焖烤猪肉: 采纳了墨西哥的 Carnitas, 和夏威尼 Kalua pig, 吃法和做法, 把它变成适合我们的中国胃, 真的很好吃, 做出来的肉入口即化.
叉烧酱腌猪肉, (one big piece of pork shoulder meat, 3-4 LB), 一天一夜,
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叶子洗净, 烫开水, 中间硬梗子剪掉,
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把肉紧紧包好, 外面再包上锡纸,
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进400F烤箱烤一小时, 再350F烤1小时, 关火后留在烤箱半小时.
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烤好了,打开, 用叉子分成丝,
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面粉用面包机发面, 做成荷叶饼, 自己吃, 整型就将就一下吧. 近来爱用韩国面粉, 觉得口感很细腻,
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买的生的饼, 烙一下1-2分钟一片, 就好了,
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配上葱丝, 香菜, 甜面酱, 糖醋黄瓜,
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Lox & Bagel:
Smoked Salmon:
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Bagel, cream cheese, smoked salmon, red sweet onion, tomato, caper, lemon juice, salt & pepper, fennel.
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儿子给他自己做after school snack-
贝果一切二, 抹上意面酱, 放一把马萨洛啦气司, 放一片番茄, 撒一点Parm cheese, 盐和胡椒, 进350F小烤箱 (toast oven) 烤10分钟, 取出, 放干辣椒屑, basil,
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Carrot Cake (recipe from America’s test kitchen),
做法没完全照搬, 做糕点习惯了自己那几个步骤, 反正都是差不多, 总是干湿分开, 干的筛过, 一旦加入到湿料后, 就不要拌过头了, 如果用牛油就要跟糖先打发, 糖要打化, 加蛋再打发….如果加坚果, 水果, 果干等, 一般最后放…. 如有分蛋, 蛋白打到soft peak, 会湿嫩一点, 打得太stiff 的话就干爽一点, 看你要哪个效果.
dry ingredients:
2 1/2 cup AP flour,面粉,
1 1/4 tsp baking powder, 发泡粉,
1 tsp baking soda,苏打粉,
1 1/4 tsp cinnamon,桂皮粉,
1/2 tsp nutmeg,
1/8 tsp cloves,丁香粉,
1/2 tsp salt, 盐,
wet ingredients:
4 large eggs, 蛋,
1 1/2 cup sugar,白糖,
1/2 cup brown sugar,红糖,
1 ½ cup oil, 菜油,
1 lb peeled and grated carrots, 胡萝卜丝,
cream cheese frosting:
8 oz cream cheese, softened, 凝乳酪,
5 tbs butter, softened, 黄油,
1 tbs sour cream, 酸乳,
½ tsp vanilla extract, 香草精,
1 ¼ cup of confestioners’ sugar, 糖粉,
process these in a food processor until combined
Sift dry ingredients together in a bowl, set aside
whisk egg and sugar until frothy, add oil slowly while whisking, whisk in dry ingredients until combined, stir in carrots, pour the batter into a oil sprayed 9 by 13-inch cake pan, bake in 350F pre-heated oven for 40 minutes, cool on wire rack for 2 hours, top with cream cheese frosting.
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这个蛋糕很moist, 不放frosting也很好吃.