

(2009-06-27 07:51:03) 下一个





我和启明的区别,在于他完全否定了中文作为思想载体的功能,甚至将其谴责为万恶之源,把自己彻底变成了笑话,而且他还不听劝告,最后我失去耐心,管他叫“ 绝对零度”。那意思是说他是世上最蠢的人,再没能蠢过他了:)确实如此:既然你说中文丝毫不能作为思维载体,那请问你写中文文章指出这问题岂不是扯淡?






察觉语言的限制则需要外文作为参照系统,但同样可以指出这问题,只是此时必须引入外语单词,而读者也必须懂外语。例如我察觉中文的“可能”包括了 “probable”与“possible”,因此无法判别“亩产万斤粮是可能的”一说的正误,如果那可能是possible,它就一点没错;如果是 probable就完全是扯淡。类似地,指出中文词汇贫乏也需要指出它缺乏哪些词汇,例如implosion这个词中文就没有等价物,不使用外语就无法说清缺的是哪个词。



我在旧作中谈过这问题,( http:///bbs/viewtopic.php?p=2607622&highlight=%E6%B4%BB%E6%B0%B4#2607622 )请你去看看。西学东渐前,中国处在原始野蛮的中古社会中,思维涉及到的概念非常简单,因此词汇极度贫乏,连词汇都没有,怎么可能翻译反映复杂的文明生活的思想和学说?

我上次已经指出了,《论法的精神》第三章是: Of the Principles of the Three Kinds of Government,中文翻译是《三种政体的原则》,这翻译倒灶,应该是“三种政府的原理”,创造出“政体”这个不必要而含混的词,属于故意制造混乱,译者只配被押送五七干校接受再教育,但这也不去说它了,咱们只来看看中文对那“三种政体”的翻译:

Monarchical Government:君主政体

Despotic Government:专制政体

Republican government:共和政体





作者:芦笛 在 芦笛自治区 发贴, 来自 http://www.hjclub.info
阅读会员资料 芦笛离线 发送站内短信

* 【附录】《天演论》头两段中英文对照 -- 芦笛 - (16884 Byte) 2008-7-31 周四, 上午1:48 (96 reads)
* 词汇还好办些。中文的语法太差。 -- 路过 - (125 Byte) 2008-7-30 周三, 下午3:20 (101 reads)
o You, a 低手,can only see the most obvious thing:) -- 芦笛 - (232 Byte) 2008-7-31 周四, 上午2:02 (68 reads)
+ 低手没关系,俺让高手给俺干活儿就是啦:)。给老芦一个obvious反例 -- 路过 - (172 Byte) 2008-7-31 周四, 上午11:32 (33 reads)
# You, a low hand, failed to see the most obvious :( -- 芦笛 - (75 Byte) 2008-7-31 周四, 下午12:56 (31 reads)
* You, a free hand, have the privilege to impose your freehand -- 路过 - (25 Byte) 2008-7-31 周四, 下午1:41 (20 reads)
o 呵呵,也有可能是你老哥的中文太差。不排除这个可能性。 -- 小小衲 - (0 Byte) 2008-7-30 周三, 下午3:39 (22 reads)
+ 呵呵。您要是有过在苛刻限制下翻译严谨技术文献的经历,就会有另一种感觉了。 -- 路过 - (0 Byte) 2008-7-31 周四, 上午11:34 (9 reads)
* 爱你(因为艺术), 恨你(因为科学),一生一世。(嗨,说的是中文,不是芦子)。 -- 小小衲 - (0 Byte) 2008-7-30 周三, 下午2:46 (15 reads)








IT may be safely assumed that, two thousand years ago, before Caesar set foot in southern Britain, the whole country-side visible from the windows of the room in which I write, was in what is called the state of nature. Except, it may be, by raising a few sepulchral mounds, such as those which still, here and there, break the flowing contours of the downs, man\'s hands had made no mark upon it; and the thin veil of vegetation which overspread the broad-backed heights and the shelving sides of the coombs was unaffected by his industry. The native grasses and weeds, the scattered patches of gorse, contended with one another for the possession of the scanty surface soil; they fought against the droughts of summer, the frosts of winter, and the furious gales which swept, with unbroken force, now from the [2] Atlantic, and now from the North Sea, at all times of the year; they filled up, as they best might, the gaps made in their ranks by all sorts of underground and overground animal ravagers. One year with another, an average population, the floating balance of the unceasing struggle for existence among the indigenous plants, maintained itself. It is as little to be doubted, that an essentially similar state of nature prevailed, in this region, for many thousand years before the coming of Caesar; and there is no assignable reason for denying that it might continue to exist through an equally prolonged futurity, except for the intervention of man.

Reckoned by our customary standards of duration, the native vegetation, like the everlasting hills which it clothes, seems a type of permanence. The little Amarella Gentians, which abound in some places to-day, are the descendants of those that were trodden underfoot, by the prehistoric savages who have left their flint tools, about, here and there; and they followed ancestors which, in the climate of the glacial epoch, probably flourished better than they do now. Compared with the long past of this humble plant, all the history of civilized men is but an episode.

Yet nothing is more certain than that, measured by the liberal scale of time-keeping of the universe, this present state of nature, however it may seem to have gone and to go on for ever, is [3] but a fleeting phase of her infinite variety; merely the last of the series of changes which the earth\'s surface has undergone in the course of the millions of years of its existence. Turn back a square foot of the thin turf, and the solid foundation of the land, exposed in cliffs of chalk five hundred feet high on the adjacent shore, yields full assurance of a time when the sea covered the site of the everlasting hills; and when the vegetation of what land lay nearest, was as different from the present Flora of the Sussex downs, as that of Central Africa now is.* No less certain is it that, between the time during which the chalk was formed and that at which the original turf came into existence, thousands of centuries elapsed, in the course of which, the state of nature of the ages during which the chalk was deposited, passed into that which now is, by changes so slow that, in the coming and going of the generations of men, had such witnessed them, the contemporary, conditions would have seemed to be unchanging and unchangeable.

* See On a piece of Chalk in the preceding volume of these Essays (vol. viii. p. 1).

But it is also certain that, before the deposition of the chalk, a vastly longer period had elapsed; throughout which it is easy to follow the traces of the same process of ceaseless modification and of the internecine struggle for existence of living things; and that even when we can get no further [4] back, it is not because there is any reason to think we have reached the beginning, but because the trail of the most ancient life remains hidden, or has become obliterated.

Thus that state of nature of the world of plants which we began by considering, is far from possessing the attribute of permanence. Rather its very essence is impermanence. It may have lasted twenty or thirty thousand years, it may last for twenty or thirty thousand years more, without obvious change; but, as surely as it has followed upon a very different state, so it will be followed by an equally different condition. That which endures is not one or another association of living forms, but the process of which the cosmos is the product, and of which these are among the transitory expressions. And in the living world, one of the most characteristic features of this cosmic process is the struggle for existence, the competition of each with all, the result of which is the selection, that is to say, the survival of those forms which, on the whole, are best adapted, to the conditions which at any period obtain; and which are, therefore, in that respect, and only in that respect, the fittest.* The acme reached by the cosmic [5] process in the vegetation of the downs is seen in the turf, with its weeds and gorse. Under the conditions, they have come out of the struggle victorious; and, by surviving, have proved that they are the fittest to survive.

* That every theory of evolution must be consistent not merely with progressive development, but with indefinite persistence in the same condition and with retrogressive modification, is a point which I have insisted upon repeatedly from the year 1862 till now. See Collected Essays, vol. ii. pp. 461-89; vol. iii. p. 33; vol. viii. p. 304. In the address on Geological Contemporaneity and Persistent Types (1862), the paleontological proofs of this proposition were, I believe, first set forth.

That the state of nature, at any time, is a temporary phase of a process of incessant change, which has been going on for innumerable ages, appears to me to be a proposition as well established as any in modern history.

Paleontology assures us, in addition, that the ancient philosophers who, with less reason, held the same doctrine, erred in supposing that the phases formed a cycle, exactly repeating the past, exactly foreshadowing the future, in their rotations. On the contrary, it furnishes us with conclusive reasons for thinking that, if every link in the ancestry of these humble indigenous plants had been preserved and were accessible to us, the whole would present a converging series of forms of gradually diminishing complexity, until, at some period in the history of the earth, far more remote than any of which organic remains have yet been discovered, they would merge in those low groups among which the Boundaries between animal and vegetable life become effaced.*

* On the Border Territory between the Animal and the Vegetable Kingdoms, Essays, vol. viii. p. 162

[6] The word evolution, now generally applied to the cosmic process, has had a singular history, and is used in various senses.* Taken in its popular signification it means progressive development, that is, gradual change from a condition of relative uniformity to one of relative complexity; but its connotation has been widened to include the phenomena of retrogressive metamorphosis, that is, of progress from a condition of relative complexity to one of relative uniformity.

As a natural process, of the same character as the development of a tree from its seed, or of a fowl from its egg, evolution excludes creation and all other kinds of supernatural intervention. As the expression of a fixed order, every stage of which is the effect of causes operating according to definite rules, the conception of evolution no less excludes that of chance. It is very desirable to remember that evolution is not an explanation of the cosmic process, but merely a generalized statement of the method and results of that process. And, further, that, if there is proof that the cosmic process was set going by any agent, then that agent will be, the creator of it and of all its products, although supernatural intervention may remain strictly excluded from its further course.

So far as that limited revelation of the nature of things, which we call scientific knowledge, has [7] yet gone, it tends, with constantly increasing emphasis, to the belief that, not merely the world of plants, but that of animals; not merely living things, but the whole fabric of the earth; not merely our planet, but the whole solar system; not merely our star and its satellites, but the millions of similar bodies which bear witness to the order which pervades boundless space, and has endured through boundless time; are all working out their predestined courses of evolution.

* See Evolution in Biology, Essays, vol. ii. p. 187

With none of these have I anything to do, at present, except with that exhibited by the forms of life which tenant the earth. All plants and animals exhibit the tendency to vary, the causes of which have yet to be ascertained; it is the tendency of the conditions of life, at any given time, while favouring the existence of the variations best adapted to them, to oppose that of the rest and thus to exercise selection; and all living things tend to multiply without limit, while the means of support are limited; the obvious cause of which is the production of offspring more numerous than their progenitors, but with equal expectation of life in the actuarial sense. Without the first tendency there could be no evolution. Without the second, there would be no good reason why one variation should disappear and another take its place; that is to say there would be no selection. Without the [8] third, the struggle for existence, the agent of the selective process in the state of nature, would vanish.*

* Collected Essays, vol. ii. passim.

Granting the existence of these tendencies, all the known facts of the history of plants and of animals may be brought into rational correlation. And this is more than can be said for any other hypothesis that I know of. Such hypotheses, for example, as that of the existence of a primitive, orderless chaos; of a passive and sluggish eternal matter moulded, with but partial success, by archetypal ideas; of a brand-new world-stuff suddenly created and swiftly shaped by a supernatural power; receive no encouragement, but the contrary, from our present knowledge. That our earth may once have formed part of a nebulous cosmic magma is certainly possible, indeed seems highly probable; but there is no reason to doubt that order reigned there, as completely as amidst what we regard as the most finished works of nature or of man.** The faith which is born of knowledge, finds its object in an eternal order, bringing forth ceaseless change, through endless time, in endless space; the manifestations of the cosmic energy alternating between phases of potentiality and phases of explication. It may be that, as Kant suggests,*** every cosmic [9] magma predestined to evolve into a new world, has been the no less predestined end of a vanished predecessor.

**Ibid., vol. iv. p. 138; vol. v. pp. 71-73. ***Ibid., vol. viii. p. 321.

导言一 察变





导言二 广义



  复案:斯宾塞尔之天演界说曰:“天演者,翕以聚质,辟以散力。方其用事也,物由纯而之杂,由流而之凝,由浑而之画,质力杂糅,相剂为变者也。 ”又为论数十万言,以释此界之例。其文繁衍奥博,不可猝译,今就所忆者杂取而粗明之,不能细也。其所消翕以聚质者,即如日局太始,乃为星气,名涅菩刺斯,布濩六合,其质点本热至大,其抵力亦多,过于吸力。继乃山通吸力收摄成珠,太阳居中,八纬外绕,各各聚质,如今是也。所谓辟以散力者,质聚而为热、为光、为声、为动,未有不耗本力者,此所以今日不如古日之热。地球则日缩,彗星则渐迟,八纬之周天皆日缓,久将迸入而与太阳合体。又地入流星轨中,则见陨石。然则居今之时,日局不徒散力,即合质之事,亦方未艾也。余如动植之长,国种之成,虽为物悬殊,皆循此例矣。所谓由纯之杂者,万化皆始于简易,终于错综。日局始乃一气,地球本为流质,动植类胚胎萌芽,分官最简;国种之始,无尊卑上下君子小人之分,亦无通力合作之事。其演弥浅,其质点弥纯。至于深演之秋,官物大备,则事莫有同,而互相为用焉。所谓山流之凝者,盖流者非他,此流字兼飞质而言。由质点内力甚多,未散故耳。动植始皆柔滑,终乃坚强。草昧之民,类多游牧;城邑土著,文治乃兴,胥此理也。所谓由浑之画者,浑者芜而不精之消,画则有定体而界域分明。盖纯而流者未尝不浑,而杂而凝者,又未必皆画也。且专言由纯之杂,由流之凝,而不言由浑之画,则凡物之病且乱者,如刘、柳元气败为痈痔之说,将亦可名天演。此所以二者之外,必益以由浑之画而后义完也。物至于画,则山壮入老,进极而将退矣。人老则难以学新,治老则笃于守旧,皆此理也。所谓质力杂糅,相剂为变者,亦天演最要之义,不可忽而漏之也。前者言辟以散力矣。虽然,力不可以尽散,散尽则物死,而天演不可见矣。是故方其演也,必有内涵之力,以与其质相剂。力既定质,而质亦笵力,质日异而力亦从而不同焉。故物之少也,多质点之力。何谓质点之力?如化学所谓爱力是已。及其壮也,则多物体之力。凡可见之动,皆此力为之也。更取日局为喻,方为涅菩星气之时,全局所有,几皆点力。至于今则诸体之周天四游,绕轴自转,皆所谓体力之著者矣。人身之血,经肺而合养气;食物入胃成浆,经肝成血,皆点力之事也。官与物尘相接,由涅伏俗曰脑气筋。以达脑成觉,即觉成思,因思起欲,由欲命动,自欲以前,亦皆点力之事。独至肺张心激,胃回胞转,以及拜舞歌呼手足之事,则体力耳。点体二力,互为其根,而有隐见之异,此所谓相剂为变也。天演之义,所苞如此,斯宾塞氏至推之农商工兵、语言文学之间,皆可以天演明其消息所以然之故。苟善悟者深思而自得之,亦一乐也。




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