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ZT: Ignore the “Experts” and Ride Gold to $5,000

(2008-09-30 22:28:05) 下一个

The “Super Crash” May
Soon Devastate Millions
Of Americans…

Others will get 5 times richer
over the next six months…

Below, millionaire analyst Peter Schiff shows YOU
how to be on the winning side – for FREE!

Dear Reader,

It’s going to cost the average American $85,000 dollars over the next 6-18 months...

But you won’t hear this story from the mainstream press, the Wall Street machine or the bureaucrats in D.C.

Instead, they’ll tell you about the tanking stock market one day… and the housing crisis the next…

You’ll hear about soaring gas and food prices… inflation… the credit crunch… the exploding trade deficit… the stagnating economy… one sound bite at a time.

But they’re missing the big picture.

Fact is, the broad range of threats facing the U.S. economy aren’t just isolated events anymore. They’re swirling together to create a wealth-destroying “Super Crash” growing much more damaging than the sum of its parts…

Indeed, more dangerous than anything we’ve seen since the Great Depression.


The government reports that inflation’s now rising at an “acceptable” 2.3%. But that doesn’t include food and gas prices! Add those into the mix and REAL inflation is ballooning 800-900% faster than “official” reports!

And why is gas so high? Before you blame the Saudis or Exxon, consider that the real cause is the dollar. Thirteen years of rampant government spending… interest-rate cuts… and a record $9.1 trillion U.S. deficit have driven it to all-time lows… which has driven up the price of gasoline – and everything else with it!

In the first quarter alone, skyrocketing food and fuel prices have accelerated foreclosures and the mortgage meltdown. It\'s already sapped more than $305 billion from American wallets.

In turn, all this vanishing liquidity has begun rocking the financial markets, sending massive banks into fire-sale mode… and stocks into the gutter. The Dow has swan-dived 20%... its “worst performance since 1930,” according to the Wall Street Journal.

Indeed, these “unrelated” calamities are anything but unrelated.

They’ve fused together to form a single, interconnected string of financial dominoes falling at breakneck pace. Together they’ve wiped out 10 years of stock gains already… destroying more than $6 trillion worth of American wealth – that’s Trillion with a “T”.
Bottom line is this…
The “Super Crash” isn’t coming… It’s already here

And with the crisis deepening by the day, millions more will suffer the consequences.
But there is a simple, powerful solution for investors who are concerned about the brewing crisis.

Developed by star analyst, millionaire investor and leading bear-market strategist Peter D. Schiff, this precise game plan will ensure that you not only survive the “Super Crash”… but give you the opportunity to grow five times wealthier along the way.

Even better: It’s yours, for free.

Please let me explain…

Your FREE Road Map to “Bear Market” Riches

Flip on your TV or open a major financial newspaper (including the Wall Street Journal and the Financial Times) and you’re likely to see the name Peter Schiff these days.

Perhaps the most passionate prognosticator on CNBC’s Squawk Box, Schiff’s predictions have given thousands of investors around the world the chance to save millions of dollars… while making millions more.

* Schiff called the Tech Wreck in 1999, saving his clients at Euro Pacific Capital a fortune when the Nasdaq lost more than 70% of its value.

* He called the bull in crude oil, days before it began an historic march from $60 to $140.

* He called the sub-prime crisis and housing crash, just before the bottom fell out in late 2006.

* He called the gold boom just before the yellow metal began its run-up from $480 to $1,000.

Behind the scenes, Schiff has quietly been developing a set of proprietary “crash proof” strategies and recommendations. They’ve begun helping his private high-net-worth clients at Euro Pacific protect their portfolios… and safely grow their massive wealth… amid the worst economic downturn in 78 years.

In fact, more than 50,000 investors are already using Schiff’s unique strategy for profiting from the “Super Crash.” And now – for the first time – you’ll be able to join them for free.

How is that possible?

272 Pages Chock Full of Research and Timely Plays

Crash ProofBecause you’re about to receive Schiff’s Crash Proof: How to Profit from the Coming Economic Collapse… at no charge.

Crash Proof contains 272 pages of precise analysis, research and specific recommendations for getting five times wealthier as the “Super Crash” unfolds.

Schiff’s plan is presented in an easy-to-follow, 1-2-3 format that’s perfect for any investor – even absolute beginners.

Your free copy of this book is already reserved. I’ll show you how to claim it in one moment. First let’s take a sneak peak at what it contains, and how it could safeguard and grow your wealth from day one…

STEP 1 – Get Out of Dollar-Based Assets… NOW!

Forget the boring old “blue chips” that have provided safety in the past, says Schiff. They’re not safe anymore – and the crashing Dow is exhibit #1!

Not only are companies like Starbucks and GM tanking thanks to the stagnating economy… They’re denominated in U.S. dollars, so you lose more money every time the dollar lurches downward.

But Schiff has a solution… Stable, income-paying companies outside the U.S.

With international “blue chips” such as ABB and Rio Tinto in your portfolio, you’ll ride white-hot trends that don’t depend on the U.S. economy… And Schiff’s recommended plays also pay huge dividends in stable, climbing foreign currencies such as the Swiss franc, the Euro and the Australian dollar.

When your dividends show up in your account as dollars, you pocket huge gains just on the currency differential!

Just a few examples:

* Turn $8,000 into $80,000 Automatically… Every Year: This simple technique lets you repatriate exploding foreign currencies into the U.S. quietly, legally, without clearing customs… to turn $8,000 into $80,000 automatically every year… Page 181

* Book “Instant” 5-Fold Gains with the “Swiss Swap”: If you’re a U.S. citizen, you can supercharge your dividends and multiply your income 5-fold using this simple technique. PLUS you can withdraw your dividends whenever you want using your ordinary ATM card! Page 181

* The Secret “Dollar Down” Play Preferred by Buffett, Soros and Rogers: Wall Street’s elite investors are tapping into a new market that goes up when the dollar goes down. In recent months, they’ve quietly increased their allocation by 700%. It’s revealed on Page 182

* 300% Gains with the Golden “Currency Pop”: Schiff has identified a way to ride steady gold profits with a handful of international miners… which means you can pocket 3-to-1 gains over gold… and throw in “hidden” currency gains well into the double digits! Page 183

These are just a handful of the remarkable opportunities Schiff reveals in Crash Proof: How to Profit from the Coming Economic Collapse.

All of them are tailored to keep you profiting regardless of what happens with the economy… with interest rates… with real estate… with inflation… with the jobs market… even with the U.S. stock markets.

Schiff’s battle plan could save your retirement from the “Super Crash,” while making you five times richer over the next 6-18 months. And it’s all laid out in three simple steps.

Let’s take a look at the Step #2 now…

STEP 2 – Ignore the “Experts” and Ride Gold to $5,000

The talking heads say gold MUST be peaking. Time to get out and take profits, they’ll tell you. But Schiff makes a powerful argument that the bull-run in gold is just starting. (See sidebar.)
How Gold Could Soar to $5,000… $12,000… Even $36,000 an Ounce!
In the 1920s, the Dow Index was 20 times higher than the price of gold.

When the Great Depression hit, gold soared and the Dow sank until the Dow was at 36 and gold was selling for $36 an ounce – a 1-to-1 ratio.

In 1980, after the huge stock downturn in the 1970s, both the Dow and gold were once again trading at 1-to-1 levels – the Dow at 850 and gold at $850 an ounce.

Today, the Dow is coming off its worst month since the 1920s, and has shed 20% so far.

Gold, meanwhile, is on a tear.

Schiff sees the 1-to-1 ratio returning, meaning that gold would be trading at around $12,000 an ounce relative to current stock prices…

And even if the Dow tanks to 5,000, gold would rise to $5,000!

In fact, if the Dow goes to 36,000 as one recent best-selling book prognosticates, gold would sell for $36,000 an ounce!

The bottom line is plain: gold’s bull-run is barely getting started…
And you’ll learn exactly how to play it in your FREE copy of Crash Proof: How to Profit from the Coming Economic Collapse.

Schiff shows you the best ways to play gold right now… and for the rest of your life. And we’re not talking about your ordinary bullion plays:

* The “Gold Standard” Currency Set to Double Your Money in 18 Months! A forgotten British currency – fully backed by gold and the govt. – could soon double in value versus the dollar. In fact, this ultra-safe money will be the hottest currency of the next 18 months, bar none. Few outside of Britain’s Isle of Jersey know about it yet. Schiff shows you a simple way to invest in about 5 minutes, online! Page 229

* Save Your Retirement with 3 Gold Coins: It’s the big secret of the gold-investing world. Certain gold coins are about to soar 3-5 times faster than gold, which is poised for another double in 2009! Schiff has identified the next three gold-coin bonanzas. They’re specific plays on Kruggerands, Maple Leafs… and a third coin set to pop between 1,500% and 3,000%! He also shows you an “idiot-proof” way to invest on page 224

* Make 3,600% Gains with “Pure Junk”: Schiff reveals how you can turn sacks of silver “junk” into potential gains of 3,600%. It’s his favorite way to invest in precious metals, and you’re guaranteed not to hear about it in the Wall Street Journal! Page 224

* Pocket “Safer than Gold” Money… for Triple-Digit Gains: Most people think of gold as the ultimate in safety. But this ”everyman” currency play is even safer, considering where the dollar is headed. Here’s how to quickly double your money. Page 235

Once you’ve got your gold portfolio churning out bigger sustained profits than most investors saw during the tech run-up… it’s time to start preparing yourself for the bargain-hunting spree of a lifetime.

In fact, Schiff’s third secret could make you more money than you’ve EVER made before in stocks or even during the real estate boom!

Here’s how…

SECRET 3 – Stay Liquid for the “Once-in-a-Lifetime” Bargain Bonanza

As you have probably guessed, the “Super Crash” is already driving asset prices into the ground, across the board… and that includes high-quality investments that will soon rebound to their normal pricing levels.

By staying liquid, you’ll be able to snap up once-in-a-lifetime bargains, whether it’s stocks, real estate, bonds, commodities, or alternative investments. You’ll soon find them ALL trading at dirt-cheap levels. As Schiff writes:

“That period of adjustment and uncertainty will cause a lot of people to lose money, but for those who understand the larger picture unfolding, it will hold opportunities for profit.”

Just a few examples…

* Your “Personal Cash Machine” – Refilled Daily by the Swiss Govt.: Forget risky currency trading. Why not open an account and let the Swiss government refill it each morning with stable and rising francs? You can then withdraw your free cash whenever you want, using your ATM card. Page 24

* If you still own your home, you can turn $1,500 into $3,000 once per week – If you own a home, Schiff reveals a simple secret you can use “on the side” to turn $1,500 into $3,000… or even $15,000… every single week. And this one is guaranteed. Page 244

* Get Rich as the Housing Crunch Continues, with Schiff’s “Reverse Equity Hedge”: Instead of watching your liquidity dry and blow away on the breeze, use Schiff’s “Reverse Equity Hedge” technique to stop the bleeding… and reverse the revenue stream BACK into YOUR savings account. Page 246

* Lose your pesky mortgage – but KEEP your home. Here’s how… This could be the biggest secret in Schiff’s repertoire… It’s a real way to own your home without paying another penny to the mortgage bankers. And you can complete this transaction within the next 12 months. Page 247

Combined with the first two steps, Schiff’s “stay liquid” stratagem rounds out his ”one-stop” game plan for protecting yourself from the “Super Crash”…

And growing five times richer over the next 6-18 months…

It’s all detailed in his latest bestseller Crash Proof: How to Profit from the Coming Economic Collapse.

Fact is, Crash Proof can do more to increase your wealth… ensure your retirement… pay for your kids’ education… protect you from the free-falling U.S. dollar… and raise your stature as an investor than all the endless hours of speculation you’ll hear from the financial media…

And this vital, 272-page guidebook is yours for FREE. You pay absolutely nothing for it.

Let me tell you why we’ve gone out of our way to make this possible…

An Event Few Can Afford to Miss...

There’s no doubt that Schiff’s proprietary global strategy will continue to generate powerhouse profits over the next six months and beyond… and no doubt, globalization is the biggest trend to happen in our lives.

And while most investors get slammed by the “Super Crash,” some investors will get rich even if the U.S. markets tank entirely.

Just look at what the Economist Intelligence Unit recently reported:

Worldwide investments are expected to double… to $300 trillion in a few short years. And 60% of that growth is coming from new global markets – more than twice that of mature, developed markets like the U.S. or Japan.

The opportunities, the report states, go well beyond China or India. In fact, more money is about to be made in South Korea, Indonesia, Turkey and Mexico than many developed nations combined.

And that’s where The Money Map Report comes in. This monthly research service tracks the fastest growing markets in the world – including the ones you’ll discover in Crash Proof – by “following the money.” It’s edited by some of the smartest analysts in the global markets, headed by renowned Investment Director, Keith Fitz-Gerald.

So let me cut to the chase: We want you to have a copy of Peter Schiff’s blockbuster for FREE, just for accepting a trial subscription to The Money Map Report – all for about the cost of a pair of “knock-around” shoes…

I’ll explain in a moment, but please know that this could be the most profitable offer you’ll see this year…

We’ve gone to great lengths to create this because 1) The “Super Crash” is here, and we feel every investor deserves to survive – and grow five times wealthier – using Peter Schiff’s breakthrough game plan…

And 2) we’re on a mission… A mission to help wealth builders break through to a new level of gains that up until now have been impossible to achieve.

Ride the Coming Wave of 18,465% Gains

Imagine what it would be like to get in front of the telecom boom… Or the tech boom… Or even riding the wave of the great U.S. run-up after World War II, when stocks like General Electric soared more than 18,465 %, making investors fortunes.

Yet that’s exactly what’s going on every day in the markets.

While the mainstream media, Wall Street and the D.C. bureaucrats talk non-stop about the threats to the U.S. economy, there’s a new bull market emerging overseas everyday… but only if you know how to play it.

And any wealth builder can tap into these kinds of gains if you so desire…

The only problem is that few people ever hear about these opportunities. Right now the financial media is overcome with blaring noise… the mortgage crisis… the dollar’s new low… Bernanke’s interest-rate squeeze… Citigroup’s Middle Eastern bailout… soaring food and gas prices… and the stagnating economy…

But smart investors don’t have to be mired in this mess we’re calling the “Super Crash.” Investment banks and high-net worth investors have already begun protecting themselves and growing their wealth by tapping into the world’s big money flows. Yet few others have the wherewithal to get in…

In fact, fast-growing companies around the globe are replacing – and surpassing – the bloated name-brand stocks languishing in stagnating U.S. economy. The Money Map is already tracking these:

* This shipping-container manufacturer is exploding on the scene in China and already has a 50-percent share of the global container market, supplying the top 10 shipping companies in the world…

* As fuel prices soar, smaller, lighter regional jets are replacing jumbos around the world… This little-known Brazilian manufacturer just surpassed Bombardier as the leading manufacturer… and the shares are set to soar…

* This company is already among the top 10 generic-pharmaceutical makers on the planet… It’s located in the technology hotbed of India, poised for a quick double… And it’s NOT Dr. Reddys.

* Another Chinese manufacturing powerhouse just saw its share of the European microwave market jump to 45%... and it already has a 25% share of the U.S. market. Both numbers are rising steadily, and that could hand early investors solid gains for years to come…

It’s no wonder that Forbes.com says:

“You can’t afford to wait… It’s time to pack your bags now – at least as far as your portfolio is concerned.”

So just how big is this boom really? Consider this: According to renowned economist Antoine van Agtmael:

Every 22 days, a new company outside of the U.S. generates a billion dollars in sales for the first time.

Imagine… A billion dollars in sales… right under our noses. And not a peep from Wall Street brokers, or hedge funds, or even the mainstream press.

Let me show you what The Money Map Report can do for you…

A Sneak Peek inside Our Proprietary Portfolio

Already, subscribers are pocketing gains from companies positioned to thrive no matter what happens to the U.S. economy:

1. This company is practically unknown in the U.S., but it’s about to ride the $16 trillion dollar boom in global infrastructure… and denominated in super-stable Swiss francs… It’s set for a 140% pop…

2. This company is set to ride the long-term boom in agriculture… and shares tend to climb when the dollar sinks… It’s set for a 149% pop…

3. This top supplier of industrial chemicals to Europe, Asia and North America raising prices worldwide. Its new R&D centers in Asia are about to add billions to the bottom line, too. It’s set to rise 48% in the next six months…

4. This investment-management company is virtually unknown to retail investors. But it’s quietly helping major institutions around the globe to safeguard and grow their massive wealth despite the “Super Crash.” It’s set for a 371% gain…

Fact is, in less than a year, The Money Map Report has capitalized on trends in banking… the uranium run up… the steel boom in South Korea… the Swiss franc… and the fastest growing new blue chip in India…

One reader, M. Coble from Atlanta, Georgia perhaps put it best:

“I\'d swear Keith\'s got some sort of crystal ball! He consistently delivers prescient commentary and profitable recommendations months before anyone even thinks to tackle the stuff…”

And yet that’s not all…

The Three “Top Trends” of the Next 12 Months

Here are some of the biggest trends on the table for the next 12 months that most investors will miss this year:

Dark Pools: This could be the biggest story you’re not hearing about right now. More than 12% of daily stock volume in the U.S. doesn’t occur on public exchanges anymore. Instead, it\'s secretly taking place when the markets are closed – and only the institutions and high-net-worth investors are invited to this party. By trading privately in 40 so-called “dark pools,” these power players can determine prices, driving stocks up or down at will. The Nasdaq alone runs 18% of its volume – roughly 350 million shares – through these “non-displayed platforms.” As more institutional volume moves from the public to the private sphere, some investors will get rich… and some will go broke as liquidity starts drying up.
The 28 Precision Variables of the Money Map System
1. Exchange rate trend
2. GDP growth
3. Inflation
4. Current account as % of GDP
5. External debt as % of GDP
6. FDI as % of GDP
7. Openness to investment and
economic integration with the rest of the world
8. Political stability
9. Public and private political and financial transparency
10. Competitiveness
11. Excess Capacity
12. Comparative support/subsidies
13. Value chain
14. Power of suppliers
15. Power of buyers
16. Barriers to entry
17. Economies of scale
18. Experience Curve
19. Leapfrogging Technology
20. Access to capital
21. Product pricing and sales volume
22. Diversification
23. Technology pipeline
24. Gross operating and net margins
25. Capital structure
26. Valuation of assets
27. Financial leverage
28. Operating and net cash flow

You’ll learn how to play this massive, emerging trend for maximum gains.

Alternative Fuel – Sooner Than Most Think: Despite forecasts from the U.S. Energy Information Administration, OPEC’s supply of crude is dwindling faster than ever thought. Simply put, the next 12 months will bring even bigger cracks in supply, likely to send oil spiking at times above $187 a barrel. Already, the Money Map is tracking the most lucrative alt-energy investments. We’re looking at the company that makes the most efficient solar wafer in the world…

Dividend Harvesting: This could well be the wisest addition to anyone’s portfolio for the year – an honest-to-goodness investment that skims dividends every 61 days from the world’s best players in commodities, technology, and global brands. And get this:

It gives you the opportunity to collect dividends six times a year from the same security, instead of the usual four.

Imagine getting two “free” checks every year, on an investment that pummels the S&P by 20% to 40%.

So how is all this possible?

Available ONLY to Billion-Dollar Wall Street Firms…
Until Now…

The monthly research you’ll find in The Money Map Report is based on proprietary methodology that was first created 25 years ago for firms like Merrill Lynch, Swiss Bank and ADP Capital Management to have a way of investing in the fastest growing stocks in the world.

Yet never before has this kind of research been made available to the non-institutional investor. And what it does remarkably well is cherry-pick the big winners from the global equity boom.

You see, the “Money Map Method” works by pulling together over 1,000 pieces of economic data to locate the white-hot zones – those sectors, industries and companies breaking into exploding global markets...

It then assimilates this data into 28 variables, which forms a polygon cluster. The larger the spatial measurement of the polygon, the riper a trend is for investment.

Even before institutions or retail traders had a chance to get in, the “Money Map Method” identified Terra Nitrogen as ready to soar on the agricultural boom in Asia. It ran from $29 to over $140 in just twelve months for a 382% gain.

Terra Nitrogen

Not many investors can afford to miss out on gains like this… Or wait to cash in on the global equity boom… Or start making money on China’s exploding growth…

Here’s what you need to know…

A Precision-Guided Map that Lets You Follow the Money with Ease

The amount of money that has flooded into the global equities in recent months is dramatic, to say the least – even amid the devastating credit meltdown.

During a single, seven-week period last year, $23.7 billion flowed into international funds!

And that cash is about to get a whole lot bigger… It’s one reason it’s so important to claim your FREE copy of Peter Schiff’s blockbuster, Crash Proof, right now…

And why we’re making it easier than ever to try out The Money Map Report, with a very special offer. You’ll get The Money Map Report for just $49.50. That’s a full HALF OFF the regular price for this monthly research service.

Our mission is to help as many wealth builders as possible to protect their money and ride this enormous opportunity. So what we’ve done is simple:

We’ve cut the price to the very bone, just help you get to know us, and to show you how profitable this wave of wealth can be.

It’s simple, really. We’ve put together the ultimate package. It enables almost anyone to capture big gains on the global boom – a boom that’s destined to get larger by the day. If you wanted to hedge your portfolio with even one put option, you’d pay thousands more than the price of a one-year subscription!

It’s a chance to become a highly skilled, highly profitable wealth builder, quickly and easily. All while millions of Americans are sinking in losses...
Special Bonus Report: Yours FREE:
The Easiest Way to Buy Global Stocks – Even if Your Broker Says You Can’t
Many of our readers write us asking how to accelerate their gains on some of the fastest moving stocks in the world.

After all, the U.S. markets have been soundly beaten by nearly every major exchange for the past decade. The last time the U.S. cracked the top five performing developed markets was in 1995!

During the past five years, the return for international stocks was nearly three times the return for U.S. equities.

Problem is, a majority of brokers just don’t know much about these fast paced markets – or how best to get you in.

But our 4,500-word report can change all that. It gives you everything you need to know to capitalize on the global boom. It answers questions on exchange rates… limit orders… dividends… transaction amounts… fees and more. It even gives you a list of brokers who best handle foreign stocks, safely and easily.

Research reports that detail “insider” information like this normally sell for $79 and up. Yet, you can get it right now at absolutely no charge. It’s yours FREE, just for accepting a get-to-know-us subscription to The Money Map Report.

There’s absolutely no obligation, and as you’ll see, you get a fantastic 100% Gains Guarantee.

This package could well be the single most important step anyone could take for creating wealth, ensuring their retirement, and deflecting the hardships faced by the U.S. economy right now.

The U.S. recession is building fast… the dollar’s in a freefall… the credit crunch is crushing the markets. And none of this is about to go away any time soon. Yet markets outside the U.S. are doing so much better. About three times better, on average.

Frankly, it’s a small price to pay for the opportunity to gain significant wealth and build an “insurance policy” against the ravages of unstable markets. It’s a plan that could well put you in the top 1% of investors who always seem to make money, no matter what wind blows through the markets.

Thing is, we’re so sure about the money to be made in the global equity boom that we’re willing to offer this special guarantee:

100% Satisfaction or 100% of Your Money Back

That’s right. We’re willing to send you:

* Crash Proof – 272 pages of Peter Schiffs’ research and recommendations for growing rich during downturns – absolutely free…

* The Best and Easiest Way to Trade Global Stocks – Even if Your Broker Says You Can’t, chock full of key lessons and a critical recommended list of brokers, absolutely free…

* Our Money Map Report research and recommendations every month at the low cost of only $49.50…

And if for any reason under the sun – even if you just decide you don’t like what we have to offer, no questions asked – just let us know and we’ll refund 100% of your money within the first 45 days.

But either way, go ahead and keep Crash Proof… And hang on to The Best and Easiest Way to Trade Global Stocks. They’re both still yours to keep for free.

It seems almost unbelievable. But you can just call, e-mail or fax us within 45 days, and we’ll refund 100% of your money.

And yet, we’re so confident, we’re willing to go one step farther…

Double Your Money… or You Pay Nothing…

If you read the research every month in The Money Map Report and, at the end of the first year, if you haven’t had the opportunity for a 100% gain based on the recommendations in the Report, give us a call and we’ll give you a second year for free.

It’s as simple as that. No questions asked. Period.

But please don’t delay. When our limited supply of Crash Proof runs out, so does this offer. And we have no way to guarantee just how long this will last – hours or even days.

Peter Schiff’s previous recommendations have made untold numbers of investors wealthy. This is a rare opportunity to get his book hot off the presses, before thousands of others have had a chance to make good on his recommendations.

Rarely – if ever – has an opportunity to get so much for so little ever existed.

“Now is the time,” says Forbes.com, “to make sure your retirement portfolio has a meaningful stake in these markets of the future.”

We urge you not to miss out on the potential for sizeable gains, as global growth creates one historic winner after another.

Go ahead and grab your copy of Crash Proof from legendary investor Peter Schiff…

Get our Special Report: The Best and Easiest Way to Trade Global Stocks – Even if Your Broker Says You Can’t.

And cash in on the monthly research from The Money Map Report…

And do it all now for the bargain basement price of $49.50. It’s an extraordinary, one-time offer you won’t find in magazines, newspapers, or in your mailbox.

We urge you to take advantage of this offer, but only if you’re serious about protecting your wealth and riding a $300 trillion trend.

We’re reserving our limited supply of Crash Proof for those who understand how important this is to meeting their goal of becoming comfortably wealthy during the hardest economic times we\'ve faced since 1930.

If you’re one of this elite group, welcome aboard! Just click below or call 800.585.0950 or 1.915.855.5541. We’ll rush your Welcome Kit to you right away, and send you the reports immediately. And please see below for an important additional gift, just for getting to know us.

Mike Ward
Mike Ward
The Money Map Report

P.S. Sign up for a trial subscription to The Money Map Report, and you’ll get Peter Schiff’s blockbuster, Crash Proof, at no cost. You’ll get our Special Report: The Best and Easiest Way to Trade Global Stocks – Even if Your Broker Says You Can’t at no cost. And, of course, you’ll get all of our monthly research on stocks with the fastest growing global markets. There’s never been a better way to play this fast-paced equity boom, for an amazingly low price of just $49.50. But hurry, when our limited supply of books runs out, this offer ends.

P.P.S. Bonus: Sign up now and you’ll also get Money Morning, at absolutely no cost to you whatsoever. Money Morning is the fastest growing global news service in existence. The Wall Street Journal has included it in its list of the “best blogs and research.” And it’s yours free. Sign up now, and you’ll get immediate access to these wealth creators:

* Eight Ways to Profit if OPEC Dumps the Dollar.
* The Two Best Global Deals on Uranium.
* The Two Best Canadian Oil Investments that Pay Outsized Dividends.
* The Best Investment for China’s $50 Billion Green-Tech Movement.
* Nine Ways to Invest in Gold – and Four that Make Sense.
* Three of the Hottest Global Resource Companies – Based in Mexico.
* Why South Korean Is Set to Become the Biggest Economic Story of 2008.
* Three Ways to Profit from the Overlooked China-France Alliance.
* How to Cash in on the Biggest Turnaround Play in Financial Companies.
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