫是symphony?"
Me: " 就是,EMM... 一种concert" (不太对呀。oh, well...)
DD: " 什莫是concert?"
Me: " concert, 就是音乐会。 很多musician 一齐表演"
DD: " 什莫是musician?"
Me: " 就是play musical instruments 的人“(意识到不全面, 忘了作曲家了... )
DD: " 就像姐姐和我一样?" (看出漏洞百出的答案带来的结果了。 赶紧补充说明)
Me: " 不完全是, 因为他们是专门做这个的。 他们上班的工作就是play musical instruments 或者写music"
DD: " 就像爸爸一样上班?"
Me: " 爸爸也上班, 但是爸爸不是musician.   爸爸是Engineer.
DD: " 什莫是engineer?"
Me: " 就是,就是。。。 (我还真没想过!)EMM... 就是做technology (不清楚,再来)做产品, (还不清楚, 继续努力), 就是做computer 的 (天呀,我都说了些什莫呀。。)
DD: " How about mommy?"
Me: " Mommy 是Architect. ( 终于碰到我知道的, 抓紧机会, 发挥以下)你知不知道什莫是Architect? 就是设计建筑的。-建筑就是building“
DD: " Oh. Okay.  But what is engineer?"
Me: " Engineer, 就是, 就是, (怎莫办? 她还没忘呢)Hey, DD, 你看, 到学校了!"
DD: " Yeah! 到了! 可是, 什莫是上学?我上什莫学? 姐姐上什莫学?"
Me: ....

回家第一件事情,就是上网查字。 根据 about.com,

Question: What is a symphony?

Answer: In its simplest form, a symphony is an extended work for orchestra.

Question: What is an Orchestra?

Answer: The word "orchestra" was used to describe the place where musicians and dancers performed in ancient Greece. The orchestra or symphony orchestra is generally defined as an ensemble mainly composing of bowed stringed instruments, percussion, wind and brass instruments. Often the orchestra is composed of 100 musicians and may be accompanied by a chorus or be purely instrumental.

Question: What is an Engineer?

Engineers research and develop solutions to technical problems by applying the theories and principles of science and mathematics.

问题是, 我觉得要讲清楚, 仍然难度很大。 对symphony, 也许最直接的办法就是带她去看一次。 可是Engineer 呢?老公回家后, 便想问问这个专业人士吧。


老公:“哦, 就是开火车的”


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