我喜欢做这样的一锅菜解决问题的晚饭. 大人小孩都搞定了.

2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
6 条意大利腊肠(Italian hot sausage) -- 切片断
1 tsp Dry oregano
2 tsp Fennel seeds (小回香)
1 tsp Red pepper flakes
1 purple onion--diced
4 clove garlic--chopped
1 red bell pepper-sliced
3 large tomatoes-diced
¼ cup Italian Vermouth dry wine
2- 15oz can tomato sauce
2 cup water
1 lb dry penne pasta
Fresh chopped parsley or basil
Parmesan cheese
Black pepper
Extra virgin olive oil
In large pot, heat olive oil, add sausage cook until lightly brown, add (A), cook until fragrant, add onion, garlic and bell pepper and cook until soft, add tomatoes stir to mix, add wine to deglaze the pan, add tomato sauce and water, add pasta, mix well, the liquid should cover the pasta, cover the pot and medium heat cook until pasta soft and sauce become thick.
Plate the pasta, add parsley, parmesan cheese, fresh grind black pepper and drizzle with extra olive oil and serve.