

Do not let us abuse vanity.Honor itself is but the highest form of vanity.Snobs are vain. But so ,too,are heroes.Come on!

Wake me up when September ends

(2005-07-26 01:17:32) 下一个
Wake me up when September ends Summer has come and passed The innocent can never last like you come to pass seven years has gone so fast here comes the rain again falling from the stars drenched in my pain again becoming who we are as my memory rests but never forgets what I lost ring out the bells again like we did when spring began as my memory rests but never forgets what I lost Summer has come and passed The innocent can never last Wake me up when September ends -Green day ONE 忽然发现,4月中旬的晚上,海边仍是如此地寒冷,幽幽的潮水慢慢地涌上岸,远处影影约约地几个光点在晃动,我坐在沙滩的圆木上,回想时间一点点地随着这海潮来了,走了,有时想起了甚么,然后又马上忘记。 身边的朋友在和我说话,好象在诉说着人生的远大理想,以及生活的种种无奈,我不好意思地打断他,那些被海潮唤起的片断显然远比生存在人群来得更让人平静,朋友,你抹杀了这曼妙的风景。还是谈谈第一段回忆吧。我总喜欢把那样的回忆当成大麻吸食,吸下去的一瞬间,传到你耳里的所有声音开始变得唯美,而这肮脏的世界也似乎变得精质,只是从口里吐出来的烟味却让旁人厌烦不已。 你知道吗?我们都是那团烟,提供一瞬间的快感后,便成了臭不可闻的气体,远远地滚开。 只是,你会在身体里永远留下我的印记的惩罚。 于是,我拿出伏特加,然后对了对橘子汁,递给我朋友,并期盼警察不要在这里出现,虽然,我讨厌大麻,只是喝醉酒而已。 TWO 我突然喜欢上一首歌,于是开始疯狂地爱上摇滚,我很讨厌英伦,却突然喜欢上了KEANE。原来甚么都没有真的好还是坏,只要它麻醉了你的伤。 “我要验你的伤,好让你解脱。” 我坐在SKYTRAIN上,耳机里的声音不停地变换着,我开始怀疑我的注意力到低在哪里,是窗外不停向后飞奔的事物,还是不断敲打我耳膜的声音。或许,一首歌就能改变阴晴圆缺,只要外面阳光灿烂。 夏天啊,随着猛烈的紫外线,浩浩荡荡地摇滚着人们在雨季抑郁已久阴暗的热情。 摇吧,滚吧。 THREE One day I woke up knowing today is the day I will die Cashdogg was barking went to the park and enjoyed that one last time Called my mother told her I loved her and begged her not to cry Wrote her a letter that said I´d miss her and signed that goodbye... We took a drive and we drove thru B.C. To see the places we lived, long conversations We talked of old friends and all the things that we did Summer nights, drunken fights Mistakes we made...did we live it right? My friends? You know the happiest day of my life I swear the happiest day of my life is the day that I died Can you feel the cold tonight? It sets in but it´s alright Darkness falls I´m letting go All alone but I feel just fine You know the happiest day of my life I know the happiest day of my life I swear the happiest day of my life is the day that I died Did I live it right? Four 我准备了瓶2000年的冰酒,轻轻地包好,放进酒架。躺在床上,心里想着周末的约会,梦里的阿芙罗狄蒂露出满意而温柔的微笑,慢慢地闭上双眼…… 只是当我回过神,才发现20多天过去了,这瓶冰酒仍没开封。我想这是我的错,我把那瓶酒贴上了她的标签;我想也是她的错,轻闲在这个阳光普照的夏天,果倒成了种奢侈。 如果你说,还是在外面吃吧,在家做太麻烦了。 我也只能失望地说,阿芙罗狄蒂,其实我并没有爱上你,只是我爱上了这种浪漫。 这夜晚疯狂地爱着你,爱你飘着碎花裙的背影。 女人都狂野起来,个个都有了淫荡的力量。 这虚容里有着我们唏嘘的感伤,这闪烁的城市里疯狂地爱着我醉人的诗意。 你爱我,爱我是你的镜子,你要爱我,我是你们的镜子。 和,真是无聊。 FIVE 当漫漫地假期提早地远去,我开始过着重复的生活,似乎只有周末,才拥有放纵的权力以及盼想的欲望。 我坐在图书馆里心想着明天的PAPERWORK仍然觉得这日子是如此的美好,就象饭后那根烟让肺充实的满足感。 忽然,一个电话扰乱了生活的全部。飘洋过海的声音,抽泣地让心里满是忧伤,我想我会很高兴听到佩悲惨的哭声,然而却没有丝毫的快感,我想我仍是如此地温柔,我想我仍是如此地懦弱,在她的面前。 I never found the perfect time to tell you You are the only one for me Its ok Summer has come and passed The innocent can never last Now the moments gone SIX 我想人们在夏天里被毁灭,就算死亡也不过是毁灭的最后目地,只是我很明白,我们都是懦夫。于是我们都平静下来,心里想着各自的未来,以及那些尚未完成的梦想。 夏天,如果你真的要离去。 而那时我仍在沉睡,Please wake me up when September ends.
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