
一个单纯的女人永远年轻,一个精致的女人永远迷人, 一个快乐的女人永远幸福。


(2007-05-01 03:36:59) 下一个
To Andre Peterson - my love for now and then.    

Sometimes, you have no idea what is going to happened next.  So do I.   So I had crash on bike, and another crash on biker.

First crash on bike, just a second, bike is gone.  It is too hard for me to see my lovely bike became such terrible looks.  I always descript my bike as "He", because he is taken that part in my life.  Soon after my marriage fallen apart,  this city although I have lived for past 7 years became suddenly strange to me.  My life - single life started without support in any case, but my own.  It was great emptiness turned my life so blue.   Then a bike (CBR600Fi) came alone with the cool look and powerful sound that gave me such strong injection to go ahead and forget what happened yesterday.  Without any notice, he left me standing there alone with helpless, looking at him sadly, hard to say good-bye to him forever,  and I don't even have a nice photo of my lovely bike, that make me felt even worse.  How much he had done for me in the past, and I never felt that I loved him so dearly at that time.   "From the bottom of my broken heart, even though time may finding somebody new,   you are my first love, you are my true love, from the first kiss till every last rose..... "  This is the song I wanted him to know that how important he is in my life, and I could never forget him.    
Second crash on a biker.  Sounds much nicer than crash a bike.  I don't know when exactly was that happened, I had such beautiful crash on him, I do know that I deserved it for a long time, my broken heart fund a place to rest.  It's just happened same as anybody in love, nothing different.  He is a nice guy, good looking,  well educated, independent, young, full of energy, and he rides bike too.   I never noticed him although we've been riding bike together for months till we went diving trip last month.  In just 3 weeks, we've been very close friend, and finally got together.  Nothing special, everything goes smooth, comes naturally between two hearts, it's all about being in love with someone who loves you too. I use to ask myself  "Can I ever in love again???"  Now, I know the answer is "YES".   He is my lovely hombre.   

There are always advantage and disadvantage on a single incident. So did to me.  Andre promised to sort out a new bike for me, and I promised a baby girl for him......  We both make a happy couple.

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