


(2006-12-12 12:00:19) 下一个
28:15 你若不听从耶和华你神的话,不谨守遵行他的一切诫命律例,就是我今日所吩咐你的,这以下的咒诅都必追随你,临到你身上,
28:16 你在城里必受咒诅,在田间也必受咒诅。
28:17 你的筐子和你的抟面盆都必受咒诅。
28:18 你身所生的,地所产的,以及牛犊,羊羔,都必受咒诅。
28:19 你出也受咒诅,入也受咒诅。
28:20 耶和华因你行恶离弃他,必在你手里所办的一切事上,使咒诅,扰乱,责罚临到你,直到你被毁灭,速速地灭亡。
28:21 耶和华必使瘟疫贴在你身上,直到他将你从所进去得为业的地上灭绝。
28:22 耶和华要用痨病,热病,火症,疟疾,刀剑,旱风(或作乾旱),霉烂攻击你。这都要追赶你,直到你灭亡。
28:23 你头上的天要变为铜,脚下的地要变为铁。
28:24 耶和华要使那降在你地上的雨变为尘沙,从天临在你身上,直到你灭亡。
28:25 耶和华必使你败在仇敌面前,你从一条路去攻击他们,必从七条路逃跑。你必在天下万国中抛来抛去。
28:26 你的尸首必给空中的飞鸟和地上的走兽作食物,并无人哄赶。
28:27 耶和华必用埃及人的疮并痔疮,牛皮癣与疥攻击你,使你不能医治。
28:28 耶和华必用癫狂,眼瞎,心惊攻击你。
28:29 你必在午间摸索,好像瞎子在暗中摸索一样。你所行的必不亨通,时常遭遇欺压,抢夺,无人搭救。
28:30 你聘定了妻,别人必与她同房。你建造房屋,不得住在其内。你栽种葡萄园,也不得用其中的果子。
28:31 你的牛在你眼前宰了,你必不得吃它的肉。你的驴在你眼前被抢夺,不得归还。你的羊归了仇敌,无人搭救。
28:32 你的儿女必归与别国的民。你的眼目终日切望,甚至失明,你手中无力拯救。
28:33 你的土产和你劳碌得来的,必被你所不认识的国民吃尽。你时常被欺负,受压制,
28:34 甚至你因眼中所看见的,必致疯狂。
28:35 耶和华必攻击你,使你膝上腿上,从脚掌到头顶,长毒疮无法医治。
28:36 耶和华必将你和你所立的王领到你和你列祖素不认识的国去。在那里你必事奉木头石头的神。
28:37 你在耶和华领你到的各国中,要令人惊骇,笑谈,讥诮。
28:38 你带到田间的种子虽多,收进来的却少,因为被蝗虫吃了。
28:39 你栽种,修理葡萄园,却不得收葡萄,也不得喝葡萄酒,因为被虫子吃了。
28:40 你全境有橄榄树,却不得其油抹身,因为树上的橄榄不熟自落了。
28:41 你生儿养女,却不算是你的,因为必被掳去。
28:42 你所有的树木和你地里的出产必被蝗虫所吃。
28:43 在你中间寄居的,必渐渐上升,比你高而又高。你必渐渐下降,低而又低。
28:44 他必借给你,你却不能借给他。他必作首,你必作尾。
28:45 这一切咒诅必追随你,赶上你,直到你灭亡。因为你不听从耶和华你神的话,不遵守他所吩咐的诫命律例。
28:46 这些咒诅必在你和你后裔的身上成为异迹奇事,直到永远。
28:47 因为你富有的时候,不欢心乐意地事奉耶和华你的神,
28:48 所以你必在饥饿,乾渴,赤露,缺乏之中事奉耶和华所打发来攻击你的仇敌。他必把铁轭加在你的颈项上,直到将你灭绝。
28:49 耶和华要从远方,地极带一国的民,如鹰飞来攻击你。这民的言语,你不懂得。
28:50 这民的面貌凶恶,不顾恤年老的,也不恩待年少的。
28:51 他们必吃你牲畜所下的和你地土所产的,直到你灭亡。你的五谷,新酒,和油,以及牛犊,羊羔,都不给你留下,直到将你灭绝。
28:52 他们必将你困在你各城里,直到你所倚靠,高大坚固的城墙都被攻塌。他们必将你困在耶和华你神所赐你遍地的各城里。
28:53 你在仇敌围困窘迫之中,必吃你本身所生的,就是耶和华你神所赐给你的儿女之肉。
28:54 你们中间,柔弱娇嫩的人必恶眼看他弟兄和他怀中的妻,并他馀剩的儿女。
28:55 甚至在你受仇敌围困窘迫的城中,他要吃儿女的肉,不肯分一点给他的亲人,因为他一无所剩。
28:56 你们中间,柔弱娇嫩的妇人,是因娇嫩柔弱不肯把脚踏地的,必恶眼看她怀中的丈夫和她的儿女。
28:57 她两腿中间出来的婴孩与她所要生的儿女,她因缺乏一切就要在你受仇敌围困窘迫的城中将他们暗暗地吃了。
28:58 这书上所写律法的一切话是叫你敬畏耶和华你神可荣可畏的名。

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meager 回复 悄悄话 这是我回答网友申命记7:10,15。以色列人清楚知道如果他们不按照上帝所说的话,那么他们的结果是什么。如果他们选择邪恶,那么等待他们的就是申命记28的细节。申命记7:10里所说的恨他的自然就是恨正义,自然就是邪恶的。不过理解这段经文可能有些难,因为首先要对上帝有信心,并认为他是正义的。此外不好意思都是英文的。
some persons have held that Jehovah dealt partially by using and favoring Israel as his people of ancient times. However, an honest examination of his dealings with Israel will reveal that such charge is erroneous. Jehovah chose and dealt with Israel, not because of their greatness and numbers, but because of his love and appreciation for the faith and loyalty of his friend Abraham, their forefather. Also, he was long-suffering toward them because he had placed his name upon them.—Deut. 7:7-11; 29:13; Ezek. 36:22; Ps. 105:8-10.
While obedient, Israel was blessed above the nations not having the Law that Jehovah gave through Moses. When Israel was disobedient, God was patient and merciful, punishing them nevertheless. And though their position was a favored one, they were under weightier responsibility before God because of bearing God’s name and because they were under the Law.
The Law carried curses against the one breaking it. It is written: “Cursed is the one who will not put the words of this law in force by doing them.” (Deut. 27:26) The Jews, by violating the Law, came under this curse, which was additional to their condemnation as offspring of sinful Adam. (Rom. 5:12) Therefore, to redeem the Jews from this special disability, Christ had, not only to die, but to die on the torture stake, as the apostle Paul argues at Galatians 3:10-13.
The foregoing demonstrates the fact that God exercised no partiality toward Israel. God was using Israel with the blessing of all nations in view. (Gal. 3:14) In this nation he caused to be born his Son, by means of whom salvation is possible for all who exercise faith. God was actually working toward the benefit of people of all nations in his due time. In harmony with this, the apostle remarks: “Is he the God of the Jews only? Is he not also of people of the nations? Yes, of people of the nations also, if truly God is one, who will declare circumcised people righteous as a result of faith and uncircumcised people righteous by means of their faith.”—Rom. 3:29, 30.
Furthermore, in the ancient Jewish commonwealth, men from other nations could come under God’s favor and blessing by worshiping Jehovah the God of Israel and keeping his law, as did the Gibeonites, the Nethinim (“given ones”) and many alien residents.—Josh. 9:3, 27; Ezra 8:20; 1 Ki. 8:41-43; Num. 9:14.
Although patient and merciful, receiving Israel back when they repented, Jehovah’s patience finally ran out and he cast them off from being his name people. (Luke 13:35; Rom. 11:20-22) The apostle’s statement applies here: “He will render to each one according to his works: . . . tribulation and distress, upon the soul of every man who works what is injurious, of the Jew first and also of the Greek; but glory and honor and peace for everyone who works what is good, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. For there is no partiality with God.”—Rom. 2:6-11.
So while a superficial, short-range view of God’s dealings might appear to reveal partiality, the deeper, long-range view brings to light marvelous impartiality and justice beyond anything man could have conceived. How finely he worked out matters so that all mankind would have opportunity to receive his favor and life!—Isa. 55:8-11; Rom. 11:33.

It should be no surprise to those who read and have faith in the Bible, to hear that these things are coming upon Christendom’s churches. All God’s judgments are written down. It is unmistakably plain that he will judge fornicators and adulterers (Heb. 13:4), sex perverts, idolaters, liars, murderers and those practicing spiritism (Rev. 21:8; 22:15), hypocrites (Matt. 23:29-33) and all those who defile the worship of God, particularly those who do so under the claim of serving him.—1 Cor. 3:17.

When puny men say "no way", he won't tolerate their rebellion forever. It's bad for them, for his worshipers, and for the earth and the animals, even. So he will repay his enemies, to their face. That's why the natural disasters nowadays can't be acts of God. Not just wicked are hurt, and they're not anything supernatural. He doesn't play games with people; he warns them, and if they don't listen, then he acts, and they know it's him acting. 60 times in Ezekiel it says "the nations shall know that I am Jehovah".Interestingly, when the Israelites were God's people, they knew what would happen if they obeyed, and also what would happen if they didn't live up to their end of the covenant. Look at
Deut. 28 to see how Jehovah spelled it out in detail!
Deut7:10 还可以参考诗篇21:9,68:2,箴言2:22,赛59:18,鸿1:2,彼后3:7
texas1802 回复 悄悄话 ding!