

我生活着 (热门博主)
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That stinks!!

(2009-05-29 16:08:07) 下一个
That stinks!!I can’t believe my dad got me to clean the toilet it is a messy job I feel sorry for toilet cleaners now I know what they have been through. It is a truly horrible job and toilets should be self cleaning for everyone’s sakes. You do not want to know what I saw, but I’m going to tell you anyway bits of poo that got stuck fell out and I had to use a whole lot of toilet cleaner I oh yeah. Guess what I am going to do now REVENGE when my mum gets back (she normally does the cleaning) lets just say that I have been a bit messy in the toilet and she has a surprise coming her way I know it sounds disgusting and guess what it is! I feel so sorry for myself it is summer here and I am stuck with a stinky old toilet I am sooooo bored and I am fed up having nothing to do I can describe my day today and tomorrow in three words sleep, eat and TV no that does mean I would rather be scrubbing a stinky old toilet I would rather be doing a whole load of stuff, but I can’t I’m stuck in my house for a week if you have any suggestions I would be glad to hear it and don’t say what about vacuuming the house because I meant something fun and stuff like trampolining except I don’t have a trampoline or a garden to put it in frankly I’m out of ideas. Oh here is a good joke right what do you call a dear with no eyes give up you probably said it already no idea get it huh I’m good.
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