

(2007-01-31 00:09:43) 下一个

Extortion is the correct term for this... And tragically, we the tax payer are actually providing them with the funding to do this! Truly amazing! I've had to work hard to pay for my little piece of this great country - why don't they ?

Posted by: Jude of Adelaide 12:38pm today
Comment 27 of 27

Fine. If they take the land back, they have to live like they used to. Nothing from us "whites". No clothing, alcohol, ciggies, cars and the big one. No medicine. You can't have the best of both worlds!

Posted by: Adrian of Gold Coast 12:37pm today
Comment 26 of 27

I admit I've never had any close aboriginal friends but I don't think there could be many people who would try and make claims like this. It would never go through and only create worse racist anger problems which would be bad for them. Not that I think anything in this world can be put into terms of what is right and what is wrong, but in my opinion it could be called "right" that it now belongs to the Australian government. Whoever has the military effectively "owns" the place until somebody else takes it from them, its the way humanity has worked for a looong time and bureaucratic arguments over fairness unfortunately mean nothing to somebody who hugely out-powers somebody else. Ownership is a human concept and its only ever backed up by military power, remember if Australia didn't have its armed forces protecting the land it wouldn't be long at all until another country marched in and took it as their own. So unless they are willing to say they are not part of Australia (not that I have any love for nationalistic views) and are a nation who owns the land, I can't see how anybody can justify how land "belongs" to somebody else because of how the situation was long ago.

Posted by: ReesB of Brisbane 12:36pm today
Comment 25 of 27

Why don't Aussies get it....... if you're not Aborioginal.... you're here illegally, and should at the bare minimum respect the indigenous owners for not revolting and throwing us the f@#! out. When in Australia....."We all walk on aboriginal land"

Posted by: Matt of Nrth Qld 12:35pm today
Comment 24 of 27

So where does it end? How far back in history do we want to go? Apparently when the Aboriginies arrived from India (whom derived from the Dravidian race) they wiped out all of the Maleneasians. Perhaps the Papua New Gunians would like to get involved here...once the Aboriginies have their land, the poor old Maleneasians could have a crack at getting the land back off of them?? Idiots

Posted by: Barks2 of Perth 12:34pm today
Comment 23 of 27

Yep, one quick way to create or further inflame some real division in the country! Nice work to all involved!

Posted by: David 12:34pm today
Comment 22 of 27

Did you ignorant people even READ the article. The gold coast claim is to have a SAY in the use of PUBLIC land. Your hideous condos will be safe from the 'money grabbing' aboriginals who 'aren't black enough'. Yes we all use and enjoy public spaces, but traditionally for aboriginals land is far more than just recreational space. Their relationship to the land informs their whole world view. Are there many aboriginals who still live traditionally? No, but this doesn't mean that their cultural connection to the land should not be recognised and facilitated, with legal recognition. To imply that this will mean we won't be able to use the beach is nothing but fear mongering for political gain- a tactic which has always worked wonders for our present federal government. Uluru has been under the legal control of indigenous people for years and public access has never been an issue.

Posted by: Tatiana 12:33pm today
Comment 21 of 27

So this means my Irish heritage entitles me to go back there to where my great great great grandfather lived and claim it as a sacred site. I'm sure the Irish people who live there now wouldn't mind if I turned up and claimed it to be mine. The ignorant judiciary of this country need to be sacked. What a load of codswallop.

Posted by: James Ackerman 12:33pm today
Comment 20 of 27

The way to deal with BS like this - let us have a national day of protest and everyone and his dog pitches up at a beach at 6am and stays for 24hours. Let the coppers arrest the lot of us - it'll be a lot of fun - we can all burn effigies of Aird on the beaches.

Posted by: Mark Brown 12:30pm today
Comment 19 of 27

Shouldnt all humans be considered equal despite the colour of our skin? This is getting way out of control!!!

Posted by: Katrina of Sydney 12:28pm today
Comment 18 of 27

I'm a reincarnated white bloke from Scotland, but a few lifetimes ago I was an Indigenous Australian. Can I claim some of the land? It is rightfully mine. :D

Posted by: Shane of Adelaide 12:27pm today
Comment 17 of 27

Ignorence... why are most indigenous Australians fair skinned? ...assimilation, it's not worked real well has it?? When non indigenous people were out earning a wage and building their families futures without hinderence, indigenous people were having wages and children taken. We indigenous people still claim the stolen (Children, Land, Wages) as our own and why not? wouldn't you given the opportunity?

Posted by: Bernadette Haggerty of Sydney 12:26pm today
Comment 16 of 27

This is just ridiculous! When will it all end? I come from an average Australian family who had to work damn hard for what we needed in life and all I can feel right now is that the ones who are being discriminated are the white Australians. There seems to be 2 categories of being an Australian.... White and Indigenous.... The Whites have a different set of rules to the Indigenous Austrlians... WHY??? Aren't we all Australians ???????????? It's called build a bridge and get over it and let's move forward as ONE !!!! Have one set of rules for everyone.... I'm sure everyone has a story to tell of their past !!! Someone has to stand tall and put an end to this ludicrous situation or this country will really 'Go down under' !!!!!!

Posted by: Charmaine 12:26pm today
Comment 15 of 27

I'm a dual citizen (Kiwi/Aussie), this issue is exactly the same we faced in New Zealand - white New Zealanders (like myself) spewing out rubbish about how white people would no longer be able to go to the beach or public parks due to Maori claims on land. I can tell you this has not been the case. I find my new fellow citizens in Australia have even less understanding of their obligations to the indigenous population than kiwi's do. The question to ask yourself is; was the land owned or occupied by somebody else before the white man came in? If so were the occupants paid for or did they negotiate their rights to the land away. If the answer to either question is no then they have a right to compensation or at least a say in how the land is managed. Come on Aussies, aborigines deserve a fair go as well.

Posted by: Colin Lowe of Sydney 12:26pm today
Comment 14 of 27

Time to wake up people - the world has been in turmoil for thousands of years. If you could march your army into another country and take over you did. When you reached the sea you built a boat and filled it with soldiers. Half of Europe and the middle East is owed an apology by the Romans, or their descendants. Why is this any different? Maybe we will regress 200 years or so, the indigenous people will attack us on the beaches with spears and we will defend ourselves with guns?

Posted by: Russell Bird of Melbourne 12:26pm today
Comment 13 of 27

omg you ppl are unbelievably racist... there are links to explaining native title on this page. maybe you should read them before mouthing off?

Posted by: ec of perth 12:24pm today
Comment 12 of 27

Why waste my time trying express my whole thoughts on all of this so in a nutshell here it is "WHAT A JOKE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Posted by: Justin of Melbourne 10:50am today
Comment 11 of 27

So it's not a land grab? Well done Mr Aird, you've learned to lie like the 'white man'. Sure, you might not 'own' the land, but when you can veto the right to develop it you might as well!!! I'm off to Scotland to claim a bit of Glasgow, maybe the bit with Ibrox so I can watch the Old Firm derby on my sacred site.

Posted by: Marty of NQ 10:38am today
Comment 10 of 27

I'm a descendant of the human race. Can I claim the world as my native pissing ground?

Posted by: Toan of Melb 10:29am today
Comment 9 of 27

Grow up Indigenous Australians... Time to realize you are a part of Australia not a victim. Its time for the Government to make it clear that its YOU who owe Australia, not the other way around. Wean yourself and be Australian... This is pure nonsense and out of line.... You are part of a country..the country is not yours. alone. Grow Up!!!!

Posted by: Maggi Carstairs 10:28am today
Comment 8 of 27

Common, you gotta be kidding right. we all live here now how can one people group claim the rights to publicly owned land. its everybodys land, I love this country and i am saddened to think that the colour of my skin means that somehow i have less of of claim to the space therein. If there i historical significance to a particular piece of land then that should be taken into account, but the whole of the god coast region. not on.

Posted by: Karley of Gold Coast 10:25am today
Comment 7 of 27

The Federal Govt and all Aussies shoudl just take a look across the Tasman to see just how divisive and destructive this kind of thing can be. NZ is a mess and one of the reasons is the Waitangi tribunal - do not let this start here, as there will never be an end to it, and it will cost the taxpayer billions.

Posted by: Peter Withers of East Melbourne nee NZ 10:22am today
Comment 6 of 27

Youve gotta love that! Over half the Gold Coast is man made, do they just want the bits that were there before or all of it?

Posted by: Iian Harrison of QLD 10:15am today
Comment 5 of 27

Why??? they are all as white an the european setlers that first came to australia. If they want anything, lets put it back how it was, remove all buildings, irrigation, everything. Then see if they want it. Also take away all of the "white man" stuff like clothing, cars, booze, smokes, everything that white man has made from them. Let them all go back into the desert.

Posted by: myname 10:06am today
Comment 4 of 27

Here's an idea for indigenous people, if you want some land, how about you buy it like everyone else has to? Hundreds of years ago my ancestors were probably driven off land in Europe somewhere, maybe I should go over there and demand it, how much sucess do you think I'd have? History if full of one race conquering another, you can't turn the clock back. We live in a modern democratic country and I for one refuse to feel guilty about something someone else did hundreds of years ago, it has nothing to do with me. Native title is nonsense the sooner we get rid of it the better it will be for the majority of Australians

Posted by: Rodger of adelaide 10:02am today
Comment 3 of 27

Wow i didnt know we could do that, im an Irish descendant Im off to Island to claim Native title, Gimme a break, The noonger people still follow there traditional culture "as in live in the bush etc". theres the difference mate.

Posted by: Baz of QLD 9:54am today
Comment 2 of 27

The Guys nearly as white as me! You just gotta love this country, get hooked up with the right group, faction or pressure group and you pull just about thing off. Mate of mine had to pay a fee of a couple of hundred bucks to whoever the local tribe is on the Sunshine coast to inspect the water for cultural artefacts before he had a pontoon installed. The guy lives on a man made Island in the middle of the Mooloolah River LOL and the Fella who did the inspection drove up from Brisbane. Both parties knew it was a wasted act but the fee, charge, extortion payment was appreciated.;)

Posted by: Hilly of QLD 8:27am today
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