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上周末,因为刚换了工作,老爸得到指定的银行去开一个户头,以便于direct deposit。于是就和银行的工作人员谈起要给儿子开一个户头。银行办事员倒爽快,“As long as you put something in, I will open one for your son.”。老爸老妈一摸口袋,支票本没带,只好翻皮包找现金--就找出了10钱!银行的办事员一看:“10 dollars is enough!”
老爸老妈回家一忙,又把这茬事给忘了。到了礼拜四,老爸想起来,才问老妈。老爸把银行的记账本交给儿子,告诉他老爸老妈给他放了十块钱。大概是就一个数字,不是实实在在的“钱”,儿子没有了往日拿到十块钱的兴奋,连个谢谢也没有。老爸说:“Son, you can put all your cash into your account now.”
“Then, how can I get my money out?”小财迷最担心他的钱了。
“I will have to go with you since you are still a kid. When you are as old as your sister, you can withdraw money from your account by yourself.”
“So my money will grow in the bank, right?” 还是财迷呀。
“Right. A quarter a year if you put all your money into your account.”
“Yahoo! I will put all money in! Take me to the bank, please!”