

有多少爱可以重来 有多少人值得等待 因我自横刀向天笑 故我自立马冷眼瞧


(2006-11-28 23:08:35) 下一个

Strong buy SNDK at this point!!!

Because current price is a solid support of:
1) The previous gap up point in July @$46,长下影下探过$44+
2) Verified once of the previous gap up point in early November,长下影反转阳线下探过$44+
3) Prediction: it should be a straight up trend from here!

Another example, look at GOOG:

1) GOOG gapped up in late March @~$365
2) Gap up point was verified in middle May @~$365
3) When it touched the gap up point again in early August, it started a run up...

Also both had 3 lower and lower tops:

AAPL is similar too:
1) AAPL got a 放量长下影反转大阳线 in late March @ $~60
2) Gapped up in middle July @ $~60 and there was no pullback
3) Topped @$70 in early August and pulled back, but the pullback didn't reach down to $60. Compared to GOOG or SNDK, AAPL was weaker before the verification on the second step because it broke down $60, the support line. However, it was hence stronger on the 2nd verification on the 3rd step because the pullback stopped @$63.

AAPL had 3 lower and lower tops as well, i.e., $86/$74/$70 respectively.

In addition, the difference/similarity is that both AAPL and GOOG had tops right before each support (gap) point, i.e., the order is top/gap up (support) point/lower top/ gap up point/ lower top/ gap up (support) point while the order of SNDK is top/lower top/gap up point/lower top/gap up (support) point/gap up (support) point. But Note that between the first 2 tops of SNDK, there was low (valley) point at $53 which appeared exactly as well between the first gap up pint and the 3rd top.

SNDK may gap up @$52 at curren level. Or if it inches up to $52 from current level, it may gap up @$56-60.

Gap up/down point is strong support/resistance of a trend!
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