(2009-04-08 16:41:36)
LOOK OUT VIRUS ABOUT!!!!!!Don’t you just hate computer viruses what a pest can’t they give us a break we just want to go on the internet and for me play some games. I play an online game called travian do you play it as well if you do then delighted to meet you my travian buddy and if you can reply to this. We have to suffer so much just because of some lazy conman hugh. For people with a bank account cor you guys need some pretty tough antivirus what do you have mine is just standard because I don’t have a bank account or anything in away I’m lucky. Hang on did I just blame the antivirus for everything well it’s not to blame the conmen is and ugh it is so annoying and what’s even more annoying is apple computers aren’t affected, but a normal pc is how lazy can the designers be just shove some apple in a pc and virus free. They are out of control here’s what happened to me my Compaq desktop broke down goodness knows about once every month and I used it for 4 YEARS!!! 4YEARS I TELL YOU. Can’t they cut us some slack and worse of all my email got stolen. How come if you do piracy or something you get caught and they even advertise that then if you have your identity stolen oh we aren’t bothered nothing. So then you have to call everyone that knows your internet identity. Have you ever had anything stolen by the internet if you have I would really like to know about it.