

Yangyang is so smart! Meimei is 2 months old

(2009-07-30 20:36:00) 下一个
Yangyang knows all his letters, all his numbers, and many many songs, Chinese and English. Today he was singing 虹彩妹妹 all of a sudden, and he knew all the words in 好一朵美丽的茉莉花。He was playing with the fridge alphabet magnet, and when I put together BINGO, he said B-I-N-G-O bingo is his name.Then he pointed at B-I-N and said, bird in the nest... and more but I couldn't catch the rest. How did he know??? In the bath tub, I got him some foam letters, and he was naming them all: W for watermelon, I for Igloo, ....

He remembers everyone's car. He says, 阿姨开 Toyota,舅舅开 Honda,Kayla 开 Nissan,Tessa 开 Ford Truck.... Sometimes I don't even remember. And of course he will recognize the cars everyone drives.

Yangyang is so smart! His preschool/summer camp teacher also says so.

He is suddenly very aware of Meimei, and he gets a little jealous at times. Just a little, and that makes me feel very bad. I'm glad he is enjoying his school. I want to send him to 5 mornings of preschool starting next week. He is much better off playing with his peers and learn socialization than hanging out with me and Meimei at home (and getting half of my attention).

Meimei is 2 months today! She is very social and loves to coo. Yangyang was not like this. Meimei loves to smile and talk with me. She is so sweet!

I'm so lucky to have the best two kids in the world!

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